DEAR GOD: Shine Your Light LORD in 2021~



The heart of man plans his way,
    but the Lord establishes his steps. Proverbs 16:9 (ESV)


As 2021 comes into focus, one thing is for certain,  I think we can all collectively say, “good riddance. ” 2020 was a devastating year for so many.

Millions of lives were lost, as the Pandemic pulled us into historical events that were life altering.

Far too many individuals lost loved ones,  and far too many became ill.  And thank God,  so many recovered. However, the repercussions were resounding, and the fall-out is still being felt by the world, as it is still ongoing, with a new strain on the horizon!

But as horrific as the past year was…God helped us through it all. As we face 2021 together, let’s cling tight to His promises, His light, and His love.

As we move forward together, let God plan the steps you will take. Let His will predominately be done.

Let His all powerful brilliant light shine upon the world. And in the process, let His love continue healing, leading, and guiding us all in Jesus name, Amen.

The resilience of our spirit is fortified by our faith and by His strength that is inherent in Christians.  For we fight the good fight, we don’t wrestle again the flesh and blood, but we instead fight against the principality of a higher force.

Only God can guide us into battle and temper our souls with His weapon of defense.  And through the storms, the battles, the tears and the earth shattering sadness…there is always but ONE standing. That is our LORD and Savior who conquered the world.  So long ago, victorious and conquered death, that is to say the devil.  And…so…it goes.  We are victorious only through Jesus Christ!

So…hang on my brothers and sisters. Look to His promises and look to the heavens, for the LORD draws near.

This New Year, may God lead us through whatever He has in place for us.  May His hands hold us up, and may we never lose sight of just how powerful our GOD IS!

I have no doubt that this pandemic WILL END.

I have no doubt that this will be a better year.

And I have no doubt that the LORD loves us with the force of ten thousand suns and more.

And I have absolute trust and faith in His promises, every single one of them.

So with that resume, of just who our Father is, and what He is capable of...that alone, is enough to know we will all be okay.

Because no matter what has happened this past year, we know we are here, right now, and He is with us always. And He will never leave us, nor forsake us.

Now allow me to ask this question…With God in our corner, and His prolific love…does it get any better than that?


Happy New Year my brothers and sisters!


“Father God, thank You for allowing us to see another New Year come in, I thank You for Your love, Your light, and Your guidance, may I always walk according to the steps You alone provide, in Jesus name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: Hallelujah! The Holy Child is Born~

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For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. 

 Luke 2:11 (NKJV)


The Messiah is quite often represented as “having been sent as the rich gift of God” who willingly, selflessly, and voluntarily gave us His Son. The Messiah was and is the act of Love, no holds barred. That amazing Love, that ultimately and sacrificially died for us, allowing us to enter into eternal salvation with Him, for those so willing to accept, and follow Him, with fierce determination, and surrender.

The unblemished Lamb became a sacrifice for the sins of the world. That light came to be with us, guiding us, teaching us, leading us, healing us…and so too, this very day…as He is with us in Spirit.  The Comforter from within who allows us to “deliver His words and doctrine” to those who will “hear.”

All those years ago, in a little town of Bethlehem, a Savior was born. He was willing to be born into this world, for us.  He was willing to live with us, in the flesh…to save us. He was willing and able to heal all of those who have faith. To those who follow Him in abject humility the rewards are never ending.

His love is a universal salve that can heal souls, if they are willing.

His love is infamous, and still being spoken about to this very day, even after thousands of years later.

His Spirit is still within the believers who’ve accepted Him as their LORD and Savior, King of kings.


Be of good cheer!

The Light of the world is here!

Shine on sweet Jesus, how we need Your light, more than anything else in this “dark world” —- shine Your light LORD, shine Your light!


“Father, thank You for sending Your Son to save us, all those years ago, thank You for His light, and His love, Praise and exalt You My LORD, forever and always, in Jesus precious name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: The Light of The World~



Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

(John 1:5)  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.


The words of Jesus resonate and reverberate within my soul. as an overwhelming calm embraces my countenance.  That calm, which only Jesus can bring, overrides world circumstances, and societal unrest. Why?  Because God has overcome the world.  And, “Greater is the One in me, than the one in the world.” (1 John 4:4)

With God all things are possible, with man it’s not possible. (Matthew 19:26)


Today, as I read verses, and meditate on His words, in the “Letter He wrote to us, (Bible) the comfort and peace I feel  will take me through all the seconds of the day.  And it doesn’t stop there, as most of you reading this will relate, His word and promises keep me company, in all circumstances.  It can be applied to every given scenario I face today, tomorrow,  and all the days of my life.

There is nothing that is more reassuring, or comforting, than accepting Jesus Christ, as Lord and Savior, while surrendering to His will, and plans for our lives.

He is the anchor, in the storm, that will bring us into safe harbor.

He is the quintessential salve, for our aching souls.

He is the shield, we find refuge in.

He is our everything, for anything, at any time, and any place.

Have you told Him how grateful you are today? 

If not, I invite you do so right now.  He’s listening.

“Father God, thank You for Your light which illuminates my paths, and guides me all the days of my life, I surrender to You, now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”



DEAR GOD: Sometimes We Need an Extra Hug~


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He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

Psalm 91:1-4 (KJV)



Have you ever been “hugged by God?”

How many of you have felt God’s presence, love & protection?  The purest kind of love that “hugs” you, just when you need it most?

Well, I’m sure most of you reading this, have felt it many times.

Because those of us who have an intimate relationship with the LORD, have a connection that is deeply reciprocal and spiritually responsive to Him, and all that He is.

This current ongoing Pandemic, has created a vortex of misery, for so many. It’s rough and our lives have changed considerably.

