DEAR GOD: We Are In Your Hands at All Times~


“…but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.” Daniel 11:32 (NKJV)



Our amazing and loving Father above, has the power and wisdom and resolve to equip each of us, fully, for whatever we tackle, or whatever task we take on; we will never fail in a God-given task, because God deems it so.

Godly obedience begins with an absolute commitment to honoring the LORD above everything, and everyone; and when we pursue all else, with hearts for Him; which means putting Him first… no temptation, or challenge, is too daunting, or insurmountable, for us to handle.  Why? Because God has us in His vision, and for us to prosper, in all we do.

How we live, and what we do, has to be according to His plans, and purpose for us.  It has to be in full blown obedience to Him. It has to be a fully and inherent trust that goes deeper than Words, it has to be a complete, and utter submission, and surrender to Him, and His doctrine. It has to be a contrite heart that  yields to Him, and a heart that loves Him without any doubt.

Daniel did all of that and more.

He is the subject of many Children’s books, but those accounts of what Daniel’s life, and ministry, was over the entire seventy years, of the Babylonian captivity, is too important, and relevant, to leave it exclusively to Children’s books.

The book of Daniel, was important then, and it is as important today, and tomorrow.

Our intimacy with God, is our highest priority, and what we do, or don’t do…determines the impact of what happens here, tomorrow and for all eternity.

Once we decide to obey Him, we can probably expect challenges along the way, and it takes an overwhelming type of strength, and courage,to do that in the face of adversity; and the courage to give up what we have to, in order to achieve what we have in line of our vision, that comes from above.

Strength through Christ.

Courage through Christ.

Steadfastness through Christ.

Love through Christ.

When God becomes our priority in life…rest assured, that we’ll be able to take on the “lions” in our life, because God, has us in His hands, always and forever.  Amen!

So, what are your priorities?



“Father God, thank You for Your strength, Your wisdom, and Your peace and rewards, that can only come to me because of You and Your grace; in Jesus name, Amen.”



God gave them knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom; and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.
Daniel 1:17 (NKJV)

DEAR GOD: A New Day– Another Day of Loving You~




Deuteronomy 6:5 5

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.


During your travels, doing tasks, errands and such, do you ever think of God and how much He loves you?

Well, I try to always keep Him in my moments of the day and night.

Good times, bad times, and all the in-between times,  I try to consciously tell Him how much I love Him, and thank Him, and praise Him.

He did give us a commandment, “Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” (Det. 6:5)

So, while loving Him, essentially, I’m obeying His commandment, but not only by choice, and obedience to Him, and who He is,— but because I truly adore and worship Him with all of my being.

It’s two very different things to “follow because of fear” and doing it because it’s the “thing to do” in order to get to heaven; versus to “follow because of love” and because “it’s by choice.”

When we choose to love our Father, our merciful God Almighty, we are not only adhering to His commandment, but doing so freely, which brings “pleasure to the Father,” and He created all things for His pleasure (Rev 4.)

The Hymn Blessed Assurance” really brings home the point…well to me at least.  It is a song that brings tears to my eyes each time I sing it.

MY story, my song, Jesus is mine!

What’s your story?  

Are you loving Him with all that you are?

Do you choose Him freely and willingly because of that love?

If you haven’t met your LORD and Savior, may I invite you to open our Father’s love letter to us,  the Holy Bible.

Get to know Him, and start living a life that only He can provide!


“Father God, I love You, thank You for loving me since the beginning of time, today and always, I choose You now, I choose you tomorrow, and all the days of my life and beyond, in Jesus name, Amen.”


* Blessed Assurance (Hymn)

Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine;
Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.

This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long.
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long.

Perfect submission, perfect delight,
Visions of rapture now burst on my sight;
Angels descending, bring from above
Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.

Perfect submission, all is at rest,
I in my Savior am happy and blest;
Watching and waiting, looking above,
Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.


*Blessed Assurance. ” Blessed Assurance ” is a well-known Christian hymn.
The lyrics were written in 1873 by blind hymn writer Fanny Crosby to the music written in 1873 by Phoebe Knapp . (C)
*Reference : Blessed Assurance – Wikipedia

DEAR GOD: All Things Made By You~





For every house is builded by some man; but He that built all things is God. 

