DEAR GOD: All FLowers in Your Garden of Love~




Song of Solomon 2:1 1  (KJV)

I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.



A rose is a woody perennial flowering plant of the genus Rosa, in the family Rosaceae, or the flower it bears.  The rose varies in sizes and shapes, and are usually large and showy, in colors ranging from white, (my favorite)— through yellows and reds, some of which literally take ones’ breath away.

Every rose is exquisite, each one fragrant, some more than others, but…they are all connected in that they are flowers, created by the Master Himself.

So, too are His children. We all vary in stature, weight, background, and color, but we are all created by the Master Himself. We are connected by His grace and love.  And we are all part of His magnificent “garden” of love.

How do we grow?  By believing in Him, accepting Him as our LORD, and by planting His seeds of truth.

The LORD will provide the water for our growth, our roots will become stronger as we receive our surplus of nutrients from the “Rose” of all roses, the LORD Himself.

There will be thorns on some of the flowers, but their thorns can be shed, or pruned for harvest,leaving only the beauty. We see the thorns on flowers, but God only sees the beauty.

For He knows what lies within our hearts. He sees what man cannot. And, He loves us irrespective of past, current or future sins.  He knows a repentant and true heart that is filled with unconditional love for Him, and holds us up with His grace and kindness.

As a Child of God, I am thrilled and honored to be in His garden.  Each day is a new day is in His field, the opportunities to serve Him are new and rewarding,  although some may be challenging. But He will always supply that in which I need in order to make it happen, according to His will and purpose in my life.

We can continue to grow in His garden, and shed our thorns, or we can stagnate, thereby stunting our growth in Him, eventually, crumbling up, and dying on the vine.

No one loves us the way our LORD does. He wants to have us with Him for Eternity.  But ultimately, it’s our choice.

What is your choice? 

Will you continue to grow and thrive in Him and His word?  



“Father, my Creator and Master, thank You for supplying my needs according to Your Word, and for loving me as no one has or ever will, I choose You and Your garden, now and forever, in Jesus name, Amen.”