DEAR GOD: Song of Love~




His banner over me was love.

(Song of Solomon 2:4 NKJV)



God is love. His love cannot be described as we understand love, for His capacity to love us, supersedes our ability to love Him. It’s beyond our basic understanding, in our current realm, to grasp, or comprehend His love. His quality of love differs tremendously from our own.

We walk under His banner of love, His canopy of love. He loves us, even when we stray from the fold. His love is changeless.

He loves us when we wander from His will, or fall into some kind of mishap, that defies His commandments. His love is certain.
He loves us, when we disobey Him, or fall prey to foolish things, that flesh at times will do. His love is dependable.

He loves us, unconditionally, purely, and without any doubt. We walk under His banner/canopy of love. So, never think for one moment, that He would walk away in dismay, for His love endures. The canopy never falls, and we cannot dismantle it. God erected the canopy, and therefore it is impregnable. It is unchanging, it is certain, and it is dependable.

If He is with us always, so too, amidst turbulence, of which we are all facing just now in our world. However, the current times notwithstanding…God is the same today, tomorrow and always. Disengage from the paralyzing anxiety or fear, put on your Gospel Armor, because God is right here! And with God, who can be against us?

God and His love…how amazing, is He?

Release any misconceptions, or doubts about His love. He loved us before we were born, and loves us here on earth, as He will in the Eternity.

So, rejoice under His canopy/banner, and smile, knowing “He loves us“– in no uncertain terms, and that is something we can depend on forever, no matter what “giants” we are facing today.

Father, I rejoice under Your banner of love, and protection, no matter how dark it gets out in the world, Your light shines over me, thank You in Jesus name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: I Will Follow You Alone–Forever~







“And these things, brethren, I have in a figure transferred to myself and to Apollos for your sakes; that ye might learn in us not to think of men above that which is written, that no one of you be puffed up for one against another.”

1 Corinthians 4:6 (KJV)


Pride is not alone, it has a twin named boastful.

It also has a cousin named “braggart.”

Lately,  it appears there has been an awful lot of “bragging,” and “prideful” nonsense, going on. Humans, are trying to grapple with circumstances, amidst the turmoil in the world, while trying to make sense of what’s happening at the same time. A full understanding of why, how, when, and where it all began to unravel?  Our world was horribly affected and changed all of us in a matter of months, weeks, minutes, and seconds.

There are many theories as to what’s happened, why it’s happening, and who is to blame. I’m speaking about the Coronavirus.  Also weather patterns, i.e., earthquakes, tornadoes, and floods that have ripped and tore through the world and countries, leaving behind devastation in its wake.

There are many people pointing to our LORD and blaming Him for allowing this to happen. Those that can’t comprehend the enormity of what’s happening all around us.  Those who are not familiar with the Word of our LORD, or those who lack a relationship with Him, are the ones who are having the most difficulty navigating through this “dark time.”

There are those who fancy themselves prognosticators, while boasting they know what’s going to happen in the future. Merely inflating their own self importance to the point of “overblown hot air.”

Don’t get me wrong, there is evidence, or sequences, that allow professionals to foretell the progression of a diseases, or course of action of weather.  Plus there are professionals, who have wisdom from above, who can arguably predict certain aspects concerning life overall.

However, make NO MISTAKE, that it is the LORD and the LORD alone who is in full control. Not man. Not woman. No beast, or otherwise.  Only the LORD and the LORD alone who is ever constant since the beginning of time, and who Reigns Supreme over all, and in control at ALL times.

No matter what is happening around us, when we have core valued faith, we know that “God has the final say” in anything.

We know that God’s word will supersede all of which humanity has to say, predict, or boast about.

When we trust in God for all of our provisions—and that would encompass our health, our calling, our very foundation in which we live—we know that He will protect, and bring about peace in turbulence. We will be able to withstand the slings, and arrows, of harrowing circumstances, that threaten to overtake our lives.

Today I was watching someone go on and on about “themselves” and bragging about their accomplishments, and singlehandedly stating, “I am always right, I have a 99.9% accuracy rating in all I predict.”     

