DEAR GOD: Chaos Defeated Once Again~

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

1 Peter 5:7 (KJV)


So I was out doing errands very early this morning and all was going peacefully and easily.  At the very last leg of my journey, I stopped into a local store to purchase a couple of items.

When I returned to my home, something was missing. I couldn’t find my cell phone!  My heart began to pound like a race horse at the starting gate!

Now before all of you think I was panicking about my phone…not so.

I was panicking because in my cell phone’s case there were important items. Namely, my “drivers license, bank debit card,  and medical insurance card”—that’s why I panicked!

Within the next 45 minutes, my mind, heart, body and soul, went into overdrive panic mode.  I called banks, the motor vehicle bureau, and life lock, and my cell phone carrier.

Then I spoke to the manager in the store,  where I believe I had left my phone and personal identification items.

I pleaded for her to look at the video in the store to see who might have taken my phone and valuable cards.

She was kind, pleasant, and did look for me.  She assured me that no one took my phone.  She said she discovered there was a thief behind me on line,  who did steal many items in there, and she was thankful that by looking for me she found the thief…but that thief didn’t take my phone, although she’d shoplifted plenty of items that were in her bag.

I began to wail and sob so badly, that my poor dog ran over to me not knowing what to do, so he cried along with me. Precious little boy.

Okay, so where was I? — Yes, so chaos.  Disruption.  Anxiety.  Frustration.  These are not of God.

I searched my car from back to front.

From front to back.

And, did it numerous times.

I was on my way to fill out a police report, when I cried out really loud to God, “Please dear LORD!  Help me!  Please…let me find my phone and items.  I am so frightened of someone having all of my personal info. Please help me!  In Jesus Christ name, help me!”

Well, as I got back into my car.  There it was!

My cell phone sitting there!

I know it wasn’t there before.

I know because I looked a dozen times or more.

God heard me. and suddenly He granted me His perfect PEACE!

I went from Chaotic overdrive lunacy…to tranquil peaceful bliss!

Boom! Just like that.

Guess who managed to do all this? 

My Lord, He never fails me.

He is always there!

So praise Him and His holy ways!

Praise Him and His name!

Praise Him night and day!

Praise Him for bringing me down from overdrive and placing me into neutral and eventually…cruise mode!

Now I ask, “How great is our God?”


“Father, thank You for answering my cries, thank You for hearing me from Your Holy hills and throne, and thank You for loving me as You do, to You all the glory, now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”


“Oh and thank You Father for letting them discover that thief while looking at the video, which they normally wouldn’t have done.  So, You were behind that too!  You’re amazing! Amen!”