Hebrews 3:4 (KJV)


My couch, my bed, my house, my clothes, my life…all have something in common, they were made by the LORD.

How is it you say, that my bed, house and clothes…were made by the LORD?  Yes, you might say, “I was created” by the LORD, but everything else?  YES…everything else.

You see, the materials for the couch were gathered by things that the LORD created, same as my bed, home, and so on and so forth.

The earth, soil, rocks, sea, sky, compliments of the “Master Himself.”

So, too is life.

He created us for His purpose and pleasure (Rev 4) and the question is, “are we doing things to please Him?”  Do we recognize all that we do as unto Him and give Him the glory in the process?

No matter the circumstances, and regardless of the scenario, we need to please Him in our choices, our thoughts, our actions, and our ways.  The example of which should be a “reflected image” of Christ.  After all, He dwells within, and He “died for us” — an act that is still spoken about to this very day, a altruistic and overwhelming act of unconditional love, and an act that saved us from sin and eternal damnation.  An act that freed us from “death.”  He after all defeated death, He is victorious over it.

So, today…wherever you go, whatever you may be doing, please remember your Creator, the One that created ALL things, and the One that loves you more than words can ever begin to define.

Glorify Him, give Him thanks and praise at every thing you do.

And, most important of all…Trust and love Him with all of your heart, body and soul.

And, finally, “Listen to His voice and follow” — because, we all want to be living in His pastures forever and always, Amen.


“Father, God…thank You for all of which You created, may I always give you all the glory and honor, and may I always seek Your face, and please You in all I do, in Jesus name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: Thank You for The Gift of Faith~






Numbers 14:11 (KJV)

And the LORD said unto Moses, How long will this people provoke me? and how long will it be ere they believe me, for the signs which I have shewed among them?


One of the best gifts in life from the LORD (among many) is the gift of our faith. For without faith, we can suffer consequences that are so dire, and so bleak, which invariably could be harmful and toxic to our very existence.

When we read Numbers, especially passages, 13:1 – 33 –we see that God promised them all a “land of milk and honey” and told them to go up and possess the land.  Did they obey?  Did they believe?  No, they came back and said there is “a land of Giants and we are mere grasshoppers in their sight” — a false report from “the men” who went up to spy the land.

After the endless miracles seen, time and time again, “Pharaoh’s army defeated, swallowed up by the parting of the red sea; manna falling from heaven to feed His children; a pillar of fire by night to warm them; a cloud by day to shield them from the desert sun and heat; and quail to eat...” they still weren’t convinced, and still chose to believe “man” and therefore, suffered the consequences of their actions.  So as a direct result of their actions; the generation was “killed off”  leaving only Joshua, and the younger generation, that were allowed to partake, and see the “land of milk and honey”  — the rest, due to their disbelief, and lack of trust in the LORD and His Word, were not allowed to go any further.  And, so they died after all the years (40 years) of being in the desert, without reward.(Numbers 14:26-39) 

Faithlessness, is a serious offense in the spiritual realm of our life. Listening to the wrong “voice” and fear of failure, at times can paralyze our thinking, along with our spiritual growth, which can be stunted,  if not, stopped altogether.  Faithlessness, sometimes can be the “fear of failure” and fear, has no place in a Christian’s heart. ( 2 Tim 1:7)  But, being human it is a characteristic of flesh, it’s up to us, to listen to the Spirit dwelling in us, to overcome the battle we face.  Remember, Jesus defeated death and conquered the world, and Greater is He that is in us, than the one in the world!  (1 John 4:4)

Believing in the LORD, and His Sovereign power, and unsurpassed and unconditional love, to provide for all our needs, no matter the circumstances in our life, is vital to life.   Going forward, knowing God, is in control, is a matter of discipline, but most important, it’s a matter of “faith,” given to us by the Almighty God Himself.  It’s a gift!

God, will supply all of our needs, based on our relationship with Him. He will supply eternal rewards, and provisions, based on our relationship with Jesus. And, our obedience to Him and His Word.  Our trust, and our surrender.

