DEAR GOD: Handle With Care~


Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

Matthew 19:21 (NLT)


Do you handle special treasures of yours with care?

Do you take the time to protect things that are of importance to you?

Items that are meaningful, or delicate, are seemingly handled with ultra special care.  Some might take the time to place them above all else, or speak about them with love and pride.

So then,  may I ask, how are you handling the grandest and most precious Treasure of all?  That Treasure would be our LORD of course.  Our most amazing gift, our LORD and Savior. The Light of the world that is unparalleled. His love should be handled with care.  And without question, He must be front and center of our life. He should factor in all of the equations of our lifetime. Because, without Him, there aren’t any equations to factor.

His Presence, the Holy Spirit, that dwells within, is the highest and most cherished Gem of our lifetime.

The LORD, our loving Jewel guides, leads, directs, and heals. He should be first, and foremost to every Christian.

His love for His children is unprecedented. There isn’t anyone who can love us in the capacity, and full spectrum in which He can.

It’s okay to enjoy life, and have things that bring a smile to our faces. But the biggest smile, usually comes from within to without.

Our intimate relationship with our LORD, is the most influential card in  the whole deck.  He is our Powerful ACE, and trumps all else!

Consider this; if we get into a quarry of some sort, isn’t it reassuring to know we have that “Ace up our sleeve” to bring us to a peaceful resolution?

We can never lose when we have our Ace with us.



“Father God, how grateful I am to have You as my light and number one treasure, I surrender myself to You fully, and look to You for all of the answers in my life, thank You in Jesus name, Amen.”



“… you are precious in my eyes…and I love you.”

Isaiah 43:4a (ESV)