DEAR GOD: Same Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow & Always~


Circumstances in life, can change within seconds, and in its wake, seemingly turn our life upside down. Situations may present in cataclysmic fashion, shaking us to the very core of existence.  When these things happen, we often feel threatened, uncertain of our fate, and lack confidence in the direction in which our life may go.  It’s a natural emotion to a common denominator, “change” and drastic at that.

Life is just that.

Ever changing.

Kaleidoscopic in fact.

Ever moving and swirling, sometimes good, and sometimes bad.

There is only one constant in life.


Faith is what wipes out the uncertainty in our life.

Faith is the cleanser for the abrasions of our soul.

Faith is the abundance of joy that supersedes all else.

Faith is the substance of hope of things not seen but believed. (Hebrews 11:1 )

Ostensibly, without faith, can you believe in God and His Son Jesus Christ?

So, hand-in-hand our faith, and belief in God, coincide with one another, for a cohesive seal, representing Christianity, and way of life for those who believe.

One of the most powerful promises we can grasp, is our Father God, and His unconditional love.

In a world, that at times can be  clouded by disturbing events, or adversities, it is satisfying to one’s body, mind, heart, and soul, to realize that God is the same always.

Things are changing quickly in our world, the new norm (Pandemic virus) is increasingly difficult, but the one constant, is God, and His promises, and His all consuming powerful love.

Father, the same as yesterday, today, tomorrow. and always…a potent reminder, that we are never alone. That He is with us always. (Matthew 28:20)

The infinite Word, and promises, are the shroud of our protection, and our armor as we forge through life, doing what we need to do, according to His will.

The weapons of choice, our Gospel Armor. (Ephesians 6:10)

Ambiguity is a life draining emotion.  But placing trust, and embodying our choices, based on His word, and love, is a way of life that is just that…LIFE.  

Life and how it’s meant to be lived is the foundation in which we walk, according to His truth, word, and promises.

Of course, we’ll always have dark moments, and tough times, immersed in our journey here on earth…but when we have God, and His promises, and never changing characteristic, and unfolding mercy and grace, we get through it every single time.  And consequently, more than likely to come through the adversity stronger in the interim.

Today, no matter where you are, or what you’re doing, or how you’re feeling, please know that God is never changing.

He is the same as He was since the beginning of time.

The same as He was yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever.

Isn’t God awesome?

Isn’t His love powerfully reassuring?

His word.

His promises.

His love.

His consistency.

Love Him readily, and then get ready for a totatly different way of LIVING!. 

Now breathe, and experience His love, and tenderness, and LIVE!



“Dear God, in a world of uncertainty, thank You for Your unwavering love, and guidance, and for Your promises that bring ever lasting joy, in Jesus name, Amen.”