DEAR GOD: Empty Days?—Not With God!




 You have made known to me the ways of life; You will make me full of joy in Your presence. 

Acts 2:28 (NKJV)


Christians who spend time with the LORD can never find their days “empty.”  Ostensibly, it’s the total opposite when the LORD fills your days.  Life is full of joy and strength, and His promises that will hoister those who are downtrodden, and uplift those who feel desolate.

Following Christ is not without rewards, although we might be mocked along the way, (as told by Jesus) we are inherent heirs of the Messiah, who redeemed us.  Thus, we are awarded, God given inalienable rights, when we partake of Jesus and His commandments.  We are sealed as children of Christ when we accept Him as our LORD and Savior.  The Holy Spirit will guide us, and protect us, and fulfill us in ways that nothing else can.

Days filled with the LORD can be truly amazing in all aspects, each and every second of our lives.

There will be ups and downs, and rough terrain along the way.  But the difference for believers versus non-believers…is that we will get through it and recognize the storm won’t last forever.  We will cling to the One who will always provide and support us through every moment in our lives. And, we will be stronger for it.

“Father God, thank You for Your strength, light, providence, and protection in my life, You are all I need in all I do, and I am filled with joy and fulness because of You, in Jesus name, Amen.”


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John 4:8 8

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love .


Love is a gift.

Love has been the inspiration for movies, books, poems, art; etc.  It is the conversation that leads most gatherings, and it is the cornerstone of Christianity.


Love heightens our spiritual intensity, and touches our hearts lending ways to garner strength when needed, and comfort when warranted, and peace that will surpass cataclysmic circumstances.

What kind of love can do all that… you may ask? 

The answer is straight to the point overly obvious to any Christian and person of faith…Our LORD!

God loves us beyond measure.

God loves us with a love that is incomprehensible.

God loves us with a love that cuts to the sunder.

God loves us with a clarity that is easily recognizable.

God loves us with unwavering grace and forgiveness.

And most of all…God is Love.

The USA celebrates Thanksgiving tomorrow.  Its a time of reflection, to give thanks for our blessings, for our family, friends, and for our freedom.

But most of all giving thanks for the LORD, and His unparalleled love.

Loving God, is to be loved, and to experience love.


He is Love.

His Word is love.

His voice is Love.

Love of the LORD.

There’s nothing like it… 

“My loving Yahweh, thank You for all blessings, and gifts which come straight from above, my Lord and Father of Lights, thank You for caring enough about me, to send Your Son, and thank You for the endless providence You speak over my life, I love YOU Abba Father, now and always in Jesus name, Amen.”




DEAR GOD: Thankful For All Things With You~


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There is a way to live the big of giving thanks in all things. It is this: to give thanks in this one small thing. The moments will add up. I, too, had read it often, the oft-quoted verse: “And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ”

Ephesians 5:20


Yesterday, I was caught in a brief downpour while driving to the local market. That rain couldn’t have been more welcome. First, because we need it to replenish our reservoir, so thank You LORD!  Second, I had the biggest splash of “bird poo” on my windshield that wouldn’t come off, no matter how many times I used my wiper fluid!  It seemed to hang on, and weathered the detergent overload that I repeated about ten times.  It wasn’t budging.  That was until the downpour came and washed it all away!  So, thank you LORD!

Giving thanks and acknowledgement to the LORD, for all things big and small is a way to express adoration, exaltation, and appreciation to our Sovereign King. It is a way of fine tuning into a greater perspective ,of who our LORD really is. It is His infinite wisdom, and prolific power, that garnishes all aspects of our existence, today, tomorrow, always.

When we realize that we cannot undertake anything without Him, in the equation of our life, we begin to gain traction into our Christianity, hence, our roots of spirituality, inherently deepen.

Giving thanks for all things, each day from the moment we wake, to the moment we turn in for the night, is a way to honor Him, love Him, and worship Him.

So the next time you have something going on, no matter how insignificant you may think it is—remember—There isn’t anything too big, or too small for our God to handle!

“Abba Father, thank You for all things big and small in my life, and for  Your grace and love while guiding me through it all, all glory and honor belong to You my LORD forever and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”




DEAR GOD: Walking in Your Will~











And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the LORD, and not unto men; knowing that of the LORD ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the LORD Christ. Be he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.  Colossians 3:23-25 (KJV)


We can’t change our past, but we can change the direction of the future, when we’re walking in His will.  Stepping outside the will of God can bring about inescapable consequences as a direct result of living outside the parameters of the “will of God.”

Surrendering to the LORD, and listening to His will and voice, will no doubt, bring about greater rewards, than we could ever imagine were at all possible.

Listening to God, and not “the will of others” or more to the point, individuals, who purport what we “should and should not do,” is not adhering to the purpose, and will of God, for our lives.

Not to say, it isn’t good to “fellowship” with others, sharpening irons together, as we encourage each other in the Word, that is a good thing.  However to “listen to men/women, in place of God’s voice, and purpose, that is not walking in the will of the LORD.  And to do so, will inherently maneuver us in the opposite direction of God’s way, or purpose.

