DEAR GOD: Special Time Alone With You~


But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.

Matthew 6:6 (NKJV)





I need time alone with God.

I love to sit and talk with Him and read His word.

I love to hear His voice.

Time spent with Him is the most valuable time I have.

Being with Him is crucial to my well-being.

Physically. Emotionally. Spiritually. Each of these components that comprise who I am are all dependent on time with Him. And the time “He gives me” to do so.

Last evening an individual needed to speak and so I listened.  The conversation was one-sided, and this individual, although speaking, was kind of hovering on “gossiping” which I’m not into at all.  So…it was making it  extra hard to listen…but I didn’t want to hurt the person’s feeling.  But what was making it exceedingly difficult to linger was I had a very important appointment!  I was on my way to read and pray, and spend valuable time with my LORD. The place is a room in our home dedicated to my prayer time.

Alone time with Him is precious time.

It’s how I refresh my soul and preserve my inner sanctity.

It’s how I survive and breathe.

Some might say I’m fanatical in my quest to seek out God in such a fervent and urgent fashion. But to me, it’s the only way of life I know.  I love Him, and enjoy being with Him.  And it’s such a necessary part of my life.

I can breathe when I’m alone with Him.

I know He loves me for who I am, regardless of status.

He loves me.

He sees me.

And, He gets me! He totally gets me! Amen!

He even has a sense of humor, as so many times He has placed me in a position that was the antithesis of my comfort zone.  Yet, He does it with undaunting ease, that allows me to do the same.  He is spectacular at all He does, and all He does for me….and all of you!

The mornings are splendid. The birds singing in the yard, along with the sunrise is ultimately satisfying and peaceful.  And truly overwhelming, to know; “He loves me.” 

The most important thing that anyone of faith can do is “find precious time” to spend with the Father. It is truly an investment in spirituality that keeps on growing.  The spiritual bank of dependency, upon the Father, has an return rate that is exponentially beyond measure.

So tell me…Have you been alone with God today?

If not…may I invite you to start banking on the growth of your spirituality by doing so?

Go on…make a deposit!


Father God, I love spending time with You alone, and I love how You love me, thank You for leading me, guiding me, and directing me all the days of my life, in Jesus name, Amen.”