Hmmmm? —-You wouldn’t want to say that to my face would you?   “You are not God, and NO ONE can predict a 99.9% accuracy when it comes to anything.  And, by the way, God has a 100.% accurate rate since the beginning of time!  

Humility, kindness, compassion are characteristics of the Spirit and when we walk by the Spirit and hold on to His Words and promises…we will find the ultimate reward of peace, wisdom and strength in Christ.


God loves a humble spirit. He is not a rewarder, or a fan of prideful boastful individuals… as He succinctly states it in Matthew 23:12: “And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

A huge part of Christianity is keeping a positive outlook, and giving Him praise no matter the circumstances, both good and bad.

Remember…He defeated death.

He is the Author of Peace.

He is our loving Redeemer.

Nothing is too big for our GOD or too small.

Look around and be of good courage and have no fear, for His right hand is holding us up. (Isaiah 41:10)

He is our protector and our refuge.

Surrender to the One and Only, and give your heart to Jesus, our LORD and Savior. 

The peace that will surround you will be like none you’ve ever known before.

You will breathe easier, and love harder.

And you will finally experience “LIFE” as it was meant to be. 

As Jesus said, ” Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.(John 14:27 KJV)

“Father God, thank You for Your unprecedented love and guidance and unwavering grace, glory and honor and dominion and power be Yours, forever my Lord, in Jesus name, Amen.”


May God’s light shine into your world~


DEAR GOD: You Reign and Pray for Your Children~








 “Simon, Simon (Peter), listen! Satan has demanded permission to sift [all of] you like grain;  but I have prayed [especially] for you [Peter], that your faith [and confidence in Me] may not fail; and you, once you have turned back again [to Me], strengthen and support your brothers [in the faith].”

Luke 22:31-32 (AMP)


No matter how disconnected we might feel in this world, we are assured that we are “connected” to the LORD no matter what the circumstances.

He promised, He is with us always,  and will never leave us. (Matthew 28:20)

Jesus is at the right hand of the Father and always in control. (Mark 16:19)

Did you know that Jesus prays for us? Well, indeed He does. (Luke 22:31-32) 

He protects, and watches out for us, while His Spirit, leads, guides, and directs, all of our steps.

In Luke, He is stating that He is praying for us, and praying that we repent and turn toward Him, and be the light for others in His name. We are strong through Christ. (Philippians 4:13)  In Christ–we can do things that we couldn’t normally do, for it is through Him and Him alone, that allows us to cope in all kinds of strife. And, in all types of situations.

Without Christ there is no life.

And life without Christ is desolate and chaotic.

Knowing we’re being watched and protected by the Almighty One, and receiving His prayers over our life, is balm for our soul. It’s joy for our hearts, and eternal bliss for our “life.”

Stay strong.

Stay safe.

And stay under the wings of the powerful Sovereign Almighty God.

This pandemic shall pass.

Life for those affected by this horrific evil virulent invisible enemy, will go on.

Those who recovered will go on, thankful to be able to talk about it. Thankful to the LORD they were spared.

Those who lost beloved family, and friends, from Covid-19 will go on, with broken hearts, and treasured memories etched deeply within. (My niece lost her father-in-law and beloved childhood friend.And my sister an RN lost three co-workers and friends.)

Albeit, many people will have changed greatly from having been catapulted into this worldwide killer.  We have all been affected by it. All of us. And, life will go on.  Because that is what we do overall. We survive.

This shall pass and hopefully “fade away.”

All things change in life.  But, one thing is constant.  And, that is the LOVE of Christ.

Grass withers, flowers fade…but the Word of God will never change or pass away. (Isaiah 40:8)

His love and protection and His prayers over our life will continue for all the days of our life here on earth.

So…next time you pray, think of how much He loves you that He prays for you, right this moment from the right hand of our Father!

How comforting is that?

“Father, thank You for Your prayers, Your protection, and Your promises over my life, may I be ever mindful of Your compassion and grace, now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”





DEAR GOD: Witnesses Forever~

“Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.”

Isaiah 43:10 (KJV)



Today, my husband and I were listening to a Christian broadcast on the radio, while driving to our destination. The sermon was quite impressive, and most particularly one part, when he was referring to us being “witnesses” for Christ. He said “we are not temporary witnesses for Christ, but permanent witnesses.”   Then he went on to explain it in a way that really touched my heart.

