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John 4:8 8

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love .


Love is a gift.

Love has been the inspiration for movies, books, poems, art; etc.  It is the conversation that leads most gatherings, and it is the cornerstone of Christianity.


Love heightens our spiritual intensity, and touches our hearts lending ways to garner strength when needed, and comfort when warranted, and peace that will surpass cataclysmic circumstances.

What kind of love can do all that… you may ask? 

The answer is straight to the point overly obvious to any Christian and person of faith…Our LORD!

God loves us beyond measure.

God loves us with a love that is incomprehensible.

God loves us with a love that cuts to the sunder.

God loves us with a clarity that is easily recognizable.

God loves us with unwavering grace and forgiveness.

And most of all…God is Love.

The USA celebrates Thanksgiving tomorrow.  Its a time of reflection, to give thanks for our blessings, for our family, friends, and for our freedom.

But most of all giving thanks for the LORD, and His unparalleled love.

Loving God, is to be loved, and to experience love.


He is Love.

His Word is love.

His voice is Love.

Love of the LORD.

There’s nothing like it… 

“My loving Yahweh, thank You for all blessings, and gifts which come straight from above, my Lord and Father of Lights, thank You for caring enough about me, to send Your Son, and thank You for the endless providence You speak over my life, I love YOU Abba Father, now and always in Jesus name, Amen.”