DEAR GOD: Time For You Alone~


He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

Psalm 91:1-2 (KJV)



Finding time for the LORD can be challenging to many individuals, however, it is crucial overall, for our “protection” in the world, and ostensibly,  for our spiritual growth.

When we find time for Him, and concentrate on Him, and His Word, we are able to disable the “snares” by His power, in His name, and able to sustain, and withstand the trials and tribulations we all will invariably go through, in Christ name.

Essentially, our relationship with the LORD, is reflective on our actions, and the ways in which we live. The deeper, and closer the relationship is with Him, the deeper the roots, and the stronger the branches bearing fruit.

The Holy One is dwelling within us… guiding us, leading us, touching us with His light, His words, and His truth.

Inherently, we are the blessed recipients of our Redeemer, who shed His blood for our salvation, and brought us His peace, not as the world gives it…for the world is troubled, with Jesus, we have sufficient peace as He sustains us with His love.

A relationship with Him, is so important to hearts, mind, body and soul…for He is the nourishment.  He is our bread, and our water.  He  feeds us spiritually, and enhances our growth with each reading, each meditation, and each “conversation” that is to say “prayer” we have with Him. It is imperative to LIFE, for without Him, there is no life.

I must find time for Him.

I need to find time for Him.

I want to find time for Him.

He is my peace.

He is my refuge.

He is my reason for everything.

With Him, I am nothing.

Speaking for myself, if I don’t spend time with Him each day, in a dedicated way. Such as prayer, and reading…and giving Him thanks…I feel incomplete, and totally off kilter.

If I don’t go to Him daily, I would wither up as an old branch, and die. With Him there is a daily pruning, He trims my branches, and lets me grow, more and more.  Deeper and deeper are my roots in His love, and in Him. Expansion in the obedient department, and in the willingness to serve, corresponds to prolific and powerful spiritual growth.

Do you find time for Him, alone?

If you haven’t…please, make an appointment, daily… for HIM ALONE.

I promise that your day, your ways, and your heart and soul will be so much better in all that you are, and your life will truly be LIFE!

“Father, my heart, soul, body and mind belong to You, thank You for listening to me when I come to You, thank You for Your word, Your love, Your guidance, and thank You for touching me with Your undying Grace, I pray for those that don’t know You, and I pray for those that do, and most of all, I lift You on high, today, now, and always, in Jesus precious name, Amen.”


Luke 5:15-16 “Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”

Psalm 1:1-4 “Blessed is the person who does not follow the advice of wicked people, take the path of sinners, or join the company of mockers. Rather, he delights in the teachings of the Lord and reflects on his teachings day and night. He is like a tree planted beside streams— a tree that produces fruit in season and whose leaves do not wither. He succeeds in everything he does. Wicked people are not like that. Instead, they are like husks that the wind blows away.”

DEAR GOD: Thank You For Immanuel — Yeshua~



Luke 2:11 (KJV)

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.”





The Angels did  sing of the birth of the Holy One.

The One who came to save.

The One who is mighty indeed!


A Savior that was spoken about from the beginning of time. God had provided and appointed from all eternity; He promised One to come, from the beginning, and a Great One, being a God, as well as man.  Thus able to work through the great plan of the LORD, a great salvation for great sinners alike.  A complete Savior, an everlasting One.

In the beginning the Word was with God, and the Word became God, and the Word was God, and He walked among us. (John 1:1-3)

He shall be called “Immanuel” that is translated, “God with us.” (Matthew 1:23)

Jesus, my LORD and Savior.  Our LORD and Savior.  An everlasting Savior, that saves us from sin, from evil, from the world and its ugliness, from the law, from death, hell, and from the enemy overall.

The Prince of Peace, and Author of Salvation.


The little infant that came to fulfill His Father’s plan for us!

The little infant that would save us came into the world born in a manger!

The Highest Royal God, came as Son of man to serve.  Not to be served.

How is that possible?

That this little infant would grow up, perform miracles, do His ministry walking and preaching and teaching, and ultimately would die for us! Think about the enormity of that reality.

How amazing is He?

How amazing is His love?

How amazing is His everlasting Light?

Behold, the King of kings and Lord of lords!

Praise Him, love Him, and accept Him into your hearts.

What a feeling to be loved by the King.

And, oh what a feeling to be saved by the King.

And, oh what a feeling to LOVE THE KING!