Keep your eyes on Jesus, because in not looking to Jesus, we can get into all kinds of trouble, and the enemy may start whispering lies to our ears, not “to believe or trust” in Him. Be strong in Christ!

We must do all things through Christ, that strengthens us, each and every one of us! (Philippians  4:13)

Embrace the LORD, even when it doesn’t make sense to us and when we can’t grasp the understanding of what He wants us to do, TRUST Him fully and completely. (Isaiah 55:8-9)

Don’t miss out on your rewards, and living the way the LORD wishes us to live, He has nothing but great plans for us, and for our eternity.

Remember this is the same God since the beginning of time. The same God that placed you in your mom’s womb, the same God with us at birth, with us when we turned 21, and with us when we turn 81, and with us as we take our last breath.  He is always the same, yesterday, today, tomorrow, always!


Do you hear His voice and His alone?  

Have no fear, God is always near, and remember...HE IS IN CONTROL!

“Father, God, thank You for being the foundation of my life, and for the gift of faith, for opening eyes, opening ears, and for never leaving me, or forsaking me, it is to You and You alone, I listen, obey, and walk in confidence, all the days of my life, in Jesus name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: No Legalistic Word – Only You~


See the source image



John 4:24 – KJV
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.


My husband and I watched a beautiful Christian movie last week, and Jesus was sitting down to dinner with someone, all alone in a restaurant, and the lady said, “I am not religious and don’t like religion,”  and Jesus said, “Neither do I.”

Now, before anyone becomes upset at that comment, think about it for a moment and you’ll actually realize that it’s true!

Jesus wasn’t promoting “religion” He was promoting love, healing, and following His Father’s will and “laws” in order to redeem us and cleanse us from sin.

He didn’t like the self-made doctrine of man, or the rules, and regulations, they put together.  Remember, one of the priests condemned Jesus saying, “Your men don’t wash their hands like we do in our tradition” — what is the clue there?  “Our tradition”

But, what is God’s?

Well…most important…Jesus, died for us, and said, “it is finished.”  Which means He did it all for us. He carried on His Father’s will, and laws, and when we accepted Him, as our Savior, He came inside to dwell with us, and we live through the Spirit as He shows us the way.


Okay…well think of this then.  

Legalism typically goes by “flesh and rules and regulations made by men.”  Legalism, can hold you hostage by your flesh, and make you do things that you might think will “please God.” And, so, based on that premise, we might operate by the “outside” and not from the “inside.”  

Or, another example.

Think of two boats.  One is a little row boat, and you’re “row row rowing “your little boat.  And, then there is another kind of boat…a “speed” boat. Which is being powered by the engine.  And, that speed boat zooms right past your little row boat, that is being operated solely by “our own power”  —now which boat is faster and stronger?  The speed boat of course!

Think of our spiritual bodies as such.

When we move by the Spirit, it is Jesus, doing the magnificent details in our life.  We are being powered by Him, and Him alone.  He is our energy, our foundation of exuberance, and strength.  That little row boat…well, that is our flesh.

When we operate on our flesh,  we are akin to that slow little row boat rowing away, slowly down the stream, except it’s not “merrily merrily merrily” like the song says it is.

Nope.  We can’t do things on our own, operating on our flesh.  We need Him, our engine, our motivator, our strength and our Savior, and His Spirit.  When we live by flesh, we are sparring with the Spirit.  When we live by the flesh, we act on things according to our flesh. When we live and walk by the Spirit, we are in unison with the LORD.

Jesus set us free, His truth, His death, His resurrection, His Spirit, His love. By all accounts Jesus lived the laws of His Father, and He followed His will, He did it for the LORD and of course for us!

Read His Word, and do things by the Spirit, because you love Him, and glorify Him, and enjoy Him. That is what we should operate by.  Him and His Word and His Spirit.

If we learn to tap into the power of our spirit by seeking first the Kingdom of God and studying His Word, we can tap into the wisdom of God and have all things added to us and we will prosper and thrive!

