DEAR GOD: You Breathe Life into My Soul~



And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. 

Genesis 2:7 NKJV


Just when I feel like I can’t breathe, due to the overtaxing emotional status of this world, the strain of everyday issues,  and the pandemic…He breathes life into me!

How?  — Through His Word, His message, His promises, and His love and His Spirit!

When God leaned over and “breathed” His own “breath of life” into man’s nostrils in Genesis, He placed life within him. This very breath of life, is done again in John 20:22, when Jesus imparts new life into all of His disciples.

So, what then is the breath of God?

It’s the life, and power of God, given to us, by Him.

The Hebrew word for spirit is Ruach, meaning “wind, breath, air, spirit.”

The life of God lives on and on.  And it’s only through Him, we live on forever.

The question is where will we live? 

Do we freely accept Him, and surrender to His will, and purpose for our lives?

Do we follow closely, and align ourselves with His doctrine, in all that we endeavor to take on?

Do we love Him, with all our heart, mind, body, strength and soul?

When we do, we are promised the rewards of eternity.

Our inherent rights as Christians, will  resonate to all we encounter when we follow His voice. He brings life, and peace to every aspect of our being.  Life under extreme times of trials and tribulations, can be overcome, but only THROUGH HIM. Not of our own accord.

Don’t let the stagnation of “the world” cut off your breath.

Instead, let His breath “breathe” life, and freshness, into your air.

O’ the sweet scent of His breath…this is all that I live for!



“Father God, thank You for taking time to love me, refresh me, and breathe life into me continuously, all the days of my life, and beyond, in Jesus name, Amen.”