“Father, thank You for the Light of lights, and the Lord of lords so long ago, and for this very moment in time, we glorify You, and give You great honor and praise, now and always, in Jesus Christ most precious name of names, Amen.”




  “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.”

(Matthew 1:23 KJV)

DEAR GOD: The Light of The World~





John 8:12 12

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”


The light of the World born over two thousand years ago. The One who came into the world for us, still significant, still powerfully moving, and still has followers to this day.

His book still one of the best selling books of all time and is the reason for who we are, and why we are here. He is our purpose and we are His purpose according to His will in all we do each day of our life.

The Light shines in the darkness and brings comfort to those who seek it.

The Light brings awareness to our being and energizes us for what we need to do, as we follow His light and path of righteousness.

This week marks the time when the Light of the world came to reside with us. We celebrate His birth  and give thanks to God for His Son and His sacrifice.

The Light is our redeemer and we share our spiritual faith with others to bring glory to Him and to bring others out of the darkness, and into the Light of lights.

As it nears the day of His miraculous birth…honor Him through your love for others, shining your light as an example of His, and enjoy the wonder of His love.

“Lord, thank You for being our Light and for coming for us as our Redeemer, and Savior, Your Glory and Your love for us is everlasting, and we thank You for it, in Jesus name, Amen.”



Luke 2:8-11 8

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.

9An angel of the LORD appeared to them, and the glory of the LORD shone around them, and they were terrified.

10But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.

11Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the LORD.


DEAR GOD: Goat or Sheep?


And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: 

Matthew 25:33-34 (KJV)


Are you a goat?  Or are you a sheep?

Jesus, our Lord and Savior, warns us here in the Gospel of Matthew, while illustrating a vivid picture of future events to come.

The goats being separated from the sheep implies a significant parable of things to come.

The goats obviously being the ones who weren’t followers, and who didn’t obey His commandments and doctrine.  They are separated and put to the left, and will not share in the feast of eternal rewards.

The sheep, are those who follow Him, and apply the foundations of His Word into all that they do, while here on earth, or to say, in “His Pasture.”

The verses that follow, referring to being hungry, naked, and in prison is twofold .

The Sheep  recognized Christ and His Word.  So, when Jesus said, “I was hungry and you gave me meat, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, and I was a stranger and you took me in, and in prison you came to me”(Matt 25: 35-36)  refers to His Word and doctrine. Which is to say the “Spiritual translations.”

Food/meat is His Word.

Drink/ His living water

Prison/set free with the Truth

Of course, literal translation of giving to those less fortunate certainly is of essence as well.  To give, and help those in need, is always the way of Jesus, that goes without saying.

But, referring to the “goats vs sheep” is a valuable and important part of our lives, we not only are following Jesus, in bringing the Word, and His light, to others, by “feeding them” and providing “drink” and setting them “free from prison” with His truth, we are seeking His Kingdom in the process.

Speaking for myself…I want to be a “sheep” not a “goat” and a follower in His pasture.

I pursue Him and try to make sure of it every second that I can…consciously and unconsciously, (while doing things followed by the Spirit) doing it all for His glory and His honor.

I don’t know about you, but when my Lord, and Savior, separates the goats from the sheep,  I want to rejoice, and sit at His table forever more in the magnificent presence of the LORD!

Baa-Baa little sheep, follow the Shepherd, and cry no more!

“Father God, I follow You, I love Your pasture, and love to provide Your meat, Your drink and Your truth to Your lambs, in all I do, I thank You for Your Word, and Your love, in Jesus Christ name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Disarm With Your Truth~


John 8:2


Are we free?

Free from worry? 

Free from anxiety?

Free from doubt?  

We all are subject to human fragilities, none of us are infallible, nor anyone perfect.  So being human, we are going to feel vulnerable at times, anxious, and worry…even though it is a direct conflict with what Jesus taught, sometime we all fall short, even though we know we are instructed not to “worry about anything” in Matthew 6:34.

Jesus is the Author of Peace.

Jesus is the Light.

Jesus is the Way.

Jesus is the Truth.

Given all of that, and obeying Him and staying within the confines of His loving Word and commandments, and His doctrine…we should be back to “normal” in no time when we meditate, reflect and immerse ourselves in Him.

Truth can be disarming.

Humility can be rewarding. 

