DEAR GOD: Disarm With Your Truth~


John 8:2


Are we free?

Free from worry? 

Free from anxiety?

Free from doubt?  

We all are subject to human fragilities, none of us are infallible, nor anyone perfect.  So being human, we are going to feel vulnerable at times, anxious, and worry…even though it is a direct conflict with what Jesus taught, sometime we all fall short, even though we know we are instructed not to “worry about anything” in Matthew 6:34.

Jesus is the Author of Peace.

Jesus is the Light.

Jesus is the Way.

Jesus is the Truth.

Given all of that, and obeying Him and staying within the confines of His loving Word and commandments, and His doctrine…we should be back to “normal” in no time when we meditate, reflect and immerse ourselves in Him.

Truth can be disarming.

Humility can be rewarding. 

An example, earlier this week I was playing scrabble with a “friend” online and my skills are a little rusty, as I am older now, and have been away from the game for a couple of years.  That being said, the individual was a little “testy and harsh” throwing barbs at me left and right!  “You stink!  Your skills stink!  Why don’t you go play with the robots and stop wasting our time in here. This is for the professionals, clearly you’re not a pro! “

I stared at the words and felt an inner peace, how did I respond? “You’re right, I am lacking in skills at this time. A couple of years ago I had your rating, but then life happened, I got older, and my memory is a little slower now.  I thank you for your advice, maybe I will play with the robots from now on. I appreciate your help.”

For a little while after I responded with the above words, as we were playing, the person grew silent.  Then the individual responded with, “Awww…I’m sorry, I was being mean.  You can play in here anytime, you’ll be back to normal in no time at all. Keep playing.”

What happened there?  I disarmed the person with humility, and the truth.  Nothing more.  God did the rest.

Truth can and will set you free on many different levels, when the light from within goes on, and you’re sealed as a child of Christ, things happen.  Projects can be completed, life becomes a lot easier to navigate, issues that have mounted can be tackled, and nerves that are frayed will become smooth eventually healing.

Jesus said, “to be as wise as the serpent but as gentle as a dove” (Matthew 10:16) and when you think about this passage, one has to comprehend that importance of our Savior’s wisdom and advice. The world can be harsh, in fact it is more times than not, but…with the truth, and with humility, and with an eagerness to follow our LORD, we can breeze through any storm.

His light came into the world thousands of years ago…and it is still shining brightly.  The darkness cannot comprehend the magnificence, and the world still struggles with good and evil…but with knowledge and truth, and love…we can disarm even the harshest critic.

Next time someone says something harsh…say something nice back, and watch the disparaging difference in attitude take place before your very eyes.

That difference is “The light of Jesus Christ” and His Super over the top unconditional love!

“Father God, thank You for Your undeniable presence in my life, for Your truth, for Your wisdom, and for guiding me each step of the way, each day of my life, all glory and honor belongs to You and You alone, now and always, in Jesus Christ precious name, Amen.”