DEAR GOD: All Things Made By You~





For every house is builded by some man; but He that built all things is God. 

Hebrews 3:4 (KJV)


My couch, my bed, my house, my clothes, my life…all have something in common, they were made by the LORD.

How is it you say, that my bed, house and clothes…were made by the LORD?  Yes, you might say, “I was created” by the LORD, but everything else?  YES…everything else.

You see, the materials for the couch were gathered by things that the LORD created, same as my bed, home, and so on and so forth.

The earth, soil, rocks, sea, sky, compliments of the “Master Himself.”

So, too is life.

He created us for His purpose and pleasure (Rev 4) and the question is, “are we doing things to please Him?”  Do we recognize all that we do as unto Him and give Him the glory in the process?

No matter the circumstances, and regardless of the scenario, we need to please Him in our choices, our thoughts, our actions, and our ways.  The example of which should be a “reflected image” of Christ.  After all, He dwells within, and He “died for us” — an act that is still spoken about to this very day, a altruistic and overwhelming act of unconditional love, and an act that saved us from sin and eternal damnation.  An act that freed us from “death.”  He after all defeated death, He is victorious over it.

So, today…wherever you go, whatever you may be doing, please remember your Creator, the One that created ALL things, and the One that loves you more than words can ever begin to define.

Glorify Him, give Him thanks and praise at every thing you do.

And, most important of all…Trust and love Him with all of your heart, body and soul.

And, finally, “Listen to His voice and follow” — because, we all want to be living in His pastures forever and always, Amen.


“Father, God…thank You for all of which You created, may I always give you all the glory and honor, and may I always seek Your face, and please You in all I do, in Jesus name, Amen.”