DEAR GOD: Thank You for The Gift of Faith~






Numbers 14:11 (KJV)

And the LORD said unto Moses, How long will this people provoke me? and how long will it be ere they believe me, for the signs which I have shewed among them?


One of the best gifts in life from the LORD (among many) is the gift of our faith. For without faith, we can suffer consequences that are so dire, and so bleak, which invariably could be harmful and toxic to our very existence.

When we read Numbers, especially passages, 13:1 – 33 –we see that God promised them all a “land of milk and honey” and told them to go up and possess the land.  Did they obey?  Did they believe?  No, they came back and said there is “a land of Giants and we are mere grasshoppers in their sight” — a false report from “the men” who went up to spy the land.

After the endless miracles seen, time and time again, “Pharaoh’s army defeated, swallowed up by the parting of the red sea; manna falling from heaven to feed His children; a pillar of fire by night to warm them; a cloud by day to shield them from the desert sun and heat; and quail to eat...” they still weren’t convinced, and still chose to believe “man” and therefore, suffered the consequences of their actions.  So as a direct result of their actions; the generation was “killed off”  leaving only Joshua, and the younger generation, that were allowed to partake, and see the “land of milk and honey”  — the rest, due to their disbelief, and lack of trust in the LORD and His Word, were not allowed to go any further.  And, so they died after all the years (40 years) of being in the desert, without reward.(Numbers 14:26-39) 

Faithlessness, is a serious offense in the spiritual realm of our life. Listening to the wrong “voice” and fear of failure, at times can paralyze our thinking, along with our spiritual growth, which can be stunted,  if not, stopped altogether.  Faithlessness, sometimes can be the “fear of failure” and fear, has no place in a Christian’s heart. ( 2 Tim 1:7)  But, being human it is a characteristic of flesh, it’s up to us, to listen to the Spirit dwelling in us, to overcome the battle we face.  Remember, Jesus defeated death and conquered the world, and Greater is He that is in us, than the one in the world!  (1 John 4:4)

Believing in the LORD, and His Sovereign power, and unsurpassed and unconditional love, to provide for all our needs, no matter the circumstances in our life, is vital to life.   Going forward, knowing God, is in control, is a matter of discipline, but most important, it’s a matter of “faith,” given to us by the Almighty God Himself.  It’s a gift!

God, will supply all of our needs, based on our relationship with Him. He will supply eternal rewards, and provisions, based on our relationship with Jesus. And, our obedience to Him and His Word.  Our trust, and our surrender.

Keep your eyes on Jesus, because in not looking to Jesus, we can get into all kinds of trouble, and the enemy may start whispering lies to our ears, not “to believe or trust” in Him. Be strong in Christ!

We must do all things through Christ, that strengthens us, each and every one of us! (Philippians  4:13)

Embrace the LORD, even when it doesn’t make sense to us and when we can’t grasp the understanding of what He wants us to do, TRUST Him fully and completely. (Isaiah 55:8-9)

Don’t miss out on your rewards, and living the way the LORD wishes us to live, He has nothing but great plans for us, and for our eternity.

Remember this is the same God since the beginning of time. The same God that placed you in your mom’s womb, the same God with us at birth, with us when we turned 21, and with us when we turn 81, and with us as we take our last breath.  He is always the same, yesterday, today, tomorrow, always!


Do you hear His voice and His alone?  

Have no fear, God is always near, and remember...HE IS IN CONTROL!

“Father, God, thank You for being the foundation of my life, and for the gift of faith, for opening eyes, opening ears, and for never leaving me, or forsaking me, it is to You and You alone, I listen, obey, and walk in confidence, all the days of my life, in Jesus name, Amen.”