An example, earlier this week I was playing scrabble with a “friend” online and my skills are a little rusty, as I am older now, and have been away from the game for a couple of years.  That being said, the individual was a little “testy and harsh” throwing barbs at me left and right!  “You stink!  Your skills stink!  Why don’t you go play with the robots and stop wasting our time in here. This is for the professionals, clearly you’re not a pro! “

I stared at the words and felt an inner peace, how did I respond? “You’re right, I am lacking in skills at this time. A couple of years ago I had your rating, but then life happened, I got older, and my memory is a little slower now.  I thank you for your advice, maybe I will play with the robots from now on. I appreciate your help.”

For a little while after I responded with the above words, as we were playing, the person grew silent.  Then the individual responded with, “Awww…I’m sorry, I was being mean.  You can play in here anytime, you’ll be back to normal in no time at all. Keep playing.”

What happened there?  I disarmed the person with humility, and the truth.  Nothing more.  God did the rest.

Truth can and will set you free on many different levels, when the light from within goes on, and you’re sealed as a child of Christ, things happen.  Projects can be completed, life becomes a lot easier to navigate, issues that have mounted can be tackled, and nerves that are frayed will become smooth eventually healing.

Jesus said, “to be as wise as the serpent but as gentle as a dove” (Matthew 10:16) and when you think about this passage, one has to comprehend that importance of our Savior’s wisdom and advice. The world can be harsh, in fact it is more times than not, but…with the truth, and with humility, and with an eagerness to follow our LORD, we can breeze through any storm.

His light came into the world thousands of years ago…and it is still shining brightly.  The darkness cannot comprehend the magnificence, and the world still struggles with good and evil…but with knowledge and truth, and love…we can disarm even the harshest critic.

Next time someone says something harsh…say something nice back, and watch the disparaging difference in attitude take place before your very eyes.

That difference is “The light of Jesus Christ” and His Super over the top unconditional love!

“Father God, thank You for Your undeniable presence in my life, for Your truth, for Your wisdom, and for guiding me each step of the way, each day of my life, all glory and honor belongs to You and You alone, now and always, in Jesus Christ precious name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: All FLowers in Your Garden of Love~




Song of Solomon 2:1 1  (KJV)

I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.



A rose is a woody perennial flowering plant of the genus Rosa, in the family Rosaceae, or the flower it bears.  The rose varies in sizes and shapes, and are usually large and showy, in colors ranging from white, (my favorite)— through yellows and reds, some of which literally take ones’ breath away.

Every rose is exquisite, each one fragrant, some more than others, but…they are all connected in that they are flowers, created by the Master Himself.

So, too are His children. We all vary in stature, weight, background, and color, but we are all created by the Master Himself. We are connected by His grace and love.  And we are all part of His magnificent “garden” of love.

How do we grow?  By believing in Him, accepting Him as our LORD, and by planting His seeds of truth.

The LORD will provide the water for our growth, our roots will become stronger as we receive our surplus of nutrients from the “Rose” of all roses, the LORD Himself.

There will be thorns on some of the flowers, but their thorns can be shed, or pruned for harvest,leaving only the beauty. We see the thorns on flowers, but God only sees the beauty.

For He knows what lies within our hearts. He sees what man cannot. And, He loves us irrespective of past, current or future sins.  He knows a repentant and true heart that is filled with unconditional love for Him, and holds us up with His grace and kindness.

As a Child of God, I am thrilled and honored to be in His garden.  Each day is a new day is in His field, the opportunities to serve Him are new and rewarding,  although some may be challenging. But He will always supply that in which I need in order to make it happen, according to His will and purpose in my life.

We can continue to grow in His garden, and shed our thorns, or we can stagnate, thereby stunting our growth in Him, eventually, crumbling up, and dying on the vine.

No one loves us the way our LORD does. He wants to have us with Him for Eternity.  But ultimately, it’s our choice.

What is your choice? 

Will you continue to grow and thrive in Him and His word?  



“Father, my Creator and Master, thank You for supplying my needs according to Your Word, and for loving me as no one has or ever will, I choose You and Your garden, now and forever, in Jesus name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Immersed in You~






Romans 12:2 (KJV)

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.


I often hear comments from various individuals—whether it be, friends, family, or acquaintances—that I’m a fanatic in terms of Jesus.

How is that again?  Excuse me?

Please, would you mind repeating that again?  Because, that’s truly the most complimentary thing you could ever say to me!

So please, feel free to say it again and again and again!

