DEAR GOD: Chaos Defeated Once Again~

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

1 Peter 5:7 (KJV)


So I was out doing errands very early this morning and all was going peacefully and easily.  At the very last leg of my journey, I stopped into a local store to purchase a couple of items.

When I returned to my home, something was missing. I couldn’t find my cell phone!  My heart began to pound like a race horse at the starting gate!

Now before all of you think I was panicking about my phone…not so.

I was panicking because in my cell phone’s case there were important items. Namely, my “drivers license, bank debit card,  and medical insurance card”—that’s why I panicked!

Within the next 45 minutes, my mind, heart, body and soul, went into overdrive panic mode.  I called banks, the motor vehicle bureau, and life lock, and my cell phone carrier.

Then I spoke to the manager in the store,  where I believe I had left my phone and personal identification items.

I pleaded for her to look at the video in the store to see who might have taken my phone and valuable cards.

She was kind, pleasant, and did look for me.  She assured me that no one took my phone.  She said she discovered there was a thief behind me on line,  who did steal many items in there, and she was thankful that by looking for me she found the thief…but that thief didn’t take my phone, although she’d shoplifted plenty of items that were in her bag.

I began to wail and sob so badly, that my poor dog ran over to me not knowing what to do, so he cried along with me. Precious little boy.

Okay, so where was I? — Yes, so chaos.  Disruption.  Anxiety.  Frustration.  These are not of God.

I searched my car from back to front.

From front to back.

And, did it numerous times.

I was on my way to fill out a police report, when I cried out really loud to God, “Please dear LORD!  Help me!  Please…let me find my phone and items.  I am so frightened of someone having all of my personal info. Please help me!  In Jesus Christ name, help me!”

Well, as I got back into my car.  There it was!

My cell phone sitting there!

I know it wasn’t there before.

I know because I looked a dozen times or more.

God heard me. and suddenly He granted me His perfect PEACE!

I went from Chaotic overdrive lunacy…to tranquil peaceful bliss!

Boom! Just like that.

Guess who managed to do all this? 

My Lord, He never fails me.

He is always there!

So praise Him and His holy ways!

Praise Him and His name!

Praise Him night and day!

Praise Him for bringing me down from overdrive and placing me into neutral and eventually…cruise mode!

Now I ask, “How great is our God?”


“Father, thank You for answering my cries, thank You for hearing me from Your Holy hills and throne, and thank You for loving me as You do, to You all the glory, now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”


“Oh and thank You Father for letting them discover that thief while looking at the video, which they normally wouldn’t have done.  So, You were behind that too!  You’re amazing! Amen!”

DEAR GOD: Deal Bountifully With Thy Servant~





Deal bountifully with thy servant, that I may live, and keep thy Word. 

Psalm 119:17 (KJV)


The purpose of rebuke is to bring a deeper relationship with the LORD, and to correct people in the process.  Deal bountifully, translates the Hebrew word for “recompense” or “benefit.”

When we are loyal and faithful, our righteousness is maintained by the value we place on God’s Word, and our obedience to it. To meditate is not to empty one’s mind, but instead, our mind should be completely “filled to capacity” with our loving Father’s Word and instructions. In this way we are able to internalize it and bring it to fruition in all we do on a daily basis.

Listening and meditating on the Word shouldn’t  be considered just a “Sabbath” day occurrence, or a weekly ritual.  Instead, it should be part of our everyday life.  It should be with us to carry on all that we encounter in this world and in our life.

Finding time for God and listening, especially when He “rebukes us” is essential to our growth overall as His faithful followers, or “His Sheep.”  We are to hear Him, and acquiesce accordingly whether through His blessings, or His “correction” concerning our behavior or mind-set.

When we adhere to the purpose of His will for each and everyone of us, we are on the path to harmony and we shall reside under His watchful eye and protective wings.  Going astray and ignoring “His voice” at any time is detrimental to our Spiritual growth and soul, but…especially in times in which His hands guide us and direct us, and remind us of our “sinning.”

Remember, Christ’ blood redeemed us, and His love saved us.

Parent’s correct their children as they grow, because they love them.