He said, “if we’re called to the court to be a witness, we take the stand and proceed with the business at hand.  But when that case is over with, and we step down from the witness seat, we are done, it’s over.  But, with Christ, we are called to be a witness for life!”

That is so true. Jesus calls us, commands us to “go and preach the Gospel to all the nations, and teach and speak the Word.” (Matt: 28:20)

It’s not a casual or one day deal. It’s a lifetime of being a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ. We are not incidental witnesses, but in fact, viable and life sustaining witnesses for the Word and the blood of Christ.

It’s neither casual nor deniable.

Instead, it’s infinite and undeniable.

Christianity, holds its branches of faith,  entrenched in the roots of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The many acts, works and proponents of being a living breathing fact loving Christian is evidenced by the life we lead. It’s apparent in what we say, or do. And, it’s indelibly etched in our hearts that live for the Lord first and foremost.

So, today think of yourself on the witness stand for Christ.  

What would you say?

What would you do?

And, when you step off the witness stand, are you done?

Or…when you step off the witness stand, will you continue for life?

The answer you give is the difference between life and death.


“Father God, help me to always be a witness for You and Your love, may I be a light to all I encounter, and may I give You all the glory and honor, now and always, in Jesus precious name, Amen.”






DEAR GOD: Lord, I Need You-Every Second~



John 15:5

“I am the vine, you are the branches. The one who abides in me while I abide in him produces much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.”


All we do, and all we have, is because of His grace.

Our breath, is His breath, breathing life into us.

He sustains us, and nourishes us, abundantly non-stop.

Lately, the days are “blending into one big fray” of  racing or rushing thoughts, pertaining to this crisis around the world.

This Pandemic has consumed so many people in so many ways. But for those for have faith, it’s a slightly different ballgame, in how we handle it.

So many individuals have their finances dwindling…

Families are frantic, wondering, when they will return to work, or if they’ll have a job when this is “lifted” and finally over…

People, worrying for their loved ones, children, friends…

To those on the front line, medical workers, all of the truck drivers, grocery store workers,  restaurants cooking and delivering food, fire fighters, police officers, those in the factories, getting the supplies out… and the list goes on and on…

Thank you all!

God bless you! Without you…where would we all be?

For those who lost loved ones, heartfelt condolences. (My nieces lost two loved ones last week a couple days apart.)

For those battling this virus right this moment, may God bring you through it.

Through this all…keep breathing.

He is the Vine.

We need Him.

He is the One whose blood allows us to pray to God.

He is the One that gives eternal LIFE.

We need HIM.

He sees what is happening, and eventually, He will stop it.

But according to His timing.

According to His will.

So…cling onto the Vine that provides.

Cling onthe Vine as times cascade in a vast depth of despair.

Cling on tightly, to the Vine, and breathe.

Cling on the Vine, and believe, because, no matter what happens here on earth, we will LIVE forever on the Vine of LIFE.  Amen!


“Father thank You for allowing me to live forever in Christ, thank You for Your help in all I do, and thank You for protecting me no matter what may be happening all around me, in Jesus name, Amen.”



The Blessing and Suffering of the Godly

To the Chief Musician.

A Psalm of David.

Blessed is he who considers the poor;
The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.

The Lord will preserve him and keep him alive,
And he will be blessed on the earth;
You will not deliver him to the will of his enemies.

The Lord will strengthen him on his bed of illness;
You will sustain him on his sickbed.

Psalm 41: 1-3  (NKJV)

DEAR GOD: Saved & Thankful~




He is not here: for he is risen, as he said.

Come, see the place where the Lord lay.

Matthew 26:6 (KJV)





To My Dear Beautiful Lord, 

I am amazed by You, and Your infinite goodness.

I contemplate  on Your Word daily, and embrace You, and Your love.

Always in remembrance of Your sacrifice that set me free, and the price You  ultimately paid for my redemption. 

Your love is evident, especially during the annual celebration of Your miraculous resurrection! 

It is You I follow, and it is Your voice I hear.

