DEAR GOD: The Power of Prayer & Your Love~







 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;  and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7 (NKJV)


There are a myriad of concerns, and issues, that have the world in its grip, threatening to pull back the very layers of Christianity, that most of us are firmly rooted in. Alas, there are those who haven’t the layers of “protection” in terms of His Word, and promises, and therefore, are missing out on peace, that only God offers, to each and every one of us who believe.

Those who follow Him, Jesus promises, “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world give, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let is be fearful…” (John 14:27)

If you will recall, Jesus, spoke these loving, and comforting words, during the most difficult time on earth, the night before His brutal crucifixion.  Yet, here was our Savior, providing and offering solace, and comfort with His overwhelming promise, that is as honey and balm for our souls.

Jesus, has many names, and one of which is Lord of Peace. That He is our Peace, is the truth that Christians embrace during good times; and during our trials and valleys.

Paul, tells us how to experience God’s peace, instead of anxious behavior, or catastrophic thinking, that we should pray with thankfulness. That we should tap into the knowledge of Christ’ promise, and therefore have no reason for anxiety.

Anxiety or anxious behavior, is something we are instructed to put off, because of our faith in Him.

Praying, is the how we are to approach our situations, or life overall.

And peace is the fundamental end result we receive, as promised by Christ Himself.

This peace, that comes from the LORD, who is our Sovereign, Omnipotent Creator of the Universe, is something that every child of His knows, and it is truly indescribable to those who “do not know.”

Our LORD, promises us His peace, which is real….and not as the world gives it, no…but as He gives it.

Praise Him, because when you’ve experienced it,  through faith,  it is joyful. It’s sheer exhilaration that far exceeds verbal explanation. It must be “felt” to know what His promise means.

And the intimate ongoing relationship that we have with Him, through prayers, and dedication, and trust…is a daily deposit that has dividends that continue to grow exponentially! Developing into a full blown maturity that will be “pay day” at the end of our life.

Praying for others, and giving of ourselves, in purpose, according to His will…is inherently a blessing, that is provided by the Master Himself. The rewards of praying are satisfying in numerous ways.  But knowing Him, loving Him, and realizing He’s listening, and loving us all the while… is a tangible art of recognition in who He is…and who we are!

His children, His sheep, His lambs.

Pray fervently.

Love deeply.

And trust fully.

In His promises, and in His love.

Remember, Jesus’ words: “Be anxious for nothing.” In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus made it clear that anxiety stems from a lack of faith, and from a wrong focus on the things of this world, instead of on the kingdom of God. (Matthew 6:25-34)

We are human, and subject to the “afflictions of flesh” but the anxiety we face, and feel at times, we must confront it, and realize that we need to pray and seek God and His kingdom in all we do. When we do…we are grafted onto the truth of His promises, and His provisions to see us through everything and anything.

Our Father wants Christians to have joy in every situation, not just so that they’ll be happy, but so that they will be effective witnesses for Jesus Christ  (Philippians 2:14-18.) 

There are so many things Christians can talk about concerning their faith. Things such as testimonies, miracles, moments when they come to the LORD, prayers that are answered, etc.  However, feeling safe, calm, and secure, knowing He loves us, beyond a capacity in which we cannot comprehend.   He will always be with us…every single moment of our life, until our last breath.  Then, we get to spend Eternity with Him as we reap the rewards of our faith filled lives. Oh Joy!

Are you equipped with the belief of His promises? 

“Father God, thank You for listening to our prayers, for offering us Your peace, and for loving us unconditionally, in all that we do, we do with thanks, and unrelenting praise, in Jesus, precious, and most Holy name, Amen.”