DEAR GOD: Nothing New Under The Sun~



That which has been is what will be,
That which is done is what will be done,
And there is nothing new under the sun. 

Ecclesiastes 1:9 (NKJV)

King Solomon, is emphatic about describing “life” on earth, and the vain folly of people in terms of existing, when God is left out of the equation of our lives.  So Solomon, reiterates throughout the book, how “vanity” and empty life is…without God.

There is no differentiation whether poor, rich, old or young; no matter how wonderful life may seem “under the sun”…it truly has no value to any of us, without our Father, God.

If we are expecting something “new” to fill any void that we might have…it is an exercise in futility. Life can be monotonous and mundane. In fact, more so than we’d openly admit…that’s why we need God to fulfill our purpose, and replenish our souls.

Look, let’s face it.  Political scenarios have been ongoing since the “beginning of time” and inasmuch, empires rise and fall. Nothing new there, right?

There have been innumerable periods of unrest, that have resulted in wars,  followed by decades of peace.  But soon, things happen, and there goes the cycle, more wars, more unrest “under the sun.” More generations…and more issues…and so on and so forth.

Things and situations, can cause “depletion of our souls,” if we allow it. It can consume our legs of peace, and sanity, if we don’t recognize and include God in all we do. We get weary, and so we need God.

Things can exhaust our minds, or we can become bored with the sameness of our routines.  But with our Lord, Jesus Christ, we can have an almost perfect existence…though Him.

Life, no matter what the circumstances are in the world, can be a lot more tolerable and easier to navigate, with God.

One thing is certain, life is satisfying with Him, at the center of our existence, delightful in fact.

When we understand who God is, and what He is capable of, and connect to Him…life is pleasant, “under the sun.

Comprehending the true meaning of what Christ did for us, and knowing that we’re children of God, makes living a whole different type of experience “under the sun.”

Revere God…and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of being a Christian, and living life according to His will, and purpose in all we do, or attempt to endeavor.

God is the “same” since the beginning of time.   He created all things, and by Him, all things were made. Not one thing was made that wasn’t made by Him.  Right? Including the very “sun” that Solomon refers to.

Without Him, life can be a boring charade of vanity, and endless nonsense.

With Him…life is vital and exciting.

The only thing that is “new under the sun,” is how much we can accelerate  in obeying Him, and increase our love for Him. That can change by raising it exponentially each and every second we live! So that another day, is another way of loving Him.

Let your love grow deeper, as you embrace Christ, and His limitless love.