And the times can be rougher for some more than others.  Some of these circumstances have been heightened by this horrific virus. Many might be facing ongoing health issues, finances, loneliness, and/or maybe having lost a loved one to this evil cynical life sucking monster of a virus.

Dark times need to be offset by the “Light.”

The source of that light comes from the highest Holy One. The One that can erase the darkness, and send it packing. That powerful Source is our LORD and Savior!

God will always give us a “hug” just when we need it.

I was feeling frustrated, while struggling with the current events of this world, and a family member, who was facing a serious health crisis, along with my medical issues.  I felt both emotionally and physically drained of all energy. In fact, I wanted to curl up into bed, and wrap the covers over my head.   I retreated into my bedroom, Bible in hand, and opened up to Psalm 91:4 (KJV) 

          “He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler…”

I then put on Christian music. And what should come on right after  Psalm 91?  “Eagles Wings” by Josh Groban.

It was right then that I immediately felt “God’s loving hug.” 

It was all good.

He was protecting me and I was under His wings of love, and provision.  Amen!

So today, or tomorrow, or the day after that, and even the day after that.  Just when you’ve had enough, or feel sad, dejected, frustrated, upset, hopeless, struggling with pain, finances, or family issues.  Run…don’t walk… to His word, and wait for “His hug.”  You’ll know it the moment you “feel it.”

His word. His promises. His protection.

His wings that shelter. His love.

That is what “life is about” that is what “makes the difference in all that I do, see, feel and hear.

His word.

His promises.

His love.

It’s what I live for.

His “hug”—no words to describe it.

But as a Christian, you’ll know it when you “feel it.


“My LORD, thank You for the ‘hugs’ you give just when I need them, and all the in between times too, You are my life, my breath, and my everything, I am Yours forever, in Jesus name, Amen.”




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DEAR GOD: Praise You Now & Always~

 Praise[the Lord!

Praise the Lord, O my soul!
While I live I will praise the Lord;
I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.

Psalm 146:1-2 (NKJV)


You know the Psalms repeat “sing praises” throughout most of book. Some of us are gifted with ” singing voices” that were given to us by the LORD. Sadly, some of us sound like screeching cats!  But one thing we all can do ultimately on the same level, is “worship” and praise Him all day long!

When we wake up, “Praise You LORD, for I’m seeing another day!”

When we eat our breakfast, “Praise You LORD, for this food before us!”

When we speak to a family member, “Praise You LORD, for my family!”

When we speak to a friend, “Praise You LORD, for my friends!”

When we are not feeling too well, “Praise You LORD, no matter what!”

When we are feeling discouraged, “Praise You LORD, for never leaving me!”

So on and so forth…

In other words, in all we do…in all we see…in all we have…in all we go through, day after day.

Praise Him continuously.

For all HE IS, and all HE has done, since the beginning of time.

For His magnificence, For His Sovereign Power, For His consuming Love and Passion!

When we worship and praise, we receive blessings from above and we are pleasing in His eyes.

When we  worship and praise, He will shower us with a line of defense, and our enemies will flee from us.

Worship and praise.  The single most powerful thing we can do in terms of our lives.  Given to us, and afforded to us, from the One and Only LORD.

He acknowledges those who worship Him.

How can blessings come from above if we don’t worship Him here?

How do enemies run if we sit in doubt and fear, and ignore our LORD?

How do we get through life, good and bad, without our LORD?

Today…as you go through your busy day, take the time to carve out special moments just to tell Him ” how special He is”

Take the time to “enjoy His presence” as you thank Him.

Take the time to “read His word” and embrace His promises.

When you do, and do it readily every day, the transformation that will emerge while doing so, will be indescribable and life changing!

Go ahead, look up!

He’s waiting to hear from you.


“O’ LORD my love, my everything, thank You for this day, thank You for my life, thank You for Your promises, Your word, Your Love, and Your grace, I live for You, all the days of my life, in Jesus name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: His Power to Help~




And Asa cried out to the LORD his God, and said, “LORD, it is nothing for You to help, whether with many or with those who have no power, help us O LORD our God, for we rest on You…”

2 Chronicles 14:11 (NKJV)


What looks daunting and completely impossible to the average person, is truly “nothing” when it comes to the LORD.  When we fight our battles in surrender to the LORD on our knees, we are “victorious” every single time!  With the LORD in our corner we can never lose. How can we lose when we have the most Powerful Sovereign Being in our corner?

No matter what our backgrounds may be, irrespective of our personal histories, or despite things we’ve done, or failed to do…Our Father invites us to repent and seek Him in all we do.  And when we seek Him, we will find Him, every single time.

We are all facing some pretty challenging times these days, with civil unrest, and the Pandemic still going strong, But 2 Chronicles 20:15  states, Thus says the LORD to you: Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” And that should bring an enormous amount of relief and comfort to anyone who reads it, meditates on it, and grasps the promise of the LORD.

What we’re facing today is adversity, and the LORD uses adversity in lives of the believers for many purposes, all of which are ultimately meant for “good.”  He will limit the amount in which we sustain, each one handling it according to their limits, and He always provides an escape from harsh times.  These become apparent when we live through these trials, and become stronger for it.  And learn and grow exponentially in spirit from each episode.

Fortunately the dark moments last only as long for God to accomplish His purpose in us, and it won’t be long, until the darkness is gone.

That’s power from above.

That’s Love from above.

That’s our Father from above.

And there is none like Him!

“Father God, thank You for Your endless providence over my life, and for honing my spirit through each adversity, I thank You and trust You that all things turn out for good, in Jesus name, Amen.”