DEAR GOD: My Hope is in YOU~




Psalm 25:4-5

Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. 

Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.


Life is life, with its inevitable “ups and downs” and its “turn arounds”  and all the “in-betweens” — but what is “life” without the “Life & Light & Truth” of the world?

The answer is “no life at all.”

Christians, have the inherent assurance of being blessed, by His promises.  We have the confidence in knowing, that being redeemed by Christ, we have a place at His table in Paradise, for eternity.

This semblance of “temporary existence” is but a stop-over, on our way to our “permanent home.”  However, while  we are here in this “temporary abode”  we all have a job to do, and do it we must. According to His will, the best we can, when we can, and all we can.

Seeing the chaotic scenarios emblazoned across the newspapers, and social media, and the TV sets,  is unsettling.  But knowing Christ, it is so soothing to our “spirit.”

In God we trust.

In God we believe.

In God we breathe.

In God we have light.

In God we have truth.

In God we have LIFE.

Now, isn’t GOD AMAZING?

Hope in Him and feel the power of His love!


“Father God, I am so grateful, and blessed, for Your promises, and for Your protection, and provisions over my life, now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”