So too does our Father correct us in order for us to grow and to shine, therefore getting us ready for our eternal rewards.

When God rebukes you, say “Thank You Father, I needed that!”


“Dear Abba Father, thank You for the depth of Your love that You should care enough to remind, guide, instruct and rebuke as needed, where needed, and when needed, all glory and honor be Yours forever, in Jesus name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: In Your Eyes I’m a Winner~



I was engrossed in a conversation last week, with an individual who considered herself a “loser,” and after repeating it several times, I stopped her from continuing.

She believes in God, but doesn’t necessarily know all of the aspects, or meaning of the Bible, but does believe in a higher power.  Going with that I asked her a question:

Do you believe God loves you?

First, she looked as if she were about to laugh, and paused momentarily.  Her eyes grew wide as she looked at me. I could almost see the “wheels” moving in her mind, as she seemingly mulled the question about in her head.  Her response was simple and to the point:

how can he love me?  I’m a loser.”

This is where it got a little contentious, on her part.  I’ll spare the conversation that ensued, but suffice it to say…at the end of our volley of words, she seemed ready to really want to learn and listen.

I explained that God loves us so much that He sent His only begotten Son to this world so we wouldn’t have to be separated from Him by sin. (John 3:16)

I explained that God loves all of His children equally, irrespective of our backgrounds, our looks, our possessions, our intelligence, or lack of. That we were all equal with God.  That God was not looking at us outwardly, but inwardly. ( 1 Samuel 16:7 )

I explained that God forgives us from past indiscretions and transgressions, and blots them each and everyone out if we go to Him with a repentant heart. (Isaiah 44:22)

God doesn’t hate the person…he “hates the sin” the very act of disobeying and comitting sin.

But, Jesus died on the cross for us and with defeating death, He redeemed us by His blood and offered us eternal salvation.

He took on ugly sin for us!  He drew His last breath and said, “It is finished.” (John 19:30)  His suffering was over, and  His mission that His Father had given Him, preaching the Gospel, working countless miracles, and obtaining eternal salvation was done, accomplished, fulfilled. The debt of sin was paid in full.

Now I ask you this question —

Does that sound like He only loves winners?”

To say that God doesn’t love us equally, and to say He categorizes us as either winners, or losers,  is akin to denying what Christ did on the cross for us!

In His eyes…we are all winners!

And, when we follow Him, worship Him and live by His doctrine, and obey and fulfill the purpose of our lives, according to His will…How can we be anything but winners?

The next time you look in the mirror, see yourself as a child of God, who loves you, beyond your scope of comprehension!

The next time you look in the mirror, see yourself as a child of God, who is capable of doing all things, through Jesus Christ!

The next time you look in the mirror, see yourself as a child of God, which overwhelmingly equates to one word, my beloved brothers and sisters, and that word is…”WINNER!”


“Father God, thank You for Your perfect love, may I always realize I am Your child, and I am a winner in all I do, only because of You, in Jesus name, Amen.”





Note: Oh–and just to let you know about the individual to which I opened my post about. You know, the one who considered herself a loser? Well,  she now considers herself a winner, and loves referring to herself as one since our  in-depth and informative conversation about God and His Word and His unconditional beyond imagination LOVE… Isn’t that great?


DEAR GOD: Itch or Truth?





For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear.

2 Timothy 4:3 (NLT)


Have you ever experienced a restlessness within? 

A deep and relentless uneasiness? 

Have you been praying for guidance, direction? 

Have you been seeking God for answers? 

Or are you listening to others supplying information that is what you “want to hear?”

Or are you waiting for His confirmation, guidance, truth and will for your life?

The apostle Paul wrote a warning for the church:  “The time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear” (2Tim 4:3) 


What is the inspired Word actually saying to us today?  Well, it’s the same meaning as it was from the days of old.  It means that people will want to listen to “what others” say to satisfy what they want to “hear” and to “do.”  Instead of listening to the “inner spirit” which is truth, and God’s voice, or direction.

How do we interpret it in our own life?  Well, sometimes it becomes readily apparent in a variety of ways.

One example might be through another individual that hasn’t anything to do with what you’re trying to figure out. Which could be God’s hand guiding you.

