Isaiah 41:10 (KJV)

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God:

I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea,

I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.



A friend called with grave concerns about the Corona Virus, the newest and latest threat, that is highly  prevalent in people’s conversations, and in the  news.  Her voice was shaking with a stampede of questions, What can we do? what’s going to happen?  How did this happen? How did something from China reach here? Are we going to die? How do we go out anymore?”  

She eventually came up for air, as I struggled for the best way to soothe her and offer some solace.   I asked God for help…The first thing that popped into my heart and soul was , “Fear not, for the LORD is with you, He will strengthen you, and uphold you, and protect you.”

She stopped, and did a complete reversal,  I know God touched her through His Words of promise, and comfort.   Her verbal response; Wow…thank you for that Word, I accept it and receive it.”

I’m sure many of you reading this right now,  have had similar thoughts, or perhaps a scenario that comes close to what transpired between my friend and I. It was a great outcome, because of her unwavering faith…

But what of those who don’t have any sort of belief system in place?

What of those without faith? 

What of those without the Spirit residing within?

The ones who don’t know Christ? 

My friend, who was truly in a chaotic state when she first called as I’ve mentioned… is a devout Christian, with great faith. So the progression from that Biblical verse, was followed by God’s promises to protect us, and thereby became a segue into a realm of  His perfect peace.  Her chaotic cries were halted by the “honey balm of the LORD’s Word which flowed over the buds of her mind, heart, body and soul.

The Holy Father’s Word:  It is a powerful and two edged sword which can quicken the truth in all of us, and bring forth an abundance of tranquility. Peace, strength, and vitality that only comes from Him!

Jesus didn’t force people to follow Him… He gave free choice. So too is the Holy Spirit.

The inner Spirit is a gentleman, and offers guidance and always waiting for us to encounter and invite Him in to our life.

With those who have no faith…we have to lead by example.

You might hear someone without faith ask;  “how can you be so calm about chaos occurring in the world?”…that’s the cue to open the door for them to hear about Jesus.

If they want to “hear” they will hear.  If they want “more” provide more.  Of course, all of this is not by “our power” —but by the “Lord” and His will.  He guides, He leads, He directs in Jesus name.

Chaos, is not conducive to the life of a Christian, nor anyone for that matter, but Hallelujah, for those who know where to turn in such times—The Author of Peace, the Creator and Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, and whole Universe—Jesus Christ, King of kings and LORD of lords!

God’s Word breathes life.   His promises and love are the basis of the foundation in which we live, and in which we trust.

So, when disease is on the rise, along with murders, wars or rumors of war,  or catasphophic weather patterns, and overall mayhem occupy news stories and conversations, reach for the One that will sustain, protect, and offer Balm for the soul.

Because Life with Him is so much better than without Him.

“Have you tasted His Words of love and basked in honey for your soul?”

May I suggest you see for yourself and indulge in the greatest love of your lifetime.


“Father, I love with You with all of my heart, body, mind and soul, thank You for this moment in time,  for Your ongoing protection and promises, for being the balm and honey in this chaotic world, and for being my Peace, to You be the glory, now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”





But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and keep you safe from the Evil One.      2 Thessaloians 3:3 (GNT)


Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all. Psalm 34:19 (NKJV)


Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.                       Psalm 138:7 (KJV)