DEAR GOD: You Love Us—Thank You~


Titus 2:11 (KJV)

“For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men…”


Jesus went to the cross to free us from our sins, and rose on the third day to bring salvation for all of us. To make us His very own people.  He empowers us, by His enabling power to live in grace and follow Him in all we do.  Why?  Because He loves us.

Billy Graham encountered a man who he met one day in an elevator, “You’re Billy Graham. Wow! You’re a great man!”   To which Billy Graham replied, “No I’m not a great man, I merely have a Great message.”

Powerful!  But true.

God’s message is great, as is God…and His love for us.

Jesus paid it in full.  Because He loves us.

God is on the move at all times…watching, healing, protecting us.  And, all because He loves us.

God allows us to be His vessel in His greatness, though us, because He loves us.

Itsn’t that amazing that we can be used for God. He gives us a nudge and the Spirit leads, guides us, and shows us…Because He loves us.

Loving someone is a gift.

Receiving love is a gift.

Father’s love for us is a powerful gift.

Knowing He loves us, in a confidence booster, and spiritual extender, that goes beyond the basic structure of our mind.

His love, and His promises, and His grace, are enabling power for us!

For us!

He’s preparing us, and guiding us, each and everyday of our lives, because He loves us.

When we wrap up our time here, whenever it is, we will continue to receive His love…for eternity!

But, right now…listen to His voice and know He loves us.

He is here right now with us always.

We all need Him.

Especially now.

So…feel His love.

Experience His power that enables us to go forward in His peace and His strength, because He loves us.

Can you feel His love?

Do You hear His promises?

Love Him back, with all of your heart, and all of your soul, and all of your might, and He shall supply all of your needs according to His riches.

Yes!  Powerful indeed.


“Father God, thank You for loving us, for enabling us with the power to do all things through Your name and Your grace, thank You for Your promises, and for Your protection, in Jesus name, Amen.”



Philippians 4:19  (NKJV)  

And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.


DEAR GOD: You Direct my Steps~


O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps 

Jeremiah 10:23 (NKJV)



Recognizing God’s Sovereign power to heal us inside and out, is a vital component that is key to experiencing His mercy and love. Jeremiah, although filled with anguish, acknowledged that only God could comfort Him and guide His steps. “I would comfort myself in sorrow; my heart is faint in me…” Jeremiah 8:18 NKJV

King David, centuries prior, cried and wept  also. He looked for peace, and comfort but found none, as he ran from Saul and later his own son Absalom. Until in Psalm 69 when he said “And you who seek God, your hearts shall live. For the LORD hears the poor, and does not despise His prisoners. (Psalm 69:32,33 NKJV)

I personally look to God for comfort. I rely on Him, for all of my decisions in life, direction and goals. Without Him, I’d be a virtual mess, probably wallowing in a puddle of indecision and stagnation of soul.

There is no life free from pain, or troubles.  As we experience “Life” there will invariably, be tough times, and blocks of shadow, and gloom.  But the sun eventually comes through, and the light always returns. In fact, it’s always there, peeking in around the edge of a dark cloud. You just have to wait, be still,  be aware, and acknowledge God through it all. The rainbow is always right around the corner. (Psalm 46:10) 

Out of the suffocating pain, and harrowing times, we run to God. And with it comes a closer connection, and that far exceeds, the heights prior to the troubles.  This brings about a resounding affirmation that we see we need Him.

It is His Word, and promises, that we will hear as we bounce back stronger, than  before we entered into our crises. It is about that time,  we feel His love deeper, and more significantly than before. Each time we walk the path in which He directs our steps, We are able to withstand whatever it is before us.  Eventually we realize it will be “behind us.” Amen.

God, created us to depend on Him, in all aspects of our life. We need His guidance, and counsel. When we commit our lives to Him, it’s not solely for our salvation, but it is what we need to be savvy, and spiritually strong, in all the moments of our life here on earth, and beyond.

God is not dead.

No. In fact He is the God of the living.  “He is not the God of the dead, but the god of the living. You are therefore greatly mistaken…” Mark 12:27 (NKJV)  

Jeremiah, and King David are dead to us, as we know they’ve passed on, thousands of years before us. However, they are very much alive in the presence of God, where we all will be one day as well. Yet while they were here, both of them followed the path, and steps, that were ordered by God.

