DEAR GOD: Refresh & Anoint~




You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy.

Hebrews 1:9 (NKJV)


The gift of God anointing us with the “oil of joy” brings with it a strong sense of authority. Why?  Because we don’t need to ask, “what can I do to help or be a vessel for the Lord?”  Instead, we have been commissioned by the Holy Spirit, and inasmuch, we then act as one of Jesus Christ’ ambassadors of good will.  We are able to bring joy, and gladness to others, for those individuals who need it most of all.

The other great blessing, and gift of “the oil of joy” is we have anointing upon us, as we pass through turbulent times. And we can draw upon it to ease our pain.  With the sweet smelling fragrance of our Lord and Savior, and the anointing of the “oil of joy,” is we not only have it for our own lives—but that we bless others with it as well.

Meditate of His Holy Word in this powerful verse…ask God how it applies to us today.

And…give thanks for the blessings and the “oil of joy” that the LORD brings to those who are in complete alignment with His Word, doctrine, and commandments.

Bow your head in compliance, and love…then accept the sweet “oil of joy” and then get ready for your cup to run over.

And as your cup runs over, it will invariably spill over unto others, so their cup shall be filled too.

Have you blessed someone today with the “oil of joy?”


“Father God, thank You for Your promises, and Your blessings, my cup truly runneth over with joy, and love for You, may I serve You each day all the days of my life, by serving others in Jesus name, Amen.”