DEAR GOD: His Power to Help~




And Asa cried out to the LORD his God, and said, “LORD, it is nothing for You to help, whether with many or with those who have no power, help us O LORD our God, for we rest on You…”

2 Chronicles 14:11 (NKJV)


What looks daunting and completely impossible to the average person, is truly “nothing” when it comes to the LORD.  When we fight our battles in surrender to the LORD on our knees, we are “victorious” every single time!  With the LORD in our corner we can never lose. How can we lose when we have the most Powerful Sovereign Being in our corner?

No matter what our backgrounds may be, irrespective of our personal histories, or despite things we’ve done, or failed to do…Our Father invites us to repent and seek Him in all we do.  And when we seek Him, we will find Him, every single time.

We are all facing some pretty challenging times these days, with civil unrest, and the Pandemic still going strong, But 2 Chronicles 20:15  states, Thus says the LORD to you: Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” And that should bring an enormous amount of relief and comfort to anyone who reads it, meditates on it, and grasps the promise of the LORD.

What we’re facing today is adversity, and the LORD uses adversity in lives of the believers for many purposes, all of which are ultimately meant for “good.”  He will limit the amount in which we sustain, each one handling it according to their limits, and He always provides an escape from harsh times.  These become apparent when we live through these trials, and become stronger for it.  And learn and grow exponentially in spirit from each episode.

Fortunately the dark moments last only as long for God to accomplish His purpose in us, and it won’t be long, until the darkness is gone.

That’s power from above.

That’s Love from above.

That’s our Father from above.

And there is none like Him!

“Father God, thank You for Your endless providence over my life, and for honing my spirit through each adversity, I thank You and trust You that all things turn out for good, in Jesus name, Amen.”