DEAR GOD: Nothing New Under The Sun~



That which has been is what will be,
That which is done is what will be done,
And there is nothing new under the sun. 

Ecclesiastes 1:9 (NKJV)

King Solomon, is emphatic about describing “life” on earth, and the vain folly of people in terms of existing, when God is left out of the equation of our lives.  So Solomon, reiterates throughout the book, how “vanity” and empty life is…without God.

There is no differentiation whether poor, rich, old or young; no matter how wonderful life may seem “under the sun”…it truly has no value to any of us, without our Father, God.

If we are expecting something “new” to fill any void that we might have…it is an exercise in futility. Life can be monotonous and mundane. In fact, more so than we’d openly admit…that’s why we need God to fulfill our purpose, and replenish our souls.

Look, let’s face it.  Political scenarios have been ongoing since the “beginning of time” and inasmuch, empires rise and fall. Nothing new there, right?

There have been innumerable periods of unrest, that have resulted in wars,  followed by decades of peace.  But soon, things happen, and there goes the cycle, more wars, more unrest “under the sun.” More generations…and more issues…and so on and so forth.

Things and situations, can cause “depletion of our souls,” if we allow it. It can consume our legs of peace, and sanity, if we don’t recognize and include God in all we do. We get weary, and so we need God.

Things can exhaust our minds, or we can become bored with the sameness of our routines.  But with our Lord, Jesus Christ, we can have an almost perfect existence…though Him.

Life, no matter what the circumstances are in the world, can be a lot more tolerable and easier to navigate, with God.

One thing is certain, life is satisfying with Him, at the center of our existence, delightful in fact.

When we understand who God is, and what He is capable of, and connect to Him…life is pleasant, “under the sun.

Comprehending the true meaning of what Christ did for us, and knowing that we’re children of God, makes living a whole different type of experience “under the sun.”

Revere God…and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of being a Christian, and living life according to His will, and purpose in all we do, or attempt to endeavor.

God is the “same” since the beginning of time.   He created all things, and by Him, all things were made. Not one thing was made that wasn’t made by Him.  Right? Including the very “sun” that Solomon refers to.

Without Him, life can be a boring charade of vanity, and endless nonsense.

With Him…life is vital and exciting.

The only thing that is “new under the sun,” is how much we can accelerate  in obeying Him, and increase our love for Him. That can change by raising it exponentially each and every second we live! So that another day, is another way of loving Him.

Let your love grow deeper, as you embrace Christ, and His limitless love.







DEAR GOD: You Make Me Feel Brand New~



Therefore we do not become discouraged [spiritless, disappointed, or afraid]. Though our outer self is [progressively] wasting away, yet our inner self is being [progressively] renewed day by day.

2 Corinthians 4:16 (AMP)



In Psalm 51:10, David asks; “create in me a clean heart, O God,”
And renew a steadfast spirit within me.”   

God does just that. We have a renewed spirit thanks be to our Savior, Jesus Christ.

The world is seemingly falling apart. Although I witness many of this through the media, articles and such; and though I am getting older each day, thank God through Him, my spirit soars and is renewed continuously by His grace and love.

Challenging times? With God it’s bearable.

Feeling weak?   With God we are strengthened.

Feeling bogged down?  With God our burdens are lifted.

Frustrated by circumstances?  With God we always find a way out.

Aging in place?  With God our spirit is renewed and fortified daily.

Realize the magnitude of the God we serve.

Realize the expansive capacity of His love.

Realize the intensity of His sovereign power.

Realize the infinite scope of His prolific omnipotence.

And finally, realize that with Him in our life, there isn’t anything, or anyone, or any situation that can withstand the awesomeness of God.

He is our everything and He is our all!

“My Father God, how grateful I am for Your grace and limitless mercy, You sustain, nourish, and renew my soul and spirit each day, through Your word, Your love and Your compassion, I thank You in Jesus Christ name, Amen.” 







1 Corinthians 15: 42-44 (NIV)

So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; 43 it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; 44 it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.

DEAR GOD: Misapprehension Fades As We Pray~

Luke 6:12

In these days he went out to the mountain to pray, and all night he continued in prayer to God







Psalm 95:6

Come, let us worship and bow down,
Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.


People frequently labor under misapprehensions.  You know to which I refer, like “false narratives.”

There are things that can bring us to our knees in search of the answers, and help. However, at the same time, we should get on our knees in thanks of God, and His prolific love, and truth every day of our life.