Jesus tells us in the Beatitudes, Matthew 5:11–12 “…we will be mocked, and persecuted for His name sake, and to be exceedingly glad, because great is our reward in heaven…” Well, as I’ve just said…I am glad, and thrilled to be considered a “fanatic of Jesus.” It’s an exclusive club, and anyone can join. All you have to do is accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and love Him, fully, freely and truly.

Which brings me to these questions:

  • How can anyone be too fanatical about Jesus?
  • Didn’t He come to this world, for our sake?
  • Didn’t He come to this world, to free us from sin? 
  • Didn’t He come to this world, seeking us, because of His love for us? 
  • And, didn’t He die willingly, freely, and without any regrets, for all of us?

So, in my own opinion…One can never become too fanatical about their love, devotion, and diligence to the LORD and His Word.

The will of God was followed by Jesus, (John 6:38-40) He fulfilled the scriptures, and did the work of His Father, (our Father,) and performed countless miracles, healed the lame, made the blind see, cleaned the lepers, ordered evil spirits out, and showed compassion to all.

And…He went to the cross for me For you!

He defeated death, and is the author of peace and love.  How can I not be “fanatical” about my love for Him?

It is truly a delight to do His will, and to be serving such a great God. He is all things to me, and has seen me through everything both happy and sad, “truly, His goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life where I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever more.” (Psalm 23)

So, the next time someone calls you a “fanatic” of Jesus, smile broadly, nod your head, and emphatically proclaim, “AMEN!”

“Father God, I love You with all that I am, thank You for Jesus and His blood, thank You for Your unapparelled love, and for Your grace that touches my face, heart, body, mind, and soul, each and every day of my life, You are my everything, in Jesus name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: Rain, Snow, SLeet—Joy in You~





Psalms 16:11 (KJV) 

Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.



It’s that time of year again, and winter is knocking at our door extra early this year.  Although December 21 it the official ushering in of the season, apparently winter doesn’t realize it’s a little early, as evidenced by a huge snowfall last week, and another one on its way in two days!  Oh well..

I see things differently than I did as a child.  For example, I loved romping in the snow.  In fact, Mom had a difficult time keeping me “dry” in winter, as I was always creating snow angels, building igloos, or building snow people!  Yes, snow people, I always insisted on a female, and a male, and even snow children, in our winter wonderland backyard.

Now, having made my way into retirement years, I view snow in a realistic fashion.  Of course, it is still a thing of beauty, as it envelops our yard, while transforming trees into magical, twinkling, white magnificence,  at times, seeing a stunning red cardinal sitting atop a tree,  adding a dramatic effect to the beauty, created by our Creator.

However, that having been said…I can’t stand navigating the icy roads, or walking slowly to, and from, the car as I do errands.  So, yes… I see it differently from an adults’ view versus a childs’.

But, there is one thing that’s never changed, and that is, I see “God” in all of the seasons.

I feel, and see Him, and experience the fullness of Joy, through it all. I feel His peace, and His love, I feel alive, and I am filled with LIFE!

I see His hand in snow, sleet, and rain.  I see Him in cloudy days, I see Him in the radiant sun, I see Him in the light, I see Him in the dark.

His mercy endures in any weather, irrespective of where we live. God, is always in the realm, in which we are, in which we breathe, in which we exist.  He, is a part of us, in every season, and He, is a reality in all that we do.

As I gaze our into our backyard, and view the snow, and watch the squirrels skipping, and jumping, from branch to branch, and birds flitting from tree to tree, I see the face of God.

And I know  even though it’s freezing outside, I’m filled with the warmth of His love, and it doesn’t get any better than that!

“Father, God, I am in awe of Your magnificence, and Your Sovereign power, I see You in all I do, and all that surrounds me, thank You for Your love, Your enduring mercy, and for seeing me through all the seasons of Your love, now, and always, in Jesus name, Amen.” 


All scripture from KJV Bible

Exodus 33:14 – And he said, My presence shall go [with thee], and I will give thee rest.

Psalms 27:8 – [When thou saidst], Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, LORD, will I seek.

Jeremiah 29:13 – And ye shall seek me, and find [me], when ye shall search for me with all your heart.