We too are closely monitored, and yet we are free in all manner of choice. That is to say. Do we walk the path in which God leads us? Or do we walk the path in which our own mind leads us?

Do you choose God and His declaration of promises through His Holy Word? 

Have you acquired the spiritual desire and fortitude of righteousness that lives in us through Christ our Lord and Savior?

One day, our time here will be done. Our mission in life will have been accomplished, hopefully according to the will of our Father above.

But for right here, and right now—the steps we take shouldn’t be taken for granted.

In fact, the steps we take could be the difference between “LIFE” versus “Existence.”

So the question becomes, “Are we merely existing? — Or are we Living LIFE?” 

When we live LIFE we are living within the realm of His Word and His will.


“Father God, thank You for guiding my path and steps, I look to You for all my decisions, You are the center of all I do and say, may I heed what the Spirit calls me to do, and recognize that the steps I take aren’t mine to call, rather Yours, according to Your will, and purpose for my life, in Jesus name, Amen.”






DEAR GOD: Soldiers in Christ~


Put on the whole armour of God,

that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Ephesians 6:11 (KJV)


As we remember our military men and women, who have sacrificed country, family, and friends, we give thanks, and honor them in our hearts forever. If not for their service, and undaunting bravery, we might be living under the auspices of an entirely different country as we know it.  So God bless these souls, and thank you one and all.  Including my dad who was in the Army, and proudly served his country.

Today I’d like to think about all of us as Soldiers. Because, essentially, that is what we are, “Soldiers in Christ.”

Each morning as we start our day, we’re subjected to the slings and arrows of the world, which can be difficult and suffocating at times.  But when we put on the full armor of God, we will be able to stand against the “wiles of the devil” which is to say the “world” and all that that implies.

Being a Soldier of Christ, brings an impregnable barrier, which creates an undeniable demeanor of peace. Following Christ we take up the sword (His Word)… and invariably during our journey, we are better able to cope and sustain, inevitable set-backs that life will throw our way.

When we have on the helmet of salvation, our mind is protected from idle garbage that might otherwise infiltrate our thoughts. When we stand firm with our belt buckled with truth, and shod our feet with peace, as we walk the pathways of life, we are grounded in the roots of Christ and His Gospel.

Being a Soldier of Christ, is a title and honor that we shouldn’t take lightly. To be a part of this amazing army, is nothing short of spectacular. We are mirrored in the image of Christ, as His Spirit leads us, guides us, and ultimately protects us. We take on the countenance of warriors within, as we spread the truth, the Word, and the love. Consequently, shredding the worldly particles that try to distinguish our light and peace.

The power of Christ is powerful indeed.

His love alone is fantastic!

But when we fully dress in The Armor of the Gospel!


We are an army to be reckoned with!

Today…honor the memory of those who have served proudly.  Those souls are at peace, and in a far greater place than we could ever imagine. I salute you one and all.

But…while we are here,


right now,

I ask you this…

“Have you put on your full Armor of God?”


“Father God, it is my honor, and pleasure to serve You, in all I do, may I please You today, tomorrow, and always, as I clothe myself in Your Armor, and continue to spread Your Word, Your Gospel, and Your love, in Jesus name, Amen.”






 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

Ephesians 6:11-17 (KJV)

DEAR GOD: Tuning In While Tuning Out~






While we look not at the things which are seen,

but at the things which are not seen:

for the things which are seen are temporal;

but the things which are not seen are eternal.

2 Corinthians 4:18 (KJV)





So things have been quite unexpected in terms of our everyday lives. Things seen have been quite challenging, and tedious in practice. By that, I am referring to the Pandemic, that came rushing into our lives so quickly and washed over the world so devastatingly.

However, there seems to be a light emerging on the precipice on which we have current footing.

There seems to be a slight change for the better, slowly developing, and with it…comes “hope” settling over our souls.

Tuning in to God and His Word, while tuning out the world, can be paradoxical in and of itself.

Why is that?