He, is essentially the barometer of morality, and understanding in all things.  As we go through life, we experience transformations, on every level, from birth to death.

There are milestones, that we will hit (with God’s grace), like turning sixteen,  twenty-one, or thirty (those were the days! LOL) and hopefully, many other blockbuster birthdays.

There are weddings, a newborn baby. Mega moments in time, thanks be to God.  During these travels, and magnus opus celebrations, we always want to aspire to do the will of God, and walk according to His Word, all the days of our life, until our final breath, and beyond.

So if something is baffling to you today, or causing discord in your family, or you’re searching for answers to personal conflicts. Please seek God, and His answers and truth.  He will help you sort out whatever it is that is puzzling you, or disturbing you, or bringing anxious thoughts to your mind, body, heart and soul.

The LORD provides clarity, and will open your eyes, and ears when you desire to “know Him,” and follow Him, with sincerity, while surrendering to His will.

Situations and individuals, can be disappointing, but God will never let us down. His promises emerge fresh, and new, each time You seek Him, and His Kingdom.  His Word will quicken, and bring a flash of reality, and comfort for whatever is ailing you.

Look up and Ask, “it will be answered.”

Seek Him in all you do, “He will be found.”

Knock on heavens door, “it will be opened.”


“Father God, thank You, for Your truth, guidance, answers, and love each and everyday of my life, in Jesus name, Amen.”



Matthew 7:7

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.


Matthew 6:7

“And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words.


Philippians 4:6-7

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


Luke 18:1

And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.


2 Chronicles 7:14

If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

DEAR GOD: Tides of Life~



See the source image

You rule the raging of the sea; when its waves rise, you still them.

Psalm 89:9


It’s been said, that there are only two things in life that are certain, taxes and death, or something like that.

But I beg to differ.  I personally feel, there are only two things in life that I’m certain of.  God, who is forever. And “Life” which is forever.

I believe in Christ, the Son of God, and accepted Him as my Lord and Savior since I was a child. Henceforth, I’m guaranteed by the LORD’s very own words, after my life is over here on earth, that I will be awarded Eternal Life!

During the tides of life, we will experience ups and downs. And like the tide, constantly moving. There is nothing stagnant about tides.  And that’s a good thing, because life can become incredibly boring, if it were to stay the same forever.

The changes that invariably emerge, are at times welcoming, and overwhelmingly happy.  Ostensibly, there are times, when it is not something we want to experience. It can be unexpected, and bring about a total transformation in life, and our routine might become lost in the abyss.

But with God, that is with us at all times, the changing Tides can be the difference of “drowning,” or “hopping into a lifeboat.”

With God, we can navigate the waters with an inevitable sense of ease that feeds our souls with peace, despite the raging tides all around us.

God, wants us to keep His promises in mind, (Isaiah 43:26) so that we can be justified and strengthened.  He can bring us through whatever it is we’re going through.

He also wants us to know, that He will never bring us into a situation that we can’t handle. Or what we’re going through, isn’t uncommon to others who have experienced it as well. (2 Corinthians 10:13)

The importance of His Word, and trusting in Him for the tides of life, is conducive to healing our spirits and setting our souls afloat in the raging seas.

How are you coping with the tides of life? 



“Father God,  thank You for the peace and promises that Your word brings, and thank You for the changing tides in life,  from one day to the next. Your love and Spirit define my paths and eternity, in Jesus name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Adversity is God’s Bridge to His Heart~

See the source image



It has been said that adversity often times, is God’s bridge to His heart. (Charles Stanley)  So have no fear, God commands us to have courage…

And that quote is quite often expressed by many, myself included. Especially when emerging from the throes of a deep dark and treacherous valley.  When we eclipse the darkness as His light and brilliance takes hold, and lifts us out of the depths of catastrophic events, we quite often see the rainbow soon thereafter.

There may be times when it doesn’t happen so quickly, but somewhere down the line, we will eventually see why we experienced what we did, and we will galvanize new grounds of spirituality because of it.  Because of “God’s grace” and His glory that brought us through it, and His unmerited grace that rewards us for it afterwards.

We can’t experience growth without growing pains. Anything that is of worth will invariably cause sacrifices along the way.

It’s sort of like a see saw.  We can’t go up without first being down. And we can’t ride a see saw without another person on the other end, now can we?

God is at the other end of “our spiritual see-saw” so to speak.  He brings us up, when we are down.

Spirituality is about “balances and rewards” and growth in all we endeavor during our life here on earth.