Or you might get a “Word” that will ultimately bring confirmation to what it is you’ve been struggling with, praying about, or essentially feeling restless about.

Consequently the most important aspect of all of this is “His Word” is a guide and its His truth we seek for the foundation of our life


A Chaplain  friend of mine put it perfectly recently when he said: “Restlessness is either an itch or an urge. If it’s an itch, after you have scratched at it a little, it will probably disappear.  If it’s an urge, no matter how much you scratch at it or try to ignore it, it will keep coming back to you – often confirmed from other people who may not have any connection with each other. That will be a sign of divine discontent, as God confirms his next step for you.”

Couldn’t have said it any better…and an excellent example of God’s will and purpose for our lives.  Thanks Chaplain!

Have patience, as God’s timing is always best.

“Listen” to His voice, and not our own.

And wait for that confirmation which will surely come.

Examine the restlessness from within and try to wait for a “perfect peace” that will be undoubtedly be God showing us and guiding us onto the path in which we will ultimately prosper.  Even if it isn’t what “your ears” have been telling you, if it’s God’s will your “itch” will be gone and in its place, God’s love and divine hands of grace showing us the way…

“Father God, help us to discern the difference between a restlessness,  from a purpose for our lives, guide us and light the path in which we should take, in Jesus name, Amen.”


John 8:32 – And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

DEAR GOD: I’m Listening~



“If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.” 

Mark 4:23 (NKJV)



God’s guidance is of no value if we will not listen. He is speaking to us in many ways, personally, or through another individual who may have said something, or been through a certain situation that applies to your life.  That’s “speaking” to us…


The primary way of speaking with us is through “HIS WORD” the Holy Bible.  It is the biggest aspect in which and of which we are to live.  He speaks to us through His Word as we read it becomes very clear.  As we pray, we need to “listen.”  Really listen.  If we’re talking all the time, let me ask you this, how then can we “hear Him?”


Before we start talking or complaining, take time to sit quietly and “listen.”  Or ask Him to give you the ability to sit and be attentive to Him.  “Dear Father, help me to understand Your plan for my life, fully and completely, speak to me my LORD so that I can “hear” and follow plans according to Your desire for my life, in Jesus name, Amen.”


He wants to guide us in all aspects of our life, each and every moment of our life.  Sometimes, we can “hear” but might not want to go forward with what we’re hearing.   Our flesh might clash with the Spirit and we avoid doing what we “hear.”  But, to avoid what we’re “hearing” from Him, is to miss out on the difference between a ‘blessing’ for our life versus the lack of a blessing… or the difference between peace and chaos.


We need to be positive about what we’re “hearing” but when we ask God to open our “ears” and “listen —- just as Jesus instructed us to do, we will undoubtedly “hear” because the LORD wants us to be fruitful and obedient, and what better way but to “hear” and “listen.


He has a perfect plan for us.  He is a God of love, unconditional love. He loves us irrespective of whether we listen or not.  However when we “listen” and we become “quiet” we are in for a way of life that will be productive, indestructible, and immeasurable in joy and tranquility.

Are you “listening” to the Father? 

Shush…can you hear Him?

Be quiet and watch what happens to your spirit and life, Amen!


“Father, thank You for speaking to us and guiding us, we know you help us to jump over the hurdles in our life, and we pray that we always “hear” and “listen” to You and Your Word, in Jesus name, Amen.”


“…be still and know that I am God.”  Psalm 46:10








Isaiah 41:10 (KJV)

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God:

I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea,

I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.



A friend called with grave concerns about the Corona Virus, the newest and latest threat, that is highly  prevalent in people’s conversations, and in the  news.  Her voice was shaking with a stampede of questions, What can we do? what’s going to happen?  How did this happen? How did something from China reach here? Are we going to die? How do we go out anymore?”  

She eventually came up for air, as I struggled for the best way to soothe her and offer some solace.   I asked God for help…The first thing that popped into my heart and soul was , “Fear not, for the LORD is with you, He will strengthen you, and uphold you, and protect you.”

