DEAR GOD: We Draw Near in Heart & Spirit~






“…these people draw near with their mouths and honor Me with their lips, but have removed their hearts far from Me…”

Isaiah 29:13 (NKJV)


God isn’t impressed with lengthy words or passionless prayers and ritualistic overtures.  He doesn’t like them, for to Him it is “dead devotion” and has no interest in “outward” appearances.  He wants full compliance with inward desire and heart, that is what pleases Him; not empty words, deeds or possessions.

God instructs us and brings us into accountability because He wants to bring us higher into the realm of Spiritual growth, in others words to grow closer to Him.

“…In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” Isaiah 30:15 (NKJV)  God expects us to work hard and dilligently for His Kingdom, and He doesn’t want us to give in to anything that might take us from Him, or apart from Him, and from teh empowering of His Spirit.  He encourages full “surrender” and “dependence upon Him” which leads to a quiet and confident spirit.

Trust in Him now and always, and go to Him with a heart filled with love and honor, and all else will precede in the fashion in which God intends.

Love Him with all of your heart and might and mind and body and soul, and then wait for all great paths to be opened for you.

Are you ready for the love of a lifetime?

“Dear Father, I love You fully, totally and completely, my heart belongs to You, may I never lose sight of You and Your ways, please guide me, lead me, touch me, in Jesus Christ’ name, Amen.”