No One can sustain me with overwhelming provisions, body, mind, heart and soul.

It is Your love that flows through me every day, and it is Your love that strengthens me to get through all the storms of my life.

It is Your love that grants me peace.

It is You and Your Spirit that lead, guide, and heal me.

It is Your very breath, that fills my essence with LIFE.

And it is You, that holds my life in Your hands.

I cannot imagine what You were feeling as they tortured You, spat at You, scourged You, and pulled Your arms from Your socket. 

But I know It was Your love that made You push on.

It is “finished,” You said…and so it was done according to scriptures.

Salvation for me!

Oh how You love me!

Me? I am not worthy…no one is.

Yet, You did it for me…for Your children.

Thank You for You are the Light in my life.

Thank You for the sanctuary of Your wings and shelter.

Thank You for never leaving me.

Thank You for always listening to me.

Thank You for being YOU!

I love You my Lord Jesus Christ.

To You, all glory and honor, forever and always.

Words or understanding escape my human mind, of which You endured for me.

The scope of realization, defies comprehension, because the magnitude is too deep for me to grasp without being swept away.  

Oh, Yes…I know what You’ve done.

I know what You’ve accomplished.

I know how You died and resurrected for me.

Still…it is too deep for me to grasp the enormity of what You’ve done for me, while in this human form.

 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I love You.

I can’t think of anything else to say.  

So I’ll wrap up by saying this: 

My heart overflows with love for You.

Sometimes, so much so, that I can hardly breathe, as tears escape streaming down my cheeks.

Three words, I love You.


Two words, Thank You!


I’m Yours forever more,








A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

John 13: 34-35


Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Matthew 28:20 (KJV)

DEAR GOD: This Too Shall Pass~





 And if Christ has not been raised, then all our preaching is useless, and your faith is useless.

 And we apostles would all be lying about God—for we have said that God raised Christ from the grave. But that can’t be true if there is no resurrection of the dead.

But in fact, Christ has been raised from the dead. He is the first of a great harvest of all who have died.

1 Corinthians 15:14-15, 20 (NLT)


Jesus went willingly to the cross for us. He went without murmuring, without complaints, without hesitation, for us…

Good Friday in rememberance of His horrific death…nailed to the cross, let’s pause and give thanks, for His blood and sacrifice. He who is without sin, a perfect “Lamb” of God. It is beyond any scope of human understanding, yet we know it happened, and it was done for us!

Remembering what Christ did and realizing the extent of love the Father  as He sent His own Son to His death, should make us thankfuleveryday of our life.

The Resurrection of Christ will look a little different this year because of the restrictions due to this evil virus pandemic. The places of worship will be empty, but the meaning and the reason for rejoicing are unchanged. In fact, more reason than ever to rejoice as Christ’ victory over death, and evil, bring resilience and purpose, to our lives.

After all nothing can take us from Christ:

 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.  For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.  -Romans 8:37-39 (NIV)


My niece lost her father-in-law last night to this horrific Coronavirus. A man who was kind, loving, generous and gave back to society.  As my niece, and her in-laws mourn their loss, so too many others here in the USA, across the miles, and world.

It is a sad time, a dark time.

But, in Christ, we are strengthened, and confident that this too shall pass. However, not without an indelible mark upon our souls, as we are all affected by the invisible evil that has besieged the world, and gripped our hearts.

God will bring us through it and with it many ‘new things’ will be discovered, and new beginnings will emerge from the ashes.

While people are complaining about toilet paper, and items missing from shelves, it’s best to put our perspectives into a harsh reality. Toilet paper, purell, or soap, these items are just “stuff” —  Whereas, people have died. Grandfathers, grandmothers, sisters, brothers, fathers, mothers, friends, neighbors, so on and so forth.  These lives are gone…but they will live on here on earth, and in eternity.

Christ died for us…He lives on in each and every one of us who have accepted Him into their lives.

He alone is in control, and He alone can stop this chaotic frenzy with a wave of His hand.

He alone can heal the broken-hearted and He alone can bring about peace throughout our land.

The question is when, not if...because to Christ be the glory now and always, and all things according to His timing and will.


“Father God, thank You for Your Son and for loving us as much as You do, I surrender all to You, and love You always, in Jesus name, Amen.”











