DEAR GOD: ALways Devoted to You~




Devotion to the LORD is clearly a choice, and heartfelt desire, to follow, and obey Him in all we do.

In essence, we either will remain in bondage to earthly corruption, by looking toward materialistic items, and objects, for our main source of supply and existence.   Or instead, we can be set free into the glorious freedom, and liberty, as Children of God.

Our choice should be God, in every single aspect of  life, and a constant, ever-present thought process, in all of our decisions, and pathways. It is to Him, we seek help, guidance, and direction. It is the LORD, whom we should pray, for provisions, and illumination, and for blessings over our life.

When choosing God, over materialistic gains ,we inherently die to self,  which is to say, our “selfish desires,” thereby allowing the Spirit of Christ, to dwell in us richly, and freely.  He, then will lead us into truth, and our roots will engraft into His soil…which will eventually produce growth, and maturity in our Christian walk.

It is through His grace, that we are able to do so…along with our conscious and able minded body, mind, heart, spirit, and soul.

Our barometer of Christianity, should be present inwardly as well as outwardly. It is our light from within, that should shine to all we come in contact with. It is our duty, as followers of Christ, and through our devotion, it enables us to share the Word, truth, and consequently, “freedom” from death overall.

Because loving Christ, and being completely devoted towards Him, is LIFE.

 In John 14:6 6 ,Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 

When materialistic objects, or modes of excessive interest take precedence over our devotion, and love for Christ, we are setting ourselves up for discord, or a disconnect, from our Father.

It’s simply impossible, to put other things, before God, and then expect our life to have an abundance of joy and peace. It’s paradoxical to think, we can obtain ,and then attain, luxuries without having our Father, as the fundamental basis, of our love.

There is nothing wrong with hard work,  or great success and money in general.

In fact, it can be God’s blessings, especially when we “give back” and use it for godly measures, during our journey on earth. But, make no mistake, it’s not following us when we leave this earth. Nope!  In fact…it’s a temporary existence.

Our permanent address is care of “our Father— Heaven—Eternity–and LIFE!

Devotion to God, is a joy that we should embrace, and deliver it to others, as we recompense the rewards of loving Him.

Who are you devoted to?

And…whom do you serve?

And, what will be your permanent address, after your journey is complete here on earth?


“Father God,  I pray to be ever mindful of You and Your love, and to devote myself to loving You in all that I do, may it be a reflection of my love for You and towards You, in Jesus name, Amen.”