DEAR GOD: Goat or Sheep?


And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: 

Matthew 25:33-34 (KJV)


Are you a goat?  Or are you a sheep?

Jesus, our Lord and Savior, warns us here in the Gospel of Matthew, while illustrating a vivid picture of future events to come.

The goats being separated from the sheep implies a significant parable of things to come.

The goats obviously being the ones who weren’t followers, and who didn’t obey His commandments and doctrine.  They are separated and put to the left, and will not share in the feast of eternal rewards.

The sheep, are those who follow Him, and apply the foundations of His Word into all that they do, while here on earth, or to say, in “His Pasture.”

The verses that follow, referring to being hungry, naked, and in prison is twofold .

The Sheep  recognized Christ and His Word.  So, when Jesus said, “I was hungry and you gave me meat, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, and I was a stranger and you took me in, and in prison you came to me”(Matt 25: 35-36)  refers to His Word and doctrine. Which is to say the “Spiritual translations.”

Food/meat is His Word.

Drink/ His living water

Prison/set free with the Truth

Of course, literal translation of giving to those less fortunate certainly is of essence as well.  To give, and help those in need, is always the way of Jesus, that goes without saying.

But, referring to the “goats vs sheep” is a valuable and important part of our lives, we not only are following Jesus, in bringing the Word, and His light, to others, by “feeding them” and providing “drink” and setting them “free from prison” with His truth, we are seeking His Kingdom in the process.

Speaking for myself…I want to be a “sheep” not a “goat” and a follower in His pasture.

I pursue Him and try to make sure of it every second that I can…consciously and unconsciously, (while doing things followed by the Spirit) doing it all for His glory and His honor.

I don’t know about you, but when my Lord, and Savior, separates the goats from the sheep,  I want to rejoice, and sit at His table forever more in the magnificent presence of the LORD!

Baa-Baa little sheep, follow the Shepherd, and cry no more!

“Father God, I follow You, I love Your pasture, and love to provide Your meat, Your drink and Your truth to Your lambs, in all I do, I thank You for Your Word, and Your love, in Jesus Christ name, Amen.”