DEAR GOD: You Know What’s in My Heart~


(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

Matthew 7:32 (KJV)

There have been times where I’ve been asked, “how do you pray?”  Or, “what do you pray?

My answer?  “From my heart to His Heart.”

He knows what we need before we even ask.  Most notably in Matthew, Jesus tells us “not to worry about anything” for the Father will take care of us, like He does the Lilies of the field, and the birds of the air.  He provides for nature, and for the creatures, how much more will He care for us? (Matthew 6:25-29)

He knows our heart and what we have in our heart, and in our minds, and in our thoughts.  So, it’s an individual thing how we pray. It is a relationship with the Father that is important, not the “words” we choose to pray, or memorize.  Sure, the “Word” in the Bible is essentially important to know, and understand God’s plan for us.  And knowing the Bible, and the books, and the Gospels are important, that isn’t to what I’m referring.

What I’m trying to say, as I’ve said to many people I’ve had this discussion with is this: “We each have an individual relationship with Jesus.”  It’s personal and one-on-0ne.

There is no “right” way to speak to the Father, other than from your heart, to his heart.  Whatever you need to say, or want…He already knows before you utter it.  Consequently, it’s the desire to “seek Him” that is clearly critical in our overall Christian faith and belief.

When we seek Him, and His Kingdom, and His righteousness, all of these things shall be given, or added unto us.  (Matthew 7:33)

Speak to Him from “your heart to His” and watch how fast you can connect to Him in the spiritual realm of intimacy.  There is truly nothing that can compare to a “relationship with Jesus” –nothing comes close.



“Father, God thank You for knowing my heart and granting me access to Your heart, I thank You for each second of my life, and give glory to You all the days of my life and beyond, in Jesus name, Amen.”