She stopped, and did a complete reversal,  I know God touched her through His Words of promise, and comfort.   Her verbal response; Wow…thank you for that Word, I accept it and receive it.”

I’m sure many of you reading this right now,  have had similar thoughts, or perhaps a scenario that comes close to what transpired between my friend and I. It was a great outcome, because of her unwavering faith…

But what of those who don’t have any sort of belief system in place?

What of those without faith? 

What of those without the Spirit residing within?

The ones who don’t know Christ? 

My friend, who was truly in a chaotic state when she first called as I’ve mentioned… is a devout Christian, with great faith. So the progression from that Biblical verse, was followed by God’s promises to protect us, and thereby became a segue into a realm of  His perfect peace.  Her chaotic cries were halted by the “honey balm of the LORD’s Word which flowed over the buds of her mind, heart, body and soul.

The Holy Father’s Word:  It is a powerful and two edged sword which can quicken the truth in all of us, and bring forth an abundance of tranquility. Peace, strength, and vitality that only comes from Him!

Jesus didn’t force people to follow Him… He gave free choice. So too is the Holy Spirit.

The inner Spirit is a gentleman, and offers guidance and always waiting for us to encounter and invite Him in to our life.

With those who have no faith…we have to lead by example.

You might hear someone without faith ask;  “how can you be so calm about chaos occurring in the world?”…that’s the cue to open the door for them to hear about Jesus.

If they want to “hear” they will hear.  If they want “more” provide more.  Of course, all of this is not by “our power” —but by the “Lord” and His will.  He guides, He leads, He directs in Jesus name.

Chaos, is not conducive to the life of a Christian, nor anyone for that matter, but Hallelujah, for those who know where to turn in such times—The Author of Peace, the Creator and Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, and whole Universe—Jesus Christ, King of kings and LORD of lords!

God’s Word breathes life.   His promises and love are the basis of the foundation in which we live, and in which we trust.

So, when disease is on the rise, along with murders, wars or rumors of war,  or catasphophic weather patterns, and overall mayhem occupy news stories and conversations, reach for the One that will sustain, protect, and offer Balm for the soul.

Because Life with Him is so much better than without Him.

“Have you tasted His Words of love and basked in honey for your soul?”

May I suggest you see for yourself and indulge in the greatest love of your lifetime.


“Father, I love with You with all of my heart, body, mind and soul, thank You for this moment in time,  for Your ongoing protection and promises, for being the balm and honey in this chaotic world, and for being my Peace, to You be the glory, now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”





But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and keep you safe from the Evil One.      2 Thessaloians 3:3 (GNT)


Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all. Psalm 34:19 (NKJV)


Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.                       Psalm 138:7 (KJV)

DEAR GOD: Your Name Breathes Life & Hope~






For where two or three are gathered together in my name,

there am I in the midst of them.

Matthew 18:20 (KJV)



Being part of a fellowship that shares the love of Christ is not only satisfying in a spiritual and unifying sense, but also in alignment with following Jesus’ commandments to go and spread the good news.  It not only brings a cohesive movement of the body of Christ into our realm of existence, it also breathes life into all who are part of it.  Speaking the Word, and bringing the Word, brings life to both those that speak and hear it.


In chapter 18 of the book of the Prophet Ezekiel, there was the vision of “dry bones (Ezekiel 18) The reviving of the dry bones signified God’s plan for Israel’s future national restoration. The vision  showed Israel’s new life depended on God’s power and not the circumstances of the people. Putting “breath” by God’s Spirit into the dry bones showed that God would not only restore them physically, but more important, spiritually.

And today, spiritually there are a vast amount of “dead bones” that need restoration, and the breath of God to bring many to “life” — by His Word and by His power.

Last evening I spoke with a dear and beloved Christian friend, a true sister in Christ.  She and I were fellowshipping, and speaking the Word, encouraging each other with scriptural verses, and praise for the LORD.  While doing so, we knew that the LORD was with us as we prayed, and glorified Him, and spoke the Word.