The joy overtakes the sorrow.  Our roots multiply and become securely anchored with each transition, which overwhelmingly allows us to become grafted more and more unto the LORD and His presence.

Embrace each moment of your life. Good and bad…there are reasons for both. God knows why. God knows how. God knows when. And God doles out the love through each second of which we breathe.

I don’t know where any of you are at this moment in time, as you read this post. Some may be in a valley, filled with despair.  Some may be emerging from the valley. And some may be in the midst of a good plentiful tide.  Take heart through it all, no matter where you are, and remember…God is with us each day, every moment and beyond.

His heart is waiting for us as we cross the bridge of adversity, His heart is waiting for us as we emerge from a valley. And His heart is waiting for during the plentiful tides of life.  In other words…He is with us for all the seasons and seconds of our life.

Remember God “commands us” to have no fear, to be strong and courageous.  Joshua 1:9 tells us so…straight from the Lord’s Word.  Believe it…hold it in your heart…and most important…run over that bridge right to the Father’s heart. Amen!


“Father God, how grateful we are to have such a merciful and loving Father, who will never leave us no matter what crossroads we encounter, all the days of our lives, we thank You and lift You high above all the rest, in Jesus precious name, Amen.”





Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning: let us solace ourselves with loves.

Proverbs 7:18 (KJV)



Solace in His promises, and in His love, quells and lulls me to sleep in patterns of contentment, nightly.

My sanctuary, my LORD.

In the morning…I’m thankful for another day, by His grace, to accomplish that which He has set before me.

He guides my paths, and lends me wisdom in all I endeavor.

This is who God is.

This is what God does.

This is how He operates.

And, this is SOLACE of souls.



“Father God, praise You, and Your Holy name, this day and always, thank You, for Your Peace, and Love, in Jesus name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Early Morning With Thoughts of You~


Psalm 5:3

In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.


It’s three in the morning. It’s silent in the house. Not a creature was stirring, and my neighbor’s cat just found a mouse!   Looking out into the night sky, I take a great big sigh.  The world is in a mess,  I don’t recognize the world, I must confess.  But…with God in my heart, and His Spirit inside me, I’m able to stay confident, because with Him I’m free!

I woke up at three in the morning and everything I said above is true.  Well the part about the neighbor’s cat I’m not sure. However,  I do know Lu-Lu does find small field mice nightly, as told by my elderly neighbor. “Lu-Lu goes into the woods to retrieve her treasures” Mrs. Johnson regales. So last night might have been one of Lu-Lu’s treasured nights!

Thoughts concerning the world,  civil unrest, along with the current, and interminably long, lingering Pandemic, can intrude into the fibers of our very being.

How can this happen? It’s because of daily exposure to disturbing events, that parade before our very eyes. Some might become desensitized due to incessant views. While some may progressively get worse, in terms of anxiety, or projections as they think,  “what’s going to happen to our future?”

How do we deal with anxious thoughts?

I can only tell you what I do.  I RUN TO GOD!

In the middle of the morning hours, I chose to pray and ask for His presence, and praised Him for His glory.  As I prayed, and worshipped my LORD, a sense of ease and fulfillment, washed over me within minutes.  My essence was overflowing with His essence, and presence.  His Spirit was with me, as evidenced by the  transition of uneasiness, to tranquility, which resonated in every fiber of my being.

When we press closer to Him.  He in turn presses closer to us.

When we praise Him and turn our thoughts exclusively to Him, we no longer have the “unwanted images and events” of what we may have witnessed on the news, or social media. It’s washed away with His love, His tender promises, and His blood.  The Blood of Christ.

There is a hymn “Are you washed in the Blood of Christ” Elisha Hoffman 1878 (I’ve pasted it down below)  that expresses beautifully, the message in which I seek to convey today. It’s a good hymn for today’s times especially. Powerfully soothing and encouraging.

When we are washed in His blood, we can withstand all things…through Him...only by Himand in Him.  Not by our own power, but by His power.

Take heart, as His heart is with you.

Be free, as His blood allows you to do so.

And most important, stand in His promises, because no matter what it looks like around you, He defeated the World, and all things are possible with God.

He will never leave us, ever.

That’s a promise you can hold on to forever!


“Father, thank You for silencing any qualms that arise within, Your presence and promises assure me that I’m protected and loved, twenty-four hours a day, I pray for Your light to chase the darkness from the world, and for Your love to stomp out the hate, in Jesus precious name I pray, Amen.”


Proverbs 8:17

I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.

Psalm 63:1

You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.