DEAR GOD: Persistence Comes in Many Forms~




So let’s not get tired of doing what is good.

At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.

Galatians 6:9 (NLT)



This morning, I took my coffee outside. While sitting in a comfortable chair on my deck, I was fully enjoying the sights and sounds of nature. It was peaceful and idyllic, to be part of God’s landscape, and nature’s symphony.

While watching God’s creatures assemble for their morning feast, it was extremely  interesting taking note of their behavior.

Chipmunks are fast and clever. Circling and zigzagging, to and from their hidden holes, as they gathered nuts into their cheek pouches.

The Cardinals, both female and male, flying into the underbrush of  fir trees, gathering seeds and such.

Two white cotton tailed rabbits, foraging gracefully, for green leaves and anything edible to satisfy their appetites.

Finally, I observed with a smile, four squirrels. Three were the average ordinary gray haired little guys.  But one was outstanding. He had the most glossy densely dark charcoal fur, and was scrambling up and down trying to get to the bird feeders.  The other three squirrels after three attempts, ran off into the woods to find food elsewhere. But the charcoal gray one, wouldn’t give up.  Nope.  He was persistent. He tried so many times, I lost count. Finally…his persistence paid off big time!  He managed to knock over the feeder and hit pay dirt  He sat solo on the grass,  a mound of goodies spread out before him. Rewards for never giving up! This little guys persistence paid off big time. I silently applauded his performance.

So too is our persistence in the Word of God.

When we adhere to His Word, observe and align with His commandments and ways…we will inherently reap rewards. The rewards not only here, but most important, in His Kingdom. His Kingdom which the Father promises us, Eternal Life.

If we give up after several attempts to rectify a wrong, how can we ever secure a right?

If we give up if we hear bad news and lose hope, how can we ever experience good news and joy?

If we don’t engage in daily interactions with our Father, how can we take on the world or be armed?

If we don’t know His Word, how can we live our lives according to His will?

If we don’t make time for our Lord, how can we expect Him to make time for us?

Like my little friend, the dark gray squirrel, we too need to be persistent!

Persistence in our walk of faith, will pay dividends that far exceed anything here on earth, and we will be vastly rewarded when we are called home. Amen!


“Father God, thank You for providing means and instructions by Your word, here and always, may I be persistent in all I endeavor, according to Your will, and purpose in my life, in Jesus name, Amen.”