There is always a price to pay, when we step outside of the “will of God”—that is a guarantee.

So many stories in the Bible, can point to the consequences of actions, when we walk outside the will of God; “Adam and Eve;  King David with Bathsheba; and Jonah.  These are a mere few examples,  there are so many others. These individuals carved out a totally different scenario, by not listening to God and His will.

Listening to the LORD, no matter how you might want to go in another direction, thinking it “doesn’t feel right” — stop, and take a deep breath, and trust God, with all your might. (Proverbs 3:5-8) And just be still, know that He is God. (Psalm 46:10)

Being disobedient to God, ultimately has repercussions, and can bring us into choppy seas, without a “Master” at the helm. It would be foolish to do so.  And yet, many do just that. Trying to chart waters by our own devices, without listening to “His Will,” could invariably result in a treacherous outcome.

Holding on, when the times get troublesome, can be challenging at best, but knowing what His will is for our lives, is what makes it manageable…and encouraging.  Why? Because God will never leave us, nor deny us His guidance and help.  Why? Because He loves us!

Shhh.  Do you “hear Him?”  Are you listening to His will and purpose for your life?  Tune in to the LORD, and His will, and watch how He could turn your life around in ways that will astound, and amaze you.

Why? Because He is our AMAZING GOD!

“Father God, thank You for Your will for my life, and Your instructions, may I always follow Your voice, and obey Your will all the days of my life, in Jesus name, Amen.”




DEAR GOD: Your Grace & Power Will Save Us~




Therefore I will look unto the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me. 

Micah 7:7 (KJV)


In Micah, Chapter 7, the society in Israel were inherently corrupt. There were individuals that turned their back on God, and facing dark times as the results of their actions.  However, despite the blatant flaws, and sinning that was taking place, God, was still present. In fact, He still promised to lead them out of the dark, and into His precious Light.

Micah, was filled with an abundance of unwavering faith, and his heart was afflicted with pain, due to the circumstances affecting the people.  He waited upon the LORD, and knew that God would not only hear his heart wrenching prayers, but would honor him by saving him too.

This promise of the LORD isn’t just for Micah, its for ALL of us as well, right now…here…and in present day times.  Just as Micah fully realized that God was going to hear, and acknowledge his pleas and prayers, and save him at the right time, so too will He do the same for us!

Even though so many of us are facing hard times. Especially arduous and fundamentally dark times, with the pandemic and civil unrest in the world, can makes us feel frustrated, helpless, and lackluster.  But in the overall equation, and scheme of things, God is in the midst, ever present…and always with us.

This season we’re correctly embroiled in, should be a time of strength and restoration, through God and His promises.  And this, my dear brothers and sisters,  is when Christians should “rally” and be of good cheer. As God orders us in Joshua 1:9 “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest” 

Although our “season” right now, might be far from perfect,  perhaps we’re facing a personal challenge, illness, or a horrific tragedy, we need to stay focused on God, as only He can pull us through our trials and tribulations. He is our anchor in the stormy seas of life. The steadfast omnipotent and overwhelming calming presence of peace.

God sees, and hears us. He feels, and knows our pain. But, just as He delivered Micah, and the people, and saved them. So too, shall He save us, when we lift up our hearts, and countenance, and look to Him, for our saving and divine grace.

Look to the ONE who can and will save. Amen!


“Dear LORD, I know that You are with me always, and that You see all, know all, and hear all, and it is because of this, I am filled with confidence, joy and acceptance of Your will and purpose for my life, now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Light Will Always Cancel The Dark~




In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

John 1:4-5 (NKJV)



You ever notice that light can shine on “filth” but not get filthy?

Or that light can filter out the darkness in a room…but the darkness doesn’t filter out the light?

Jesus is the Light of the World.

He can touch sin.  But he will not be touched by the sin.

Jesus the Light of the World.  He IS and always will BE the Light.

When times get dark, and darker still, that’s when Jesus’ light gets even brighter.  It engages us, and ignites the spark  we need to get out of the dark spell, in which we are under.

Light is Jesus.

Jesus is Light.

I always feel better in the light. I prefer the long days of summer, and dread the short dark days of winter.  Warmth of summer and its light is a constant reminder of Jesus.

Winter days are short and darkness comes calling early, which makes it colder still without the sunlight.   Again, without Jesus as my light, the days would be dark and cold.

I’m comparing the season to the Light and His love, because essentially He is everywhere and in everything. We really just need to look a little closer and observe a little bit more than we normally do. If you do, you will find Jesus everywhere!

In these days, remember that Light diffuses darkness.  And darkness cannot diffuse light.  So…remember that as a rule of thumb, the LIGHT is indestructible and will always be and never change.

“Lord thank You for Your light, and Your love, may I always look to the light for all I do, and look to You for all I am, in Jesus name, Amen.”




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