DEAR GOD: Flowing Free Because of Your Love~

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God (Romans 13:1 KJV)


And we have known and believed the love that God has for us.

God is love;

and he that dwells in love dwells in God,

and God in him.

John 4:16  (NKJV)



Several months ago we had trouble with our kitchen sink.  It filled with water freely enough. But that wasn’t the problem.  The problem was the “clog.”  And that clog was not allowing the water to flow freely and smoothly.  Consequently the result was a sink filled with stagnant water.  I suddenly had a revelation… God is our plumber!

The water clog is symbolic of the world.

The world can get in our way of His Holy Word…and His ways.

We are filled with His spirit, overflowing in fact.

And yet at times, the world will try to clog all information and the flow of His Spirit.  The world and the enemy look for any opening to clog our way…bringing us into turmoil and total stagnation.

The world/enemy loves bringing an abrupt and untimely halt to our purpose, our mind-set…and distracting us from His Word. If we’re not careful, we could be swimming in stagnation.  As children of the One and only Living God, be wise as serpents and gentle as the dove.

Be aware at all times, when things happen…run to HIM.

Run to HIM when things are going smoothly.

Always giving Him all the glory, and honor and praise through all our days on earth.

We are to glorify Him, always.

Of course, invariably there will be issues that crop up along the way.  Let’s face it…none of us are safe from hard times, or troubles.  But it’s how we flow through these issues, that make the difference.  With God at the helm, guiding us through our waters, we will flow smoothly and we will live freely.  The clog is the enemy.  He is the very definition of “stagnation.”   The enemy is the blockage, and the one who wants to keep us in bonds, thereby drowning us with his vile hate and evil.

The Lord, is SO MANY things to us.

He is everything and anything to us.  In the kitchen sink scenario, He’s our Master Plumber.

We’re blessed that His Word will keep the clog from settling in.

He will sweep it away with His Word—His Love—and His Sovereign Hand.

If you’re facing a clog today, you know what to do.

Open up your hearts. He will open your paths, as He upholds you with His righteous hand.

Before long, you will be flowing smoothly on His tranquil waters.  Amen.


“Father God, thank You for Your masterful ways, Your loving heart, and Your unmitigated grace, I love You and thank You now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”