DEAR GOD: Your Yoke is Easy~


As a child of God, when we surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ, we will never face any situation “alone” He promises, He “will never leave” us.   We do it together.  If we yoke ourselves together with Jesus, it’s “you and Jesus” — and all about a relationship.  Not a wooden piece you hang on your shoulders, it’s all about a relationship.

He promises to provide everything we need. He promises to bear our burdens, He promises He’ll never leave.  No matter what comes our way in life…we are never alone…because we face it yoked together, with Jesus. Amen!

His yoke is easy, His burden is light, and so on. If we live our life alone without Jesus…it would be a very different type of life. A decision to take on His yoke there isn’t anything we can’t conquer, because “He is with us.” We are not alone.

His peace He gives unto us. Not as the world gives to us, let not your heart be troubled.

He is easy, light, pure, life, and peace personified.

Surrendering to Jesus we are heirs to His Kingdom, and being yoked to Jesus we inherently handle “life” with “life” not death.

When we don’t have Jesus in life, there is no “life.”

Without Jesus we are like “one Ox” stuck in the mud handling a heavy load.

With Jesus, we are “two” in the mud sharing the load, and therefore it becomes easier and light.

Jesus gives us rest.

Jesus gives us peace.

Jesus gives us life.

Jesus gives us light.

Jesus is with us, and we never have to fear. We have confidence, and faith knowing He is our Master, and relieves us of our burdens. When we are yoked up with Jesus…we experience life, the way He wants us to. According to His will, as we yield our lives to Him, and grab hold of our faith, it’s our decision, and a commitment we make…and one that promises to be “easy and light” as we rest in Him.

Are you yoked up to Jesus? 

“Father God, thank You for being in control, we yield unto You, You fill our lives with light, and give us rest, we thank You for Your promises and Your love, in Jesus name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: We That Hear Shall Live~

 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  John 1


 Faith comes from “hearing” the Word of the Lord (Romans 10:17)

And when we ‘hear’ the Word, we grow in faith.

Because hearing and believing in the Word will bring “life” forever more.

The Word is “Jesus” and believing in Him…is “life.”

So, then faith will come by hearing, and by hearing the word of Christ. Therefore faith, is hearing, and the ear that hears is from the Word of God.

When we “hear,” we are actively receiving the message, and that message is what Christ spoke…(the Word.)

Christ is “life, truth and the way.”  John 14:6  Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

 Life eternal.   

Light perpetual. 

The Way is Perfect.  

Do you hear “Him?” 

Jesus is “Life” — “Hear” because when you do, you shall live forever. Amen.



“Thank You Father for the Word and the gift of Eternal life, we give all glory and honor to You now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”




DEAR GOD: Always in Control~



It’s getting to the point where I avoid the news at all costs. I don’t wish to see the “sensationalism” that seems to be a large part of what is being reported.  There are very few—if any—feel good stories that come forward. Once in a while there is a “feel good human interest story” — but again, very rarely.

As a retired Administrator in the Nursing Home industry my heart is filled with concern for those who reside in these places. For one, it’s a transition to give up all of their independence, and another to seemingly feel as if they have “no control” over any aspect of their lives any longer. Thankfully, there are many individuals/workers who make sure they remain “independent” as states in the “Resident Rights bill.”  But the feeling of helplessness, not being in control of ones life, can be an extremely unsettling feeling. I know…from speaking with them, holding their hands, and wiping away their tears.

But, helplessness, is not just reserved for the elderly. Sure, they become more vulnerable as they age. But people of all ages can experience “a loss of independence” in terms of their lives.

This is when we turn to the LORD for He is the One truly in control of everyone’s circumstances. He is the Rock in which we stand upon, and He is the One we look to for help, peace, and love.

Depression is on the rise, domestic abuse is doubling, people are seeking mental health therapists in exponential heights in which are truly staggering. This has become prevalent with the pandemic, and the unrest throughout the world. Some places more than others. Which leads us to “Is this a sign of the times?”

Is this in fact what Jesus was speaking about when He warns us, ” And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers place. All these are the beginning of sorrows…” (Matthew 24: 6-8 KJV)

We are experiences many sorrows these days, and Jesus foretells and forewarns repeatedly in all four gospels, and John tells of it in the book of Revelation.  My soul is at peace and I am looking up for all the answers, and I am relieved to know God is in control, today, tomorrow and always.  I read the entire Bible, and I know that Jesus defeated death and He is the Author of Peace. Best of all…He defeated darkness  and death, because in Him there is no darkness at all, but LIGHT and more LIGHT.

We are His sheep and He is the Shepherd, graze peacefully in His pasture as He leads you beside the “still waters” (Psalm 23) and know that no matter what is happening around us, that He is in control. His promises are intact and His love is never ending.

