DEAR GOD: Baptism in Obedience to Your Love~


A dear friend of mine sent me a link to witness her sweet niece getting baptized.  It warmed my heart to see it, and hear her testimony, for she went through so much in her young life, and I am familiar with her story.  But, to hear one give testimony prior to baptism is always “new to me” and always a joy to experience.  To see a young lamb come to the LORD and give freely and openly about the reason they choose “Christ.”

Baptism is by immersion, after salvation, is done in obedience to Jesus Christ.  Baptism is necessary for Christians, and complying with Jesus Commandments is vital to an individuals growth in  their Christian walk. We are encouraged to keep Christ’s commandments through baptism: By the example of Christ.

Each person stepping forward, and making a public declaration of their love and obedience in Christ, is a gift from the Father of lights, He is always waiting, and knocking on His children’s hearts, and we get to choose if we want to open that door to let Him in.  And, when we do…oh Joy!  Hallelujah!  The life that begins from that point on is subject to all kinds of new ways to meet life in its everyday demands and trials.  Children of Christ can maintain dignity in harsh times, and can find significant peace in His name when undergoing issues in life.

Baptism is an outward show of love expressing our desire to be a Christian Soldier and therefore following Him, willingly, and openly.  We are saying, “YES” to Him and “YES” to His love…and we are saying, “I love You Jesus…thank You for Your love and Your sacrifice, Amen!

We are saying, “We are free, and born again…because of Jesus.”

I can hardly wait to see another testimony and another baptism, because as I’ve said in the beginning of this post, “it never gets old…in fact, it’s NEW each time…Amen!”




Colossians 2:12
Having been buried with Him in baptism, in which you were also raised up with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.


1 Corinthians 12:13

For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.


Galatians 3:27

For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.