DEAR GOD: We Are In Your Hands at All Times~


“…but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.” Daniel 11:32 (NKJV)



Our amazing and loving Father above, has the power and wisdom and resolve to equip each of us, fully, for whatever we tackle, or whatever task we take on; we will never fail in a God-given task, because God deems it so.

Godly obedience begins with an absolute commitment to honoring the LORD above everything, and everyone; and when we pursue all else, with hearts for Him; which means putting Him first… no temptation, or challenge, is too daunting, or insurmountable, for us to handle.  Why? Because God has us in His vision, and for us to prosper, in all we do.

How we live, and what we do, has to be according to His plans, and purpose for us.  It has to be in full blown obedience to Him. It has to be a fully and inherent trust that goes deeper than Words, it has to be a complete, and utter submission, and surrender to Him, and His doctrine. It has to be a contrite heart that  yields to Him, and a heart that loves Him without any doubt.

Daniel did all of that and more.

He is the subject of many Children’s books, but those accounts of what Daniel’s life, and ministry, was over the entire seventy years, of the Babylonian captivity, is too important, and relevant, to leave it exclusively to Children’s books.

The book of Daniel, was important then, and it is as important today, and tomorrow.

Our intimacy with God, is our highest priority, and what we do, or don’t do…determines the impact of what happens here, tomorrow and for all eternity.

Once we decide to obey Him, we can probably expect challenges along the way, and it takes an overwhelming type of strength, and courage,to do that in the face of adversity; and the courage to give up what we have to, in order to achieve what we have in line of our vision, that comes from above.

Strength through Christ.

Courage through Christ.

Steadfastness through Christ.

Love through Christ.

When God becomes our priority in life…rest assured, that we’ll be able to take on the “lions” in our life, because God, has us in His hands, always and forever.  Amen!

So, what are your priorities?



“Father God, thank You for Your strength, Your wisdom, and Your peace and rewards, that can only come to me because of You and Your grace; in Jesus name, Amen.”



God gave them knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom; and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.
Daniel 1:17 (NKJV)