DEAR GOD: Increase as I Decrease~

“He must increase, but I must decrease.”

John 3:30 (KJV)


So I was speaking with a good friend a couple of days ago, and she was kind of “murmuring” about her life and her non stop responsibilities…it was an ongoing litany and woeful saga, that came down to one essential thing, “she is centered around herself.” She has her health, she has freedom, and she is blessed with financial rewards.  But, she simply can’t stop speaking about “herself.”  Don’t get me wrong, I love her…she has a great heart and soul, but…the endless complaints are staggering. And, that breaks my heart. Let me explain before you think I’m being harsh.

I’m not one to “gossip” or say outlandish or hurtful things to friends, or strangers for that matter, but I felt urged by the Spirit to explain some things to her. So, I outright told her, “My good friend, you need to decrease and let the LORD increase.”

She immediately stopped speaking, as if a thunderbolt struck her, and all of her business about her responsibilities ceased to exist at that moment. I could sense that thoughts were surging through her mind, heart, and soul.

And, she responded in a small voice, with one word… “How?”

Many of us are caught in a whirlwind of life, and the endless productions of such, after all we have responsibilities to handle, each one of us.  Some have more, others have some.  Which of course brings me to the Bible verse,  “to whom much is given, much will be required” (Luke 12:48)

This well known verse of “to whom much is given, much will be required” is that we are held responsible for what we have been blessed with.

If we are blessed with talents, knowledge, time,  patience, kindness, and the like, it is expected that we use these gifts in order to glorify God, and benefit others in the process.

Therefore, by operating in accordance with God and the gifts He has freely given to us, whatever they are, we must be mindful to use them, and put them into daily use.

And when we do, we will glorify God and His name.  What happens then is that we are pulling back from our “own selfish thoughts and actions” and using our time benevolently, and allowing God to INCREASE, as we decrease in our mind-set, and purpose concerning selfish deeds or tasks that always are centering on ourselves, instead of others.  That is a way to allow God to INCREASE by letting go of “vanity” and “our selfish ways. When we do that, we are “decreasing” and God is coming in lighting our path and INCREASING.  In fact, He begins to surge within us more and more.  From there on in, things begin to come into perspective and we’re able to do things in a different way, or approach things differently than we did before.

Yes, it’s wonderful to relax, and yes we all need it.  No one is saying otherwise…but, we must be careful to fulfill His purpose according to our life, and exacting measure of opportunities that the LORD has given us, and has shown us.

So, getting back to my friend, she and I had a long beautiful discussion about God, His commandments, and His expectations for His children.  And, how important it is to focus on Him and declare our love for Him, through Him, and by Him, in all we do.

She called me two days later and said, “You know what?  It’s so much easier when I do it for Christ.  It makes everything easier, even the tough stuff.  I hope to step back and let Him increase in my life.  So, thanks for the reminder!”

That made my day.  To be a vessel for the LORD delivering a message, or holding fast to His Word and putting it into action, is a blessing for me, as it is for every other Christian in this world. when they do the same, deliver the message or Word of God.

The next time you find yourself complaining about some issue, task, or situation, open up to the LORD, and let Him INCREASE so you can decrease and find peace in a world of chaos, and mayhem, after all,  as Jesus said, in John 14:27 27;   “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”


Father, my Lord and Savior, thank You for Your love, guidance, and support in all that I do, may I continue to decrease and may You continue to Increase in my heart, and my mind, and my body, and my soul, today and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”