DEAR GOD: I Seek & I Find~







“…And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”

Jeremiah 29:13 (NKJV)


Have any of you ever felt tempted to “give up?”

Perhaps some of you right now might feel forgotten, lonely, overlooked or disregarded; and feeling like “what’s the sense?”  I might as well just “quit.”

Well, the enemy and his goal is to get you to do just that. He waits and salivates at the prospect of you throwing the towel in and listening to his lies. Discouragement is one of his favorite pastimes, he loves bringing you down.  In fact, the lower the better.

However, and I say this emphatically in fact, “Jesus reigns Victorious” and He defeated death, and is the Author of peace, and He encourages us, and builds us up…and always has our back! Amen!

Disappointments are a great piece of life, we all have ups and downs, we all walk through the valleys, and shadow of death…but as the 23rd Psalm says, “Your rod and staff are with me, they comfort me...” so do not fear, nor give up.

God often uses such days, trials, or tribulations to bring us to greater blessings.

He always has our best in mind. He desires we see Him as our sole source of salvation, and blessing.

When you get discouraged, or anxious, go to the LORD is prayer. Speak to Him directly, from the heart, and ask for His help.

For God is the only one that knows the direction your life “should” and “will” take with each and every circumstance you face.  And although we differ vastly in size, shape, background and such—we are ALL God’s creations, therefore, His children, and so…He wants what’s best for all of us.

He wants us to focus on Him, relying fully on His Sovereign nature, and power, after all we live in a “fallen world” that is creeping with evil and turmoil.  But, we can overcome it, by going to the LORD earnestly, with all of our heart, and soul.

If you’re battling something in your life, at this very moment, maybe it’s health issues for you, or a loved one, or anxiety and emotional angst, or uncertainty, at what’s happening in the world, I encourage you, dear brothers and sisters, to turn to the ONE, that can help. Ask Him, to reveal the will and plan for your life, and then fully commit to Him, and pray to obey, whatever His will may be.

If you go this route, and approach God with a contrite and true heart, then God will provide for you in ways that will truly far exceed all human understanding.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope..”   Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJV)

Remember God is always near, He will never leave nor forsake us.  He loves us!

“Am I a God near at hand,” says the LORD, “and not a God afar off? Can anyone hide himself in secret place; So I shall not see him?” says the LORD; “Do I not fill heaven and earth?” says the LORD.   Jeremiah 23:23-24 (NKJV)

Did you seek the LORD today? 

If so, isn’t it wonderful to “find Him?” 

If not, may I ask “what are you waiting for?”


“Dear Father, thank You for loving me, and protecting me, during times of strife, stress, and mayhem, thank You, for the joy of loving You, each and every moment of my life; knowing You are with me, always brings comfort, and love , that supersedes all else, in Jesus name, Amen.”