Don’t do things because, “of this rule and that rule”… for “doctrine of men” or because you think that’s what God wants, and that is what will make you get to heaven.  Remember this:

God knows your heart.

God knows your thoughts.

God knows your soul.

You can’t fool God.

Find joy in serving Him, and when you do, all things will open up to you, along the highway of life.  All things will make sense, things will become easier to do, and your light, which is to say “His light” will shine brightly.

In so doing, you will be making your Father happy, and pleasing Him, in the capacity of which all things are possible.

Rowing your own boat? 

May I invite you to let “God take over” and live life, in a way you’ve never lived before.

“Jesus, take the wheel…”


“Father, God…I recognize You as the One true source that generates power from within, You are the Spirit that dwells in me, thank You, for Your strength, love, guidance, and assurance, but most of all, for defeating death and conquering the world, in Jesus name, Amen.”



Though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.”
— 2 Corinthians 4:16



What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 KJV


DEAR GOD: Prayers Lead to Many Things~




And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, He went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. 

Mark 1:35 (KJV)

 Praying and finding time each day to spend with our Father is crucial to our well-being. It’s imperative to operating on a tranquil and optimum existence.

The “Book of Life” the Father’s Holy Word is training for our souls, sustenance for our bodies, and nourishment for our overall health.

While praying, we must be diligent not only in His Word, but “listening” to His Word.  And, while “Hearing” His Word is important, having “Faith” is an inherent part of who we are as followers of the Word and of the LORD.

Faith, meditation in His Word, and the discipline to “go off in prayer” each day with the Father could mean the difference between “Life” and a mere “existence” on earth. Everything is so much better when we are connected and deeply rooted in Him, His Word, His commandments, and His love.

Whereas, prayer and Faith is the panacea of our lives, conversely, Prayerlessness will be the result of many adverse scenarios in life.

A closed Bible means “closing oneself” off from the protection and armor of the LORD.  Prayerlessness is an open invitation to “fiery darts” and all kinds of wordly garbage to infiltrate our hearts, body, mind and soul.

Trust Him in all you do.

Follow Him and obey Him in all you do.

And, thank Him for all He is and all you do.

Make a sure decision each day to find time for Him, to listen, to hear, and to obey Him.

Remember, each decision you make is important, and each decision you make makes you.  

So, if you have a “closed Bible” may I invite you to “Open it” and then open yourself up to His love, there is nothing else like it in the world!


“Father, thank You for Your Word, Your protection, Your love, may I always seek Your face each day early, and in all I do, may I give You the glory and honor, and may I never cease loving You, in Jesus name, Amen.”


Psalm 63:1 (NKJV)

Joy in the Fellowship of God

A Psalm of David when he was in the wilderness of Judah.

O God, You are my God;
Early will I seek You;
My soul thirsts for You;
My flesh longs for You
In a dry and thirsty land
Where there is no water.

DEAR GOD: Horizons are Clear With You in View~


“It is God Who sits above the circle (the horizon) of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; it is He Who stretches out the heavens like [gauze] curtains and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in…”

Isaiah 40:22 (AMP)


Many translations or interpretations of the above passage have been offered by scholars and theologians, and most are “scientific” in nature, and I’ll spare you the details, you can always look it up should you want a full indepth analysis of such.

However, for my purposes, I merely see this passage as being abundantly clear from my own perspective, “God is everywhere and sits high above and sees everything and anything that goes on within any given second.”

No matter where I am, or what I’m doing I know God is there with me. In all kinds of scenarios the LORD is by my side, and His Spirit dwells within.

It is He who guides my every move and convicts my soul as to what is “right and wrong” and it is He who fills my heart with joy and love.

When I look at the heavens, I see Him clearly defined in my minds eye, and yet I can sense His presence.  I know that He abounds prolifically in every aspect of my life and without Him there is no life…and life is life because of He who created it.

When I see the “horizon” I see Him and His love and His capacity to love.

When I see the “horizon” I know His eyes are watching over me.

When I see the “horizon” I know He sits and patiently waits for me.