My friend has limited  physical capacity in her daily life. Due to these medical issues , she’s virtually a recluse, due to her inability to “walk and get around” — so in a sense, she’s a “prisoner” in a beautiful house in Maine—in the middle of nowhere.  She hasn’t been out in months, can’t even get to the doctor, and truly is “chained to her house” due to her physical maladies.  She’s a widow  living alone, which makes her feel more isolated and desolate, but her strong faith keeps her motivated.

The LORD continuously sends laborers to her door for her care;  doctors that make house calls, people to meet her needs, and so of course, Glory be to God as He provides ongoing care to His beloved child.

During prayers she travailed in the spirit due to her circumstances; crying, “I wish I could get to a church I’d say, ‘here I am God’. ”   I reminded her gently, that Jesus said, “wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there will I be.”    

The message of my post...Jesus promises He is with us always.

So, no matter the circumstances, where you pray, where you speak to Him, He “hears and sees” and “He is with you.”   So for those who are unable to attend a church,  or unable to get out, or are hurting physically, please know that He is with you, no matter what the circumstances may be.  And, He fully understands.

He sees your heart, knows your heart, and loves you with a capacity that far exceeds our human mind of comprehension.

The LORD breathes life into His followers— uplifts—restores, and gives strength, to get us through our storms.

The LORD never leaves us…never forsakes us…and while we’re in the valley, or experiencing an unrelenting dark period—He is there extending His hand to pull us out, offering us His peace and a safe sanctuary,  therefore making us even stronger than before the trial we have just endured.




And remember…speaking His Word, hearing His Word, living His word will not only fortify and allow for our spiritual growth,  but His Sovereign magnificent power will electrify us into delivering someone, ultimately bringing “new life” into their bones in Jesus name!

” For Dee — God loves you and so do I!  To God be the Glory!”


“Father God, thank You for being with us always and breathing life into us through Your power and Your word, in Jesus name, Amen.”



DEAR GOD: Guide & Instruct & Teach & Love~


I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go: I will guide you with My eye. 

Psalm 32:8 (NKJV)


God who knows us perfectly is saying, “I will guide you” 

God who knows us perfectly is saying, “I will instruct you”

God who knows us perfectly is saying, “I will teach you”


He is going to counsel us wisely, we would have to be complete fools to reject all of what He is promising us. Well, wouldn’t we have to be? 

To think we could go the course in this wayward world without His guidance, protection, instruction, and forbearance, is akin to walking blindfold on a tightrope that extends across the Grand Canyon.  Most would say they wouldn’t do that because we know ultimately the outcome would be devastating…it would be final.

With God in our life, and our will and surrender to Him, He is our safety net for life!

He leads us, guides us, and brings us sure footed into roads and paths that are best for us. Amen!


Many sorrows shall be to the wicked; but he who trusts in the LORD, mercy shall surround him. Psalm 32:10 (NKJV)   

Even when we falter, and fail in the flesh, “His promises are kept” and all the more powerful due to His forgiving nature and unconditional love. He doesn’t break promises, we do!  He stands waiting for us to amend our ways, do penance and move back to the path of which we should walk.

David’s confession, (Psalm 32)  of sin with Bathsheba was written after his encounter with the prophet Nathan, and more appropriately, after he spent time alone with God in prayer, and heart felt repentance.

Sin blocks our connection and stops our intimacy with the LORD, our fellowship cannot be fully compassed with it in our way. Psalm 32 is entitled, “The Joy of Forgiveness”  — which comes from David’s heart.  He had a true heart for the LORD, and admitted His error in “not listening” when God was telling Him to choose another path concerning Uriah, Bathsheba’s husband.  We all know the story, Uriah died, Bathsheba’s child with David died…but David repented, and continued on to be one of our greatest kings, and ruled for many years.  All of which was in following the path God had for him.

We will all have ups and downs in life.

We will all have moments when we “think” we know what’s best and might “ignore” God’s warnings, but we have to push that aside and “listen” to God.  He knows what’s best for us.

God loves us.

He knows the paths we should walk.

There are two paths, one is wide and open and worldly, which ultimately leads to destruction.

One is “narrow” and spiritual and peaceful and  leads to Him.

Question: “Which path have you chosen?”


