DEAR GOD: Your Name Breathes Life & Hope~






For where two or three are gathered together in my name,

there am I in the midst of them.

Matthew 18:20 (KJV)



Being part of a fellowship that shares the love of Christ is not only satisfying in a spiritual and unifying sense, but also in alignment with following Jesus’ commandments to go and spread the good news.  It not only brings a cohesive movement of the body of Christ into our realm of existence, it also breathes life into all who are part of it.  Speaking the Word, and bringing the Word, brings life to both those that speak and hear it.


In chapter 18 of the book of the Prophet Ezekiel, there was the vision of “dry bones (Ezekiel 18) The reviving of the dry bones signified God’s plan for Israel’s future national restoration. The vision  showed Israel’s new life depended on God’s power and not the circumstances of the people. Putting “breath” by God’s Spirit into the dry bones showed that God would not only restore them physically, but more important, spiritually.

And today, spiritually there are a vast amount of “dead bones” that need restoration, and the breath of God to bring many to “life” — by His Word and by His power.

Last evening I spoke with a dear and beloved Christian friend, a true sister in Christ.  She and I were fellowshipping, and speaking the Word, encouraging each other with scriptural verses, and praise for the LORD.  While doing so, we knew that the LORD was with us as we prayed, and glorified Him, and spoke the Word.

My friend has limited  physical capacity in her daily life. Due to these medical issues , she’s virtually a recluse, due to her inability to “walk and get around” — so in a sense, she’s a “prisoner” in a beautiful house in Maine—in the middle of nowhere.  She hasn’t been out in months, can’t even get to the doctor, and truly is “chained to her house” due to her physical maladies.  She’s a widow  living alone, which makes her feel more isolated and desolate, but her strong faith keeps her motivated.

The LORD continuously sends laborers to her door for her care;  doctors that make house calls, people to meet her needs, and so of course, Glory be to God as He provides ongoing care to His beloved child.

During prayers she travailed in the spirit due to her circumstances; crying, “I wish I could get to a church I’d say, ‘here I am God’. ”   I reminded her gently, that Jesus said, “wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there will I be.”    

The message of my post...Jesus promises He is with us always.

So, no matter the circumstances, where you pray, where you speak to Him, He “hears and sees” and “He is with you.”   So for those who are unable to attend a church,  or unable to get out, or are hurting physically, please know that He is with you, no matter what the circumstances may be.  And, He fully understands.

He sees your heart, knows your heart, and loves you with a capacity that far exceeds our human mind of comprehension.

The LORD breathes life into His followers— uplifts—restores, and gives strength, to get us through our storms.

The LORD never leaves us…never forsakes us…and while we’re in the valley, or experiencing an unrelenting dark period—He is there extending His hand to pull us out, offering us His peace and a safe sanctuary,  therefore making us even stronger than before the trial we have just endured.




And remember…speaking His Word, hearing His Word, living His word will not only fortify and allow for our spiritual growth,  but His Sovereign magnificent power will electrify us into delivering someone, ultimately bringing “new life” into their bones in Jesus name!

” For Dee — God loves you and so do I!  To God be the Glory!”


“Father God, thank You for being with us always and breathing life into us through Your power and Your word, in Jesus name, Amen.”