DEAR GOD: Horizons are Clear With You in View~


“It is God Who sits above the circle (the horizon) of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; it is He Who stretches out the heavens like [gauze] curtains and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in…”

Isaiah 40:22 (AMP)


Many translations or interpretations of the above passage have been offered by scholars and theologians, and most are “scientific” in nature, and I’ll spare you the details, you can always look it up should you want a full indepth analysis of such.

However, for my purposes, I merely see this passage as being abundantly clear from my own perspective, “God is everywhere and sits high above and sees everything and anything that goes on within any given second.”

No matter where I am, or what I’m doing I know God is there with me. In all kinds of scenarios the LORD is by my side, and His Spirit dwells within.

It is He who guides my every move and convicts my soul as to what is “right and wrong” and it is He who fills my heart with joy and love.

When I look at the heavens, I see Him clearly defined in my minds eye, and yet I can sense His presence.  I know that He abounds prolifically in every aspect of my life and without Him there is no life…and life is life because of He who created it.

When I see the “horizon” I see Him and His love and His capacity to love.

When I see the “horizon” I know His eyes are watching over me.

When I see the “horizon” I know He sits and patiently waits for me.

When I see the “horizon” I know I have nothing to fear…

Today, when you go about your day, every once in awhile, stop and look up…if you can…think of the Great One who sits in the circle of the Universe and knows all, and does all, and is all…and then give Him your thanks, praise, and undying love.  And, remember, the love you give to Him, can never compare to His love that is unwavering towards us!

“Father, thank You for this day, and everyday, You are there for us, and may we always glorify You, and give You thanks, morning, noon and night, and all the inbetweens, in Jesus name, Amen.”