Next time you feel “helpless” or wonder “what’s happening” — pick up the Bible and rest in His word and His love.  He is in control.

Isn’t that a relief?

“Father God, thank You for the green pastures and the still water, thank You for Your love and protection during turbulence and during good times, I trust in You with all of my heart and soul, and look to You for all things, now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”




DEAR GOD: Refresh & Anoint~




You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy.

Hebrews 1:9 (NKJV)


The gift of God anointing us with the “oil of joy” brings with it a strong sense of authority. Why?  Because we don’t need to ask, “what can I do to help or be a vessel for the Lord?”  Instead, we have been commissioned by the Holy Spirit, and inasmuch, we then act as one of Jesus Christ’ ambassadors of good will.  We are able to bring joy, and gladness to others, for those individuals who need it most of all.

The other great blessing, and gift of “the oil of joy” is we have anointing upon us, as we pass through turbulent times. And we can draw upon it to ease our pain.  With the sweet smelling fragrance of our Lord and Savior, and the anointing of the “oil of joy,” is we not only have it for our own lives—but that we bless others with it as well.

Meditate of His Holy Word in this powerful verse…ask God how it applies to us today.

And…give thanks for the blessings and the “oil of joy” that the LORD brings to those who are in complete alignment with His Word, doctrine, and commandments.

Bow your head in compliance, and love…then accept the sweet “oil of joy” and then get ready for your cup to run over.

And as your cup runs over, it will invariably spill over unto others, so their cup shall be filled too.

Have you blessed someone today with the “oil of joy?”


“Father God, thank You for Your promises, and Your blessings, my cup truly runneth over with joy, and love for You, may I serve You each day all the days of my life, by serving others in Jesus name, Amen.”




DEAR GOD: Bearing Each Other’s Burdens a Good Work~

Observing and doing the works in which Jesus taught us, is fulfilling the law of Christ, which is to say…His doctrine of loving one another.  Observing acts of kindness, can be understood fully, when we look to Jesus for an example.

Taking the time to hear, or pray for someone, who is hurting, emotionally or physically…is one way to cohesively work through the body of Christ.  Helping someone in need, bringing food to a local shelter, volunteering/shopping for someone in your town, who can no longer get around, praying for someone going through a crisis.  The list goes on and on, but it all amounts to “helping each other” and while we do, we are glorifying, and honoring God, in the process.

Praying for someone, might help them find their spirituality if it’s God’s will.  Or it may help them find a restoration, or affirmation in Christ, and his love.  Or it may simply mean, God laid it upon our hearts, for reasons only He is aware of which may or may not be revealed later on.

Whenever we are called to help, we are called as one body in Christ.  We are also fulfilling our roles as followers of Christ, while offering our fruits, in a labor of love.

Help where you can.

Call when you can.

Offer your services when you can.

Pray daily while offering to pray for those who need it.

Honor Christ in all you do.

These few ways of connecting with others, can galvanize the meaning of love, in the body of Christ.

“Father God, may I be of service to those you send, may I be a light and example to others in Your name, and may I help those with burdens as I pray in Your precious and powerful name, Amen.”


Brothers, if anyone is caught in any sin, you who are spiritual that is, you who are responsive to the guidance of the Spirit are to restore such a person in a spirit of gentleness not with a sense of superiority or self-righteousness, keeping a watchful eye on yourself, so that you are not tempted as well.  Carry one another’s burdens and in this way you will fulfill the requirements of the law of Christ that is, the law of Christian love.

Galatians 6:1-2

DEAR GOD: On the Straight & Narrow~





Matthew 7:14-15 14 (KJV)

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.



The narrow gate that Jesus speaks of, can also be called the “narrow door.” (Matthew 7:13)   The narrow gate,  Jesus explains, (Luke 13:23)  is what you should be walking upon, instead of the”broad road” which can lead to our destruction/hell. Sadly, many individuals are currently on that road.

That wide and frequently used path, leads to destruction.

Jesus, refers to that wide path, as the one most will take.

As followers of the LORD, we’re called to be faithful. We are  to pay heed of commandments, while being mindfully aware of what we engage in, (narrow or wide path) so as to observe the way of life, befitting a Christian.

Observing a narrow path in reality, is rather simple to grasp the meaning thereof.

Walking a narrow path will only accommodate a small amount of individuals. Only one, or two, can walk through it at any given time. Think about a narrow road, with people coming from two directions. Often times, one group will have to stand to the side, to allow others to walk by, because there isn’t enough room to oblige everyone at once.