Seeing things from the earthly perspective, can be tantamount to living in peace at times.

What do I mean by that?

Well, as Christians we are called to follow Christ, and do things according to His Word, and commandments. We are to do things for our fellow humans…so of course that is “right here, while tuning in.”

When I say…”tune out” I mean to say…the world and all of its ugliness. The saturation of iniquity that descends upon us in forms of “media, perversion, murder, mayhem, and hatred” and a host of other non spiritual things that fall unto our path.  These are the ones that we “tune out” while tuning in to God.  And harnessing His Word, and Spirit, as our form of defense.

Well, looking at “our temporary stage of life” is quite different in fact, from our “permanent place of life.”

As stated so clearly in 2 Cor 4:18, “looking at things which are seen instead of what is not seen” can make all the difference in how we face a crisis, or devastation, in and around our life, family, friends and living overall.

Living here, and now, and doing what the LORD calls us to do, can be rewarding, and fulfilling, especially when it is the will of God.  But, although it can be immensely satisfying to our spirit…it doesn’t compare to the joy, and rewards, of the Eternity, that God promises us, when our time is up.

These past few months have been hard. As I’m sure it has been on many of you reading this right now. I’ve mentioned in previous posts,  that this horrific virus has affected people in my family circle.

My two nieces lost loved ones…father-in-law, and childhood friends.  My nieces’ husband lost his dad, and two weeks later, his best friend. Then my niece lost her best friend.  And we have had family, and friends, who have had it and thank God, fully recovered.  But, during this time, we realized that this too shall pass.

So too shall our life, be passed/changed from “temporary to permanent” when we find our place at the LORD’s table, and sup with Him, and live with Him, as promised. (Rev 4:21)

Looking at clouds of despair, can be a virtual opportunity to see beyond the darkness, while letting His light cascade through, knowing God is with us always, and will never leave us.

Because as stated in 4:17 2 CorFor our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory…”

Remember that, as we forge forward, with a steel determination, and eyes looking to the hills, knowing our help comes forth. (Psalm 121:1)

Do you see beyond the temporary curtains that hang in the balance? 

Can you see the permanent window dressing on the horizon? 

The difference?

Life here…and Life there. 

Do you want to sit down to supper with the Lamb of God in Eternity?  (Revelation 3:20)

Just some questions to mull over as we go through life together…


“Father, my God, help me to embrace the moments of my life, here and now, while embracing that my life on earth is only temporary, and my permanent place is that of which I shall spend my Eternity, I thank You for Your protection, and strength in all I do, I honor You in my heart, and give You all praise, and glory, now and forever, in Jesus name, Amen.”



The Lord Jesus prophesied, “ Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me ” (Revelation 3:20)


DEAR GOD: ALways Devoted to You~




Devotion to the LORD is clearly a choice, and heartfelt desire, to follow, and obey Him in all we do.

In essence, we either will remain in bondage to earthly corruption, by looking toward materialistic items, and objects, for our main source of supply and existence.   Or instead, we can be set free into the glorious freedom, and liberty, as Children of God.

Our choice should be God, in every single aspect of  life, and a constant, ever-present thought process, in all of our decisions, and pathways. It is to Him, we seek help, guidance, and direction. It is the LORD, whom we should pray, for provisions, and illumination, and for blessings over our life.

When choosing God, over materialistic gains ,we inherently die to self,  which is to say, our “selfish desires,” thereby allowing the Spirit of Christ, to dwell in us richly, and freely.  He, then will lead us into truth, and our roots will engraft into His soil…which will eventually produce growth, and maturity in our Christian walk.

It is through His grace, that we are able to do so…along with our conscious and able minded body, mind, heart, spirit, and soul.

Our barometer of Christianity, should be present inwardly as well as outwardly. It is our light from within, that should shine to all we come in contact with. It is our duty, as followers of Christ, and through our devotion, it enables us to share the Word, truth, and consequently, “freedom” from death overall.

Because loving Christ, and being completely devoted towards Him, is LIFE.

 In John 14:6 6 ,Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 

When materialistic objects, or modes of excessive interest take precedence over our devotion, and love for Christ, we are setting ourselves up for discord, or a disconnect, from our Father.

