DEAR GOD: Your Will For my Steps~







We are currently starting to enjoy “the warmth” of spring despite all of the angst of the horrific killer virus. I’m trying to understand the “powerful message” God is bringing to us by this pandemic. And truly looking to Him for all of the answers.

So, although its a time of frustration and disillusionment, it’s also a time of enlightenment, and investing in a deeper connection to God.  As we turn to our Father, for all of our needs, and trust Him implicitly, as His grace guides us, we will be able to withstand any turbulence, that is suddenly thrown unto our path.

As we get through this historical time in history, let’s look to God for His strength, and His message, that is interwoven in the midst of this chaotic time.  Let’s take the time to understand what is really important to each of us, and take the time to “love” each other is ways, that are reflective of Christ, and His Spirit.

The path we are walking on, are ordered by the LORD, and the path in which we tread, are “choices” we enforce.  That is to say, either we surrender our life to the LORD, and render ourselves to His will, and follow freely.  Or, we may very well walk a path, that can be consumed with irrelevant ideals of the world…thereby, bringing us into self exile in terms of Christianity. Which is to say, further away from God and His ways.



And take this time to get to know Jesus.   

Before the world is up and running again, sit back, and have an intimate talk with your LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ.  I promise it’ll be the best conversation of your lifetime!




“Father God, thank You for guiding my steps, and having divine providence over my life, I look to You, for all of the answers, and love You fully and completely, in Jesus name, Amen.”