DEAR GOD: Your Light Shines Through it All~





John 1:4-5 4 (NIV)

In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.


Can you see His light?

Do you sense His light from within?

Fear not, for He is with us…always.


Most of us are being greatly affected by this “shelter at home” due to the raging monster, COVID-19.  And, while in place, we have time to do so many things, and being…”getting closer to God” and reading His Word.

We now have scads of time to dwell in the house of the LORD…and meditate at His temple of Holiness.  Yes, from our homes.  He is there, right alongside each and everyone of us.

Praying, looking to Him, for help during this crisis is crucial to our staying calm.  Because chaotic things are happening, and the times have changed so rapidly, most people are having great difficulty adjusting to their “new normal.”

I can’t stress this enough, being a follower of Christ…stay in His Word!  Pray and get to know Him on a deeper level than you previously had.

Praising Him, and looking to Him, brings us into the realm of tranquility, which truly supersedes “chaos” and “noise” of the world.

God, has the victory, in all things. And, this virus is not nearly as big as OUR GOD!

God, is allowing this right now for reasons that may be beyond our comprehension.  However, preachers and those who are faithful followers, usually process in a different way when it comes to adversity.

We understand the power of God, and His Sovereign nature. We know full well who is ultimately in control of everything in the universe, and essentially, in our life!

We know His promises in the Bible.

We know of His commandments in the Bible.

And we know the power of prayer.

Today…I am continuing in prayer for all those afflicted with this “evil virus,” and all those who lost dear loved ones because of it.

I am continuing in prayer for the light to shine out the darkness, and the day when this crisis is passed over us.

I am continuing in prayer for all of my brothers, and sisters, to unite in Spirit, and to lend their time at home, to the Father above, who is capable of all things.

And finally to know…that at the end of every storm, comes quiet. And the brightest of all rainbows will appear, stretching out in glory,  of the covenant with our Father in heaven.

Keep looking up…the storm is about to end…


“Father God, thank You for Your peace and love, and for the quiet solitude we spend together, I surrender all to You, and know that You will guide me through this storm, and provide wings of safety, now and always, in Jesus name Amen.”



John 1:4-5 4 (NKJV)

In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 

And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.


Colossians 1:9-14

For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;

strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyouslyread more.
giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light.

For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.


DEAR GOD: How Great Thou Art~






Jeremiah 32:27
Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?


Is there anything too big for our GOD?

Is there anything too small for our GOD?

The answer is of course not!  We have a powerful, and merciful Father, who transcends time, and never ceases to be in control.

Most important of all—He will never stop loving His children.

It is through Christ, we find the strength to face the day, and in His presence, all of our fears are washed away.

When we read His Word, and hear His voice, all anxiety is washed away.

Conversations, these days,  are limited due to the pandemic circling the universe as a devouring lion. It’s taking down people and offering in its wake, fear, uneasiness and sadness.

It has individuals wondering, when it will end?

How will it end?

Or thinking—will a loved one become a “victim” of its catastrophic tentacles that sink into the depths of our very essence.

We don’t know the answer to any of those questions, however, there is a Light and one positive in this uncertainty…Our Father!

He is in control, and has been since the beginning of time. He is the same as He was yesterday, today and tomorrow…for all eternity.

When we go into His presence, led by His Spirit, we are offered His truth, life and light. We can harness onto His perfect peace.

When we are strong in His Word, it becomes our most powerful weapon.

He is our safety net in turbulent times.

He is our anchor in stormy seas.

He is our Rock amongst the ruins.

He is our branch of righteousness.

He is GREAT and His greatness will never cease.

When our faith is tested in adversity it can be a positive thing for all of us.

1- Our roots of faith will grow deeper as will our spirit.

2- Our faith will be grafted further in the vine of our Father.

We must be careful  not to “teeter-totter” in the winds of troublesome periods.  If we doubt, we are “doubting Him” and our roots may shrivel up and detach from the spirit, until we can barely “hear His voice.”

Instead, in the “noise” of the world…seek His face and His peace.

Stand strong, in the LORD, and praise Him, no matter what the circumstances.