It’s simply impossible, to put other things, before God, and then expect our life to have an abundance of joy and peace. It’s paradoxical to think, we can obtain ,and then attain, luxuries without having our Father, as the fundamental basis, of our love.

There is nothing wrong with hard work,  or great success and money in general.

In fact, it can be God’s blessings, especially when we “give back” and use it for godly measures, during our journey on earth. But, make no mistake, it’s not following us when we leave this earth. Nope!  In fact…it’s a temporary existence.

Our permanent address is care of “our Father— Heaven—Eternity–and LIFE!

Devotion to God, is a joy that we should embrace, and deliver it to others, as we recompense the rewards of loving Him.

Who are you devoted to?

And…whom do you serve?

And, what will be your permanent address, after your journey is complete here on earth?


“Father God,  I pray to be ever mindful of You and Your love, and to devote myself to loving You in all that I do, may it be a reflection of my love for You and towards You, in Jesus name, Amen.” 



DEAR GOD: Same Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow & Always~


Circumstances in life, can change within seconds, and in its wake, seemingly turn our life upside down. Situations may present in cataclysmic fashion, shaking us to the very core of existence.  When these things happen, we often feel threatened, uncertain of our fate, and lack confidence in the direction in which our life may go.  It’s a natural emotion to a common denominator, “change” and drastic at that.

Life is just that.

Ever changing.

Kaleidoscopic in fact.

Ever moving and swirling, sometimes good, and sometimes bad.

There is only one constant in life.


Faith is what wipes out the uncertainty in our life.

Faith is the cleanser for the abrasions of our soul.

Faith is the abundance of joy that supersedes all else.

Faith is the substance of hope of things not seen but believed. (Hebrews 11:1 )

Ostensibly, without faith, can you believe in God and His Son Jesus Christ?

So, hand-in-hand our faith, and belief in God, coincide with one another, for a cohesive seal, representing Christianity, and way of life for those who believe.

One of the most powerful promises we can grasp, is our Father God, and His unconditional love.

In a world, that at times can be  clouded by disturbing events, or adversities, it is satisfying to one’s body, mind, heart, and soul, to realize that God is the same always.

Things are changing quickly in our world, the new norm (Pandemic virus) is increasingly difficult, but the one constant, is God, and His promises, and His all consuming powerful love.

Father, the same as yesterday, today, tomorrow. and always…a potent reminder, that we are never alone. That He is with us always. (Matthew 28:20)

The infinite Word, and promises, are the shroud of our protection, and our armor as we forge through life, doing what we need to do, according to His will.

The weapons of choice, our Gospel Armor. (Ephesians 6:10)

Ambiguity is a life draining emotion.  But placing trust, and embodying our choices, based on His word, and love, is a way of life that is just that…LIFE.  

Life and how it’s meant to be lived is the foundation in which we walk, according to His truth, word, and promises.

Of course, we’ll always have dark moments, and tough times, immersed in our journey here on earth…but when we have God, and His promises, and never changing characteristic, and unfolding mercy and grace, we get through it every single time.  And consequently, more than likely to come through the adversity stronger in the interim.

Today, no matter where you are, or what you’re doing, or how you’re feeling, please know that God is never changing.

He is the same as He was since the beginning of time.

The same as He was yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever.

Isn’t God awesome?

Isn’t His love powerfully reassuring?

His word.

His promises.

His love.

His consistency.

Love Him readily, and then get ready for a totatly different way of LIVING!. 

Now breathe, and experience His love, and tenderness, and LIVE!



“Dear God, in a world of uncertainty, thank You for Your unwavering love, and guidance, and for Your promises that bring ever lasting joy, in Jesus name, Amen.”












DEAR GOD: Your Will For my Steps~







We are currently starting to enjoy “the warmth” of spring despite all of the angst of the horrific killer virus. I’m trying to understand the “powerful message” God is bringing to us by this pandemic. And truly looking to Him for all of the answers.

So, although its a time of frustration and disillusionment, it’s also a time of enlightenment, and investing in a deeper connection to God.  As we turn to our Father, for all of our needs, and trust Him implicitly, as His grace guides us, we will be able to withstand any turbulence, that is suddenly thrown unto our path.

