DEAR GOD: Light Will Always Cancel The Dark~




In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

John 1:4-5 (NKJV)



You ever notice that light can shine on “filth” but not get filthy?

Or that light can filter out the darkness in a room…but the darkness doesn’t filter out the light?

Jesus is the Light of the World.

He can touch sin.  But he will not be touched by the sin.

Jesus the Light of the World.  He IS and always will BE the Light.

When times get dark, and darker still, that’s when Jesus’ light gets even brighter.  It engages us, and ignites the spark  we need to get out of the dark spell, in which we are under.

Light is Jesus.

Jesus is Light.

I always feel better in the light. I prefer the long days of summer, and dread the short dark days of winter.  Warmth of summer and its light is a constant reminder of Jesus.

Winter days are short and darkness comes calling early, which makes it colder still without the sunlight.   Again, without Jesus as my light, the days would be dark and cold.

I’m comparing the season to the Light and His love, because essentially He is everywhere and in everything. We really just need to look a little closer and observe a little bit more than we normally do. If you do, you will find Jesus everywhere!

In these days, remember that Light diffuses darkness.  And darkness cannot diffuse light.  So…remember that as a rule of thumb, the LIGHT is indestructible and will always be and never change.

“Lord thank You for Your light, and Your love, may I always look to the light for all I do, and look to You for all I am, in Jesus name, Amen.”




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