DEAR GOD: Immersed in You~






Romans 12:2 (KJV)

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.


I often hear comments from various individuals—whether it be, friends, family, or acquaintances—that I’m a fanatic in terms of Jesus.

How is that again?  Excuse me?

Please, would you mind repeating that again?  Because, that’s truly the most complimentary thing you could ever say to me!

So please, feel free to say it again and again and again!

Jesus tells us in the Beatitudes, Matthew 5:11–12 “…we will be mocked, and persecuted for His name sake, and to be exceedingly glad, because great is our reward in heaven…” Well, as I’ve just said…I am glad, and thrilled to be considered a “fanatic of Jesus.” It’s an exclusive club, and anyone can join. All you have to do is accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and love Him, fully, freely and truly.

Which brings me to these questions:

  • How can anyone be too fanatical about Jesus?
  • Didn’t He come to this world, for our sake?
  • Didn’t He come to this world, to free us from sin? 
  • Didn’t He come to this world, seeking us, because of His love for us? 
  • And, didn’t He die willingly, freely, and without any regrets, for all of us?

So, in my own opinion…One can never become too fanatical about their love, devotion, and diligence to the LORD and His Word.

The will of God was followed by Jesus, (John 6:38-40) He fulfilled the scriptures, and did the work of His Father, (our Father,) and performed countless miracles, healed the lame, made the blind see, cleaned the lepers, ordered evil spirits out, and showed compassion to all.

And…He went to the cross for me For you!

He defeated death, and is the author of peace and love.  How can I not be “fanatical” about my love for Him?

It is truly a delight to do His will, and to be serving such a great God. He is all things to me, and has seen me through everything both happy and sad, “truly, His goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life where I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever more.” (Psalm 23)

So, the next time someone calls you a “fanatic” of Jesus, smile broadly, nod your head, and emphatically proclaim, “AMEN!”

“Father God, I love You with all that I am, thank You for Jesus and His blood, thank You for Your unapparelled love, and for Your grace that touches my face, heart, body, mind, and soul, each and every day of my life, You are my everything, in Jesus name, Amen.”