When I see the “horizon” I know I have nothing to fear…

Today, when you go about your day, every once in awhile, stop and look up…if you can…think of the Great One who sits in the circle of the Universe and knows all, and does all, and is all…and then give Him your thanks, praise, and undying love.  And, remember, the love you give to Him, can never compare to His love that is unwavering towards us!

“Father, thank You for this day, and everyday, You are there for us, and may we always glorify You, and give You thanks, morning, noon and night, and all the inbetweens, in Jesus name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: You Alone Change Hearts~






1 Samuel 10:9 (NASB)
Then it happened when he turned his back to leave Samuel, God changed his heart; and all those signs came about on that day.


When someone says, “I’ve had a change of heart” a familiar and fairly popular saying, it doesn’t hold the same meaning as that of when the LORD “changes one’s heart.”  No, in fact…quite different.

God, in His infinite Sovereign power, He alone can change all things, and that includes an individual’s heart.  That is to say, entire perspective of belief, a conviction from deep within.

Sometimes, being human, people have a tendency to put limitations on various aspects of our life. But, those limitations are unfounded when it comes to the power of God and His will in circumstances or scenarios.

Compassion is limitless and unsurpassed in God’s heart, and He reaches out to all of His children. No matter if they’re poor, or if they are minorities, rich, famous or unknown…they are ALL KNOWN and LOVED by our amazing Father, LORD of lords and Creator of the Universe.

God alone is judge to all things.  Nothing is covered that shall not be uncovered, nothing that is in the dark, shall not come to the light.  No matter where we are, there is GOD with us too!

Our hearts, each one beating in a pattern, only God knows how long it shall beat.  One day it will stop, and we will be with Him forever.

But…that’s where faith, and hearts, are combine to lead us, to being in the Lamb’s book of life, and at His table for all eternity.

God changes all things for the better.

Some of us may have tendencies to have preconceived prejudices placing limitations of what we’re capable of.  But, we can do it all through CHRIST!

We need to understand that in those moments when we place our judging minds on pause, we realize there is room for the Spirit of Christ to change our hearts. That is when the conviction to move forward in a “new creation” comes apparent, and when our existence becomes a vast reality of LIFE!

And, it’s only through the LORD that we’re able to go forward cleansed and fresh and alive in the Spirit of Christ.

Do you have a changed heart?  If so, Hallelujah!


“Father God, thank You for a heart that was created by Your hands, and for Your compassion and mercy and grace, thank You for Your word, and Your unapparelled love that provides, nourishes and supplies all things, in Jesus Christ name, Amen.”






DEAR GOD: Coming into Your Presence Boldly~

Hebrews 4:16 (KJV)

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”


When Christ died, the veil was rent from “top to bottom” and that in itself was miraculous, as it was higher than a normal beings height, but His blood made it possible for us to go “boldly” to the throne of our Almighty LORD, our loving Abba Father!

Matthew 27:51

“And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;”

When we were given this gift of grace along with salvation…we were immediately “free” released from past sin, and invited into the presence of the LORD for whomever should and would want to enter.

Coming into the presence of God is multi-layered, but purposeful in  our walk of faith.  Mindful meditation on His Word, and obeying His “voice” and walking the path which He leads us is the inherent rules of being a devoted follower of Christ.

Deuteronomy 30:20

“By loving the LORD your God, by obeying His voice, and by holding fast to Him; for this is your life and the length of your days, that you may live in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them.”

When I go to “Him” in prayer, I’m thrilled to realize and fully understand the meaning of what Christ did for me, for you, for all of us. His blood washed away the sin and opened our door of “life” as it were. Death was conquered, the grave could not hold Him, and our Redeemer lives and guides us through the Comforter, the Holy Spirit.

Proverbs 15:29 (KJV)

The LORD is far from the wicked, But He hears the prayer of the righteous.

Next time you go to prayer think about why you’re able to go “directly to His throne” boldly and in confidence, knowing He “invites you” and most important, “listens to you” with unending grace, and love.

“Father God, thank You for ripping the veil so that Your children could enter into Your gates of thanksgiving, and bow at Your throne of grace and love, may we always keep this in remembrance, and may we always do all things in Your name, for Your name, and for Your love, in Jesus name, Amen.”