DEAR GOD: Sometimes We Need an Extra Hug~


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He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

Psalm 91:1-4 (KJV)



Have you ever been “hugged by God?”

How many of you have felt God’s presence, love & protection?  The purest kind of love that “hugs” you, just when you need it most?

Well, I’m sure most of you reading this, have felt it many times.

Because those of us who have an intimate relationship with the LORD, have a connection that is deeply reciprocal and spiritually responsive to Him, and all that He is.

This current ongoing Pandemic, has created a vortex of misery, for so many. It’s rough and our lives have changed considerably.

And the times can be rougher for some more than others.  Some of these circumstances have been heightened by this horrific virus. Many might be facing ongoing health issues, finances, loneliness, and/or maybe having lost a loved one to this evil cynical life sucking monster of a virus.

Dark times need to be offset by the “Light.”

The source of that light comes from the highest Holy One. The One that can erase the darkness, and send it packing. That powerful Source is our LORD and Savior!

God will always give us a “hug” just when we need it.

I was feeling frustrated, while struggling with the current events of this world, and a family member, who was facing a serious health crisis, along with my medical issues.  I felt both emotionally and physically drained of all energy. In fact, I wanted to curl up into bed, and wrap the covers over my head.   I retreated into my bedroom, Bible in hand, and opened up to Psalm 91:4 (KJV) 

          “He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler…”

I then put on Christian music. And what should come on right after  Psalm 91?  “Eagles Wings” by Josh Groban.

It was right then that I immediately felt “God’s loving hug.” 

It was all good.

He was protecting me and I was under His wings of love, and provision.  Amen!

So today, or tomorrow, or the day after that, and even the day after that.  Just when you’ve had enough, or feel sad, dejected, frustrated, upset, hopeless, struggling with pain, finances, or family issues.  Run…don’t walk… to His word, and wait for “His hug.”  You’ll know it the moment you “feel it.”

His word. His promises. His protection.

His wings that shelter. His love.

That is what “life is about” that is what “makes the difference in all that I do, see, feel and hear.

His word.

His promises.

His love.

It’s what I live for.

His “hug”—no words to describe it.

But as a Christian, you’ll know it when you “feel it.


“My LORD, thank You for the ‘hugs’ you give just when I need them, and all the in between times too, You are my life, my breath, and my everything, I am Yours forever, in Jesus name, Amen.”




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