When we cannot stand, we must “fall on Him” so He can hold us up.

When we are weak, run “to Him” to give us strength, so we can climb the mountains before us.

He holds our life in His Loving gentle hands.

Our one defense is His righteousness!

Brothers and Sisters…How deep are your roots?


“Father God, thank You for providing Your perfect peace, and strength, during adversity, as well as in good times, You are the Rock for all times, and Your love is never ending, thank You, for Your light, in Jesus name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Provisions Never Ending~





So Abraham called the name of that place, “The Lord will provide”; as it is said to this day, “On the mount of the Lord it shall be provided.” 

Genesis 22:14


So, here is a wonderful moment about God and His love for us!

Now, of course I love and trust God  all the days of my life. But, whenever I have an extra special “Godly moment” I need to shout and scream at the top of my lungs, “HOW AMAZING HE IS”  and “THANK YOU GOD FOR PROVIDING ALL MY NEEDS”  in Jesus name Amen!

This is my “give God all the glory” AGAIN moment. 

Due to this Covid-19…People have been running to supermarkets to find shelves depleted of essential items that we normally took for granted just a little over a month ago!

Toilet paper is  one of the big missing items. It went missing quite a while now, along with sanitizing items, vitamins, tissues, so on and so forth.

I’d been searching online to get toilet tissue for weeks.  I haven’t had any success.  Many people were stock piling for weeks, and probably have enough toilet tissue to “supply half the world with” yet they keep hoarding!Along with other items.  The stores got wise, and now limit these items…”IF YOU CAN FIND THEM!”

So after weeks of frustrating attempts to locate these items I shut down my computer.

I then sat back and sighed aloud, “Lord, I give it to You.  Maybe you’re trying to strengthen my endurance factor, and showing me I have just enough toilet paper for now. So, I give it to You, and I know you will always give me provisions. Besides, I have enough for a little while, and I don’t want to be “gluttonous” as others have been. So I leave it to you…besides, I feel foolish searching for paper products when there are horrible things going on, people dying, people sick, so toilet paper pales beside these heart wrenching situations, so…I give it to you, I know I am protected and you will always provide, in Jesus Name, Amen.”

Well, after praying and talking with God from my heart, my husband and I retired to the bedroom with our pup.  While watching a movie the doorbell rang!  We looked at each other and said, “Who the heck could that be at 8:40 at night? Especially with social distancing and staying home in place?”

My hubby, went to the door, and opened it, and on the floor was a box filled with the exact items we needed!!!!!  And, at the end of the driveway waving to us was our HVAC man, whom I know from birth, and is like family to us.  As a matter of fact, she is my sister-in-laws nephew.  He shouted out, “I just needed to give you that box. The items are all wiped down in their packages, and I just wanted to drop these off to you both.  I can’t come close but, love you both and stay safe!”  

Talk about tears, and chills!!!

THANK YOU LORD for sending this angel to our door. You are amazing in every single way, and I want the WORLD TO KNOW IT!

Now, to elaborate a little more.  I had written a text to this young man, asking how he, and his family were doing in this situation, and told him to be safe, and hoped he had success in locating toilet paper for his family!

So…you guessed it!  Here is what I KNOW happened.

The Spirit touched my heart to text him, and the Spirit, in turn, touched Robert’s (who already is a sweetie pie) to come and bring the items we needed to OUR DOOR.  This young man lives about 30 minutes away from our town.

I spent the rest of the night in awe of how great our God is!  Look, do I know He is great ALL THE TIME?  Yes, of course! But, when He does these “GOD MOMENTS” I need to share with the world.  His light, love and ways are beyond astounding!

So…there you go!

Now, my brothers and sisters around the world…my questions are:

“How great is our God?”  

And, have you any God moments?  

If so, please SHOUT about it, and give Him the glory He so truly deserves.

And, remember we are all in this together!


“Father, my amazing Lord, thank You for Your never ending provisions, for Your promises, and for Your light in this dark time, You never cease to astound me, I love You always, in Jesus name, Amen.”


Psalms 34:10 The young lions suffer want and hunger; but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.

Psalms 81:10 I am the LORD your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.

Psalms 84:11 For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.