So, spiritually speaking, Christians, will observe and adhere to the enormous challenges that pass our way.  Living in this world, one only has to turn on the news of how true that statement is in terms of hardship and challenges. There are constant reminders of strife, stress, adversity, and persecution that can swallow us whole, if we slip off that narrow path, or narrow gate. Meaning, “slipping away from the principles and practices” of our faith. Or to the point…slipping away from Jesus.

Holding firm to beliefs, and walking with a contrite heart through each storm is our platitude of peace through faith.  Ostensibly, that is what separates those of faith, from those who don’t believe. Unwavering love and trust in the LORD.

Knowing God is with us, through it all, while holding on to Christian values, is when we get to really see the difference between the “sheep” versus the “goats. (Matthew 25:31-46)

Are you a sheep?

Are you a goat?

What path are you walking upon?


“Father, may I consciously follow the narrow path, while proclaiming Your glory in all I do, may Your light continuously shine as a reminder of Your promises and love, You are my Shepherd, I am Your sheep,  I choose Your pastures to graze in forever more, in Jesus name, Amen.”





DEAR GOD: Focused on You~

Psalm 91:14-15

“Because he has focused his love on me, I will deliver him. I will protect him because he knows my name. When he calls out to me, I will answer him. I will be with him in his distress. I will deliver him, and I will honor him.”



It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the cataclysmic events that seemingly engulf the news these days. Pandemic woes, civil unrest, anxiety, illnesses, volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes, storms…on and on they go, and where they stop, only God knows.  However the reality, no matter how grim, or ominous global news may be…God is with us, always.   

When our eyes are focused on the LORD we can be assured our troubles will be a lot easier to handle and face head on. With the LORD as our driving force, and His Spirit of peace, we can ascertain what and how we will proceed in any given situation.

In Matthew 14:29, Peter walked on water due to his faith in Jesus. He knew that Jesus was stronger than the water. As long as Peter kept his eyes, that is to say “focus” on Jesus, his faith held him up. When he no longer focused upon Jesus, but instead turned his attention to look at the waves, his faith failed. Therefore, as a result of redirecting his focus from Jesus to the waves, he immediately sank.

As we face turbulent waves, we must stay in the word and focused on God and His phenomenal sovereign power. His ability to shield us, and guide us, is evident not only in the Bible, but in fact reality right here, and right now.

In fact, so many of us have been blessed by His omnipotence through the years. I’m sure, many have stories to tell of miraculous events, that touched lives, both personally, and through witness of others.

Keep your faith honed and sharp by your focus on Him, and His word. 

Keep your faith no matter the circumstances, by your focus on His Kingdom.

Keep your faith by meditating on Him, and His word.

Don’t allow yourself to “drown” in the mighty waves of the world.

When we focus upon Christ, we can scale any mountain, climb out of any valley, and surf any tidal wave that looms in our path with confidence and ease.

Can we really do all of this?  

Yes.  Why?

Simple. Because through Christ all things are possible.  

Remember that next time you face any adversity that comes calling.

“Father, thank You for allowing me to walk on water through my faith, and in Your name, nothing is impossible with You, and may my eyes always be focused on You, now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”



But from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul. Deuteronomy 4:29 (NKJV)


You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13 


Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2 (KJV)

DEAR GOD: Special Time Alone With You~


But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.

Matthew 6:6 (NKJV)





I need time alone with God.

I love to sit and talk with Him and read His word.

I love to hear His voice.

Time spent with Him is the most valuable time I have.

Being with Him is crucial to my well-being.

Physically. Emotionally. Spiritually. Each of these components that comprise who I am are all dependent on time with Him. And the time “He gives me” to do so.

Last evening an individual needed to speak and so I listened.  The conversation was one-sided, and this individual, although speaking, was kind of hovering on “gossiping” which I’m not into at all.  So…it was making it  extra hard to listen…but I didn’t want to hurt the person’s feeling.  But what was making it exceedingly difficult to linger was I had a very important appointment!  I was on my way to read and pray, and spend valuable time with my LORD. The place is a room in our home dedicated to my prayer time.

Alone time with Him is precious time.

It’s how I refresh my soul and preserve my inner sanctity.

It’s how I survive and breathe.

Some might say I’m fanatical in my quest to seek out God in such a fervent and urgent fashion. But to me, it’s the only way of life I know.  I love Him, and enjoy being with Him.  And it’s such a necessary part of my life.

I can breathe when I’m alone with Him.

I know He loves me for who I am, regardless of status.

He loves me.

He sees me.

And, He gets me! He totally gets me! Amen!

He even has a sense of humor, as so many times He has placed me in a position that was the antithesis of my comfort zone.  Yet, He does it with undaunting ease, that allows me to do the same.  He is spectacular at all He does, and all He does for me….and all of you!

