DEAR GOD: All Things Are Possible With You~






All things are possible to him who believes.”

Mark 9:23


So, what is Jesus telling us here in this passage?  It would seem He is telling us in no uncertain terms that our Father is limitless in His ability, and that with Him in our corner, He has the infinite ability to bring whatever it is into fruition.

We realize that with individuals things are “not possible” but with God, “all things are possible.”  With this understanding, and with faith, when we harness the power from above, with our heart, soul, body and mind, we are opening up His surging love and consuming fire to fulfill our needs and desires.

So, how come it takes so long?  At times we may wonder why things take long for prayers to be answered, or desires to be met, the answer is simple. “Because it’s in His time, not ours.”  And, He will ultimately decide “when” and “where” and “how” not us. That’s why He is God, and we’re not!

So, what if it doesn’t happen ever?   It would be because it isn’t the best thing for us, and that the Father has better plans for us, or a better outcome.  He knows what’s coming down the road, we can’t see beyond our scope of vision…He can!

“So, then faith and belief have conditions?”  Like anything else worthy of reward, there are steps and things we must do in order to attain that which we seek.  When we seek His face in all we do, and follow His commandments, and believe in Him fully and without any doubt whatsoever, we will be rewarded justly, and according to our merits.

God could have created “robots” who walk and act the way He wants, but instead, He gives us free choice to accept Him, and do all according to His plan and purpose for our lives.

So, thereby in a sense if what we are believing in today to become possible, and it doesn’t happen now, or today…Jesus reassures us, that it certainly will happen in the future.

Or to be more precise, when we believe, all things are possible, we will be seated at His table in Eternity.

And, that is the best outcome of all, don’t you agree?


“Father, thank You for Your promises, and Your love, and Your rewards, yesterday, today and tomorrow, especially the Eternity in which we will share Your table, in Jesus’ precious name, Amen!”