DEAR GOD: Guide & Instruct & Teach & Love~


I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go: I will guide you with My eye. 

Psalm 32:8 (NKJV)


God who knows us perfectly is saying, “I will guide you” 

God who knows us perfectly is saying, “I will instruct you”

God who knows us perfectly is saying, “I will teach you”


He is going to counsel us wisely, we would have to be complete fools to reject all of what He is promising us. Well, wouldn’t we have to be? 

To think we could go the course in this wayward world without His guidance, protection, instruction, and forbearance, is akin to walking blindfold on a tightrope that extends across the Grand Canyon.  Most would say they wouldn’t do that because we know ultimately the outcome would be devastating…it would be final.

With God in our life, and our will and surrender to Him, He is our safety net for life!

He leads us, guides us, and brings us sure footed into roads and paths that are best for us. Amen!


Many sorrows shall be to the wicked; but he who trusts in the LORD, mercy shall surround him. Psalm 32:10 (NKJV)   

Even when we falter, and fail in the flesh, “His promises are kept” and all the more powerful due to His forgiving nature and unconditional love. He doesn’t break promises, we do!  He stands waiting for us to amend our ways, do penance and move back to the path of which we should walk.

David’s confession, (Psalm 32)  of sin with Bathsheba was written after his encounter with the prophet Nathan, and more appropriately, after he spent time alone with God in prayer, and heart felt repentance.

Sin blocks our connection and stops our intimacy with the LORD, our fellowship cannot be fully compassed with it in our way. Psalm 32 is entitled, “The Joy of Forgiveness”  — which comes from David’s heart.  He had a true heart for the LORD, and admitted His error in “not listening” when God was telling Him to choose another path concerning Uriah, Bathsheba’s husband.  We all know the story, Uriah died, Bathsheba’s child with David died…but David repented, and continued on to be one of our greatest kings, and ruled for many years.  All of which was in following the path God had for him.

We will all have ups and downs in life.

We will all have moments when we “think” we know what’s best and might “ignore” God’s warnings, but we have to push that aside and “listen” to God.  He knows what’s best for us.

God loves us.

He knows the paths we should walk.

There are two paths, one is wide and open and worldly, which ultimately leads to destruction.

One is “narrow” and spiritual and peaceful and  leads to Him.

Question: “Which path have you chosen?”


“Father, I love You and choose Your path for my life, in all that I do, in all that I say, I trust You with my life, and know that You will always guide me, instruct me, and lead me, Glory be to God in Jesus name, Amen.”