“Father, I love You and choose Your path for my life, in all that I do, in all that I say, I trust You with my life, and know that You will always guide me, instruct me, and lead me, Glory be to God in Jesus name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: I Seek & I Find~







“…And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”

Jeremiah 29:13 (NKJV)


Have any of you ever felt tempted to “give up?”

Perhaps some of you right now might feel forgotten, lonely, overlooked or disregarded; and feeling like “what’s the sense?”  I might as well just “quit.”

Well, the enemy and his goal is to get you to do just that. He waits and salivates at the prospect of you throwing the towel in and listening to his lies. Discouragement is one of his favorite pastimes, he loves bringing you down.  In fact, the lower the better.

However, and I say this emphatically in fact, “Jesus reigns Victorious” and He defeated death, and is the Author of peace, and He encourages us, and builds us up…and always has our back! Amen!

Disappointments are a great piece of life, we all have ups and downs, we all walk through the valleys, and shadow of death…but as the 23rd Psalm says, “Your rod and staff are with me, they comfort me...” so do not fear, nor give up.

God often uses such days, trials, or tribulations to bring us to greater blessings.

He always has our best in mind. He desires we see Him as our sole source of salvation, and blessing.

When you get discouraged, or anxious, go to the LORD is prayer. Speak to Him directly, from the heart, and ask for His help.

For God is the only one that knows the direction your life “should” and “will” take with each and every circumstance you face.  And although we differ vastly in size, shape, background and such—we are ALL God’s creations, therefore, His children, and so…He wants what’s best for all of us.

He wants us to focus on Him, relying fully on His Sovereign nature, and power, after all we live in a “fallen world” that is creeping with evil and turmoil.  But, we can overcome it, by going to the LORD earnestly, with all of our heart, and soul.

If you’re battling something in your life, at this very moment, maybe it’s health issues for you, or a loved one, or anxiety and emotional angst, or uncertainty, at what’s happening in the world, I encourage you, dear brothers and sisters, to turn to the ONE, that can help. Ask Him, to reveal the will and plan for your life, and then fully commit to Him, and pray to obey, whatever His will may be.

If you go this route, and approach God with a contrite and true heart, then God will provide for you in ways that will truly far exceed all human understanding.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope..”   Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJV)

Remember God is always near, He will never leave nor forsake us.  He loves us!

“Am I a God near at hand,” says the LORD, “and not a God afar off? Can anyone hide himself in secret place; So I shall not see him?” says the LORD; “Do I not fill heaven and earth?” says the LORD.   Jeremiah 23:23-24 (NKJV)

Did you seek the LORD today? 

If so, isn’t it wonderful to “find Him?” 

If not, may I ask “what are you waiting for?”


“Dear Father, thank You for loving me, and protecting me, during times of strife, stress, and mayhem, thank You, for the joy of loving You, each and every moment of my life; knowing You are with me, always brings comfort, and love , that supersedes all else, in Jesus name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: We Draw Near in Heart & Spirit~






“…these people draw near with their mouths and honor Me with their lips, but have removed their hearts far from Me…”

Isaiah 29:13 (NKJV)


God isn’t impressed with lengthy words or passionless prayers and ritualistic overtures.  He doesn’t like them, for to Him it is “dead devotion” and has no interest in “outward” appearances.  He wants full compliance with inward desire and heart, that is what pleases Him; not empty words, deeds or possessions.

God instructs us and brings us into accountability because He wants to bring us higher into the realm of Spiritual growth, in others words to grow closer to Him.

“…In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” Isaiah 30:15 (NKJV)  God expects us to work hard and dilligently for His Kingdom, and He doesn’t want us to give in to anything that might take us from Him, or apart from Him, and from teh empowering of His Spirit.  He encourages full “surrender” and “dependence upon Him” which leads to a quiet and confident spirit.

Trust in Him now and always, and go to Him with a heart filled with love and honor, and all else will precede in the fashion in which God intends.

Love Him with all of your heart and might and mind and body and soul, and then wait for all great paths to be opened for you.

Are you ready for the love of a lifetime?

“Dear Father, I love You fully, totally and completely, my heart belongs to You, may I never lose sight of You and Your ways, please guide me, lead me, touch me, in Jesus Christ’ name, Amen.”