DEAR GOD: Provisions Never Ending~





So Abraham called the name of that place, “The Lord will provide”; as it is said to this day, “On the mount of the Lord it shall be provided.” 

Genesis 22:14


So, here is a wonderful moment about God and His love for us!

Now, of course I love and trust God  all the days of my life. But, whenever I have an extra special “Godly moment” I need to shout and scream at the top of my lungs, “HOW AMAZING HE IS”  and “THANK YOU GOD FOR PROVIDING ALL MY NEEDS”  in Jesus name Amen!

This is my “give God all the glory” AGAIN moment. 

Due to this Covid-19…People have been running to supermarkets to find shelves depleted of essential items that we normally took for granted just a little over a month ago!

Toilet paper is  one of the big missing items. It went missing quite a while now, along with sanitizing items, vitamins, tissues, so on and so forth.

I’d been searching online to get toilet tissue for weeks.  I haven’t had any success.  Many people were stock piling for weeks, and probably have enough toilet tissue to “supply half the world with” yet they keep hoarding!Along with other items.  The stores got wise, and now limit these items…”IF YOU CAN FIND THEM!”

So after weeks of frustrating attempts to locate these items I shut down my computer.

I then sat back and sighed aloud, “Lord, I give it to You.  Maybe you’re trying to strengthen my endurance factor, and showing me I have just enough toilet paper for now. So, I give it to You, and I know you will always give me provisions. Besides, I have enough for a little while, and I don’t want to be “gluttonous” as others have been. So I leave it to you…besides, I feel foolish searching for paper products when there are horrible things going on, people dying, people sick, so toilet paper pales beside these heart wrenching situations, so…I give it to you, I know I am protected and you will always provide, in Jesus Name, Amen.”

Well, after praying and talking with God from my heart, my husband and I retired to the bedroom with our pup.  While watching a movie the doorbell rang!  We looked at each other and said, “Who the heck could that be at 8:40 at night? Especially with social distancing and staying home in place?”

My hubby, went to the door, and opened it, and on the floor was a box filled with the exact items we needed!!!!!  And, at the end of the driveway waving to us was our HVAC man, whom I know from birth, and is like family to us.  As a matter of fact, she is my sister-in-laws nephew.  He shouted out, “I just needed to give you that box. The items are all wiped down in their packages, and I just wanted to drop these off to you both.  I can’t come close but, love you both and stay safe!”  

Talk about tears, and chills!!!

THANK YOU LORD for sending this angel to our door. You are amazing in every single way, and I want the WORLD TO KNOW IT!

Now, to elaborate a little more.  I had written a text to this young man, asking how he, and his family were doing in this situation, and told him to be safe, and hoped he had success in locating toilet paper for his family!

So…you guessed it!  Here is what I KNOW happened.

The Spirit touched my heart to text him, and the Spirit, in turn, touched Robert’s (who already is a sweetie pie) to come and bring the items we needed to OUR DOOR.  This young man lives about 30 minutes away from our town.

I spent the rest of the night in awe of how great our God is!  Look, do I know He is great ALL THE TIME?  Yes, of course! But, when He does these “GOD MOMENTS” I need to share with the world.  His light, love and ways are beyond astounding!

So…there you go!

Now, my brothers and sisters around the world…my questions are:

“How great is our God?”  

And, have you any God moments?  

If so, please SHOUT about it, and give Him the glory He so truly deserves.

And, remember we are all in this together!


“Father, my amazing Lord, thank You for Your never ending provisions, for Your promises, and for Your light in this dark time, You never cease to astound me, I love You always, in Jesus name, Amen.”


Psalms 34:10 The young lions suffer want and hunger; but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.

Psalms 81:10 I am the LORD your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.

Psalms 84:11 For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.