DEAR GOD: Loving & Trusting in You Every Day~



Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 

Matthew 22:37 (KJV)


One of the first things I do when I wake up in the morning, even before getting out of my bed, is to give thanks to the LORD for another day, and then say, “I trust in You Lord, with all my heart and soul, and lean not on my own understanding in all of my ways, I acknowledge You, You shall direct my paths.  I am not wise in my own eyes, I love You, and keep from evil, it shall be health to my navel, and marrow to my bones, in Jesus name, Amen.”  (Proverbs, 3:5-8)   It’s a morning heartfelt prayer to my LORD of whom I love, and adore…and which without Him, I am nothing.

When we trust in the Lord, it truly means more than believing in who He is and what He says.

Trusting can also mean to have “full confidence in Him” along with the an assurance that He is in control, and is my refuge every step of my way.

Trusting in the LORD is an affirmation that lets us boldly serve Him with confidence in His Word, and His word, should infuse our entire countenance, that is to say, “body, heart, mind, and soul.”

When we put God first in our life, we commit ourselves to Him in ways that will guide us, and bless us, for every waking moment of our lives

We need to check ourselves daily with the Word of the LORD. We are not able to realistically test ourselves in our actions, or thoughts, so we need to go to the Word, and not compromise our principles, or scruples, as a Christian, outside the realm of the LORD’s ways.  So, that’s why the Bible should be our “go to” for all things,  in order for us to live a godly life.

We need to “listen” to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to guide us, lead us, touch us, and bring us to where we should be, and what we should do, all the days of our lives.  He is our Comforter, and He is very wise.  He will never let us down, and He will never leave us.

When we trust in the LORD, we receive a myriad of blessings, peace of mind, and purpose for why we are here in the first place.

Our mind when it is focused on the LORD, is a mind that is filled with peace, which in turn will bring about joy, and happiness.

When we surrender ourselves to Him, fully and completely, we are hidden in His wings and shielded from the enemy and His fiery darts.

Trusting in the LORD, and being at His disposal, His vessel, and His child, will reap endless rewards, and we will be able to reflect His love from within, to without.  In other words, we will be able to “reflect the LORD’s heart” to others, while glorifying Him in all we do, each and every single day we are here on earth.

What joy to serve Him!

What joy to honor Him!

What joy to follow Him!

What joy to trust in Him!

What joy in loving Him!

Are you experiencing joy in loving and trusting in the LORD?

Do you know the LORD?

If not, may I ask, “What are you waiting for?”


“Dear Father, You are my joy and love, thank You for being my Rock, my everything, and for providing peace, and protection in all I do, I thank You, and may I never forget to give You all the Glory, Honor, and Victory, now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”




Proverbs 3:5-8 5  (KJV)

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.

8 It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.


DEAR GOD: All Things Are Possible With You~






All things are possible to him who believes.”

Mark 9:23


So, what is Jesus telling us here in this passage?  It would seem He is telling us in no uncertain terms that our Father is limitless in His ability, and that with Him in our corner, He has the infinite ability to bring whatever it is into fruition.

We realize that with individuals things are “not possible” but with God, “all things are possible.”  With this understanding, and with faith, when we harness the power from above, with our heart, soul, body and mind, we are opening up His surging love and consuming fire to fulfill our needs and desires.

So, how come it takes so long?  At times we may wonder why things take long for prayers to be answered, or desires to be met, the answer is simple. “Because it’s in His time, not ours.”  And, He will ultimately decide “when” and “where” and “how” not us. That’s why He is God, and we’re not!

So, what if it doesn’t happen ever?   It would be because it isn’t the best thing for us, and that the Father has better plans for us, or a better outcome.  He knows what’s coming down the road, we can’t see beyond our scope of vision…He can!

“So, then faith and belief have conditions?”  Like anything else worthy of reward, there are steps and things we must do in order to attain that which we seek.  When we seek His face in all we do, and follow His commandments, and believe in Him fully and without any doubt whatsoever, we will be rewarded justly, and according to our merits.

God could have created “robots” who walk and act the way He wants, but instead, He gives us free choice to accept Him, and do all according to His plan and purpose for our lives.

So, thereby in a sense if what we are believing in today to become possible, and it doesn’t happen now, or today…Jesus reassures us, that it certainly will happen in the future.

Or to be more precise, when we believe, all things are possible, we will be seated at His table in Eternity.

And, that is the best outcome of all, don’t you agree?


“Father, thank You for Your promises, and Your love, and Your rewards, yesterday, today and tomorrow, especially the Eternity in which we will share Your table, in Jesus’ precious name, Amen!”