As we get through this historical time in history, let’s look to God for His strength, and His message, that is interwoven in the midst of this chaotic time.  Let’s take the time to understand what is really important to each of us, and take the time to “love” each other is ways, that are reflective of Christ, and His Spirit.

The path we are walking on, are ordered by the LORD, and the path in which we tread, are “choices” we enforce.  That is to say, either we surrender our life to the LORD, and render ourselves to His will, and follow freely.  Or, we may very well walk a path, that can be consumed with irrelevant ideals of the world…thereby, bringing us into self exile in terms of Christianity. Which is to say, further away from God and His ways.



And take this time to get to know Jesus.   

Before the world is up and running again, sit back, and have an intimate talk with your LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ.  I promise it’ll be the best conversation of your lifetime!




“Father God, thank You for guiding my steps, and having divine providence over my life, I look to You, for all of the answers, and love You fully and completely, in Jesus name, Amen.”













DEAR GOD: We Hear & Love You— Body, Heart, Mind, and Soul~



“And he called the multitude, and said unto them,

Hear, and understand:”

Matthew 15:10 (KJV)


People of faith try to follow and adhere to His Word and follow Him willingly. But, at times…our spirit, being encased by our flesh, can react or overreact to the world, and doctrine that is superficially placed there by men/women.  In other words, scripture can be “twisted” for the sole purpose of what the individual wants to hear, or needs to hear.

A prime example is someone who wants to move to a bigger house. The individual may believe, “that God is calling for the move” and that very well may be true.  However, sometimes it is the mind-set of the individual who merely wants to move, and so flips through the Bible and picks a verse that will accommodate their views.  Kind of like a “smorgasbord” “I’ll take verse 10, chapter 3, that sounds like what I’m doing…” —sound familiar?

Honestly, it doesn’t work. Because, if a move takes place,  that isn’t in the will of God, it will not be smooth sailing. In fact, it’ll be anything but that.

I have a friend who wanted to move to another state. She felt it was “her calling,” and didn’t really take the time to pray about it. She moved because her Pastor, moved to another state, and she followed him.  Well, let me tell you, from the moment she arrived there, after quitting her job—basically pulling up all of her stakes— one disaster after another happened. She was literally trapped in a tornado soon after moving. Two days later, the job she was supposed to have been promised was no longer available.  Her money ran short, food became scarce due to low funds, and the weather was wild and violent.

After, several months of this, she decided to return home. Now watch, and “listen”  how God works, when it’s in His will.  Upon returning home…her old job was still open, and she got it back. Her apartment was still available, where she lived prior to the move.  And, she reconnected with the “love of her life,” soon after returning to her home state!  Now, that was God’s calling for her life. That was God’s intent! Amen!

She learned that God, was her fundamental guide, and purpose for all things in her life. She realized, whe she moved,  she was following “Man,” and not God, when she took off to follow her Preacher.  She learned by trial, and error how important it is to “not only love God with your mouth” but “with your heart, body, mind and soul.”

Jesus, in this Chapter of Matthew, speaks to the multitudes, and calls us to “listen,” and not merely obey with words, but with “our heart.”  To do anything else, would be equivalent to being a “hypocrite” as Jesus tells us.

When a lawyer, and expert of the law, asked Jesus what the most important commandment is, Jesus responded, “To love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind…The second is to love your neighbor as yourself.”  

When we do the will of God, and love Him fully, and openly, with all our heart, soul, and mind…we are doing two things.

First, we are fulfilling the desire and commandment of our Father.

Second, we are following Him, and essentially pleasing Him, which ultimately ignites our inner light of peace, and we gain so many rewards in the process.  Not that we are “doing things to gain rewards” in a selfish way, but instead, we are “embracing the rewards” of a life well lived.

“Father God, thank You with all of my heart, mind, and soul, for Your love,  and Your will concerning the footprints of my life, and for Your mercy, and grace, which you grant to me daily, all glory and honor belong to You , now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”





This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.

But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

And he called the multitude, and said unto them, Hear, and understand: Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.

Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying?

But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.

Matthew 15:10-13 (KJV)