The mornings are splendid. The birds singing in the yard, along with the sunrise is ultimately satisfying and peaceful.  And truly overwhelming, to know; “He loves me.” 

The most important thing that anyone of faith can do is “find precious time” to spend with the Father. It is truly an investment in spirituality that keeps on growing.  The spiritual bank of dependency, upon the Father, has an return rate that is exponentially beyond measure.

So tell me…Have you been alone with God today?

If not…may I invite you to start banking on the growth of your spirituality by doing so?

Go on…make a deposit!


Father God, I love spending time with You alone, and I love how You love me, thank You for leading me, guiding me, and directing me all the days of my life, in Jesus name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: I love You~


I love you, Lord;
you are my strength.

Psalm 18:1 (NLT)


Even in the darkness, I see His light, for He is with me always.

I hear Him.

I feel Him.

I sense Him.

I know Him.

I love Him…I am paying attention.

My Lord is a fortress every moment of my life. Whether its while doing chores, sleeping, eating, walking, talking…he is with me all the time. Shining His brilliance and love on me and through me.  He is the barometer in which I measure all things, today, tomorrow and always. His temperance is solid and never wanes no matter what circumstances swirl about. I know He’s here… I’m paying attention.

Psalm 18 speaks to my heart, as it depicts a very active God, and a man—David— with a heart for God.  It is laid out in informative fashion, and is abundantly clear in its message… I’m paying attention.

To sum it up easily, “it’s about loving and active God in heaven, and a man—King David— here on earth, who is filled with love for Him, and wants to carry out God’s will, and work, all the days of his life.”  This man—King David— in Psalm 18, knows and fulfills God’s will… He is paying attention.

The presence of God is everywhere, if we pay attention, we might see it more readily than before.

It is transparent in all we endeavor to do each day. If we pay attention. 

He surrounds us in 3-D.  He upholds us as we walk through the tunnel of adversity.  And, He is relentless in His protection. It’s obvious to see, feel, and hear.  If we pay attention.

David loved the LORD, and beckoned to Him, and cried out to Him. He listened and paid attention, all the days of His life. The LORD was His light and lamp and refuge and fortress.  All of which He is for us, today, here and now.

Love Him, with all of your heart, and soul, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.  Be not wise in your own eyes, LOVE HIM, and keep from evil, it’ll be health to your navel, and marrow for your bones. (Proverbs 3:5-8)

He will never let you down.

That’s His promise.

And, God’s promise is a promise that will NEVER be broken. 

Listen.  Are you paying attention?

“Father, I love You with all of my heart, soul and mind and might, to You be the glory and honor, now and always, in Jesus precious and mighty name, Amen.”





Psalm 28 (NLT)

You light a lamp for me.
The Lord, my God, lights up my darkness.



Psalm 28 (KJV)

For thou wilt light my candle: the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness.





“Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life”

(John 8:12).



At 6am this morning, as my little fur baby Mickey went about his business, I stood staring up at the sky. It was dark, and ominous in appearance, clouded over as a thunder storm loomed close.  However, there was a shimmer of beautiful brightness, that couldn’t be hidden or contained.  The bright light reached out to me, and offered a grand sense of comfort, and security.  Brilliant hues of orange, and pink, sprinkled through allowing a prism, to appear as a rainbow across my window.  God’s peace.

Peace and security might seem far in the distance during these shifting sands of time given the pandemic, and now the protests of a horrific heinous tragedy of Mr. Floyd which shattered hearts across the globe.

That rainbow brought more than a semblance of peace my way. It brought an inner joy that engulfed my spirit and reaffirms my faith, and belief in His presence, even in a time of darkness.

God is my peace.

God is our peace.

God is your peace.

I notice more, and more as of late, that my God moments come just in time.

Because God, is never late.

Because God, is always on time.

God, brings what He has to bring, when He needs to bring it, and when we aren’t aware that we need it, He still brings it. 

The reality of faith, can be heightened by circumstances, or a keen awareness of “moments” during our lifetime.

Tune into God, and let His presence be balm for your soul, as you graft onto the vine which is Christ.

Christ is LIFE.

Christ is LIGHT.

So in your quiet moments, and not so quiet moments, look for the “light.”

Through the dark…know that the light, will always come shining through.

Just in time.

Because God is never late…

“Father God, thank You for Your light that is always on time, all the time, every time, Your light is my joy and I thank You, in Jesus precious name, Amen.”



The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5).







“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105).

“And I will lead the blind in a way that they do not know, in paths that they have not known I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground” (Isaiah 42:16).

“For it is you who light my lamp; the Lord my God lightens my darkness” (Psalm 18:28).

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you” (Isaiah 60:1).

“For you are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the darkness” (1 Thessalonians 5:5).