DEAR GOD: My Strength & Comforter~




John 14:26 –

But the Comforter,  the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.


As I had mentioned in a previous post about the LORD answering me, and saying I’d reveal it later on in another post, well here I am.  However, what I am about to write is different than originally mentioned.

Confused?  Well, in a sense, so was I.

You see, long story short.  We were praying about moving and selling our current place.  I felt for sure that the LORD had answered me directly, as for His will and purpose in our lives.  I followed blindly, as I pray I’d always do, because I want to be obedient in all aspects in terms of His will for my life.

So, we put in an offer for a home, which was accepted at a ridiculously low price.  We felt for sure that it was a clear indicative sign, since the owner accepted such a low ball offer.  Of course, the house needed “tons of work.”  And, we hadn’t even put our home up for sale yet.  But, we went through with it anyhow, and wound up signing a contract, feeling convinced it was from God.

Well, soon after that transaction, something happening to me…I started tossing and turning at night, almost immediately.  Something just didn’t feel right.  I’d wake at night…thoughts, and mind racing…fervently seeking a response from God…praying and waiting.

“God, is this You?  I shall test the Spirit further, as You say in Your word.”

So, for three weeks, as the “closing date” was growing uncomfortably closer, I still had seemingly endless doubts.

“God, this can’t be You.  Because with You, there is peace not chaotic thoughts. With You, there is no doubts, no cause for alarm.”

So, I did some major researching…along with some financial figuring, and things started to look bleak. A red flag was waving, and I felt Damocles’ Sword over my head!

It started to feel like I’d was being pulled in by the enemy.

You know how he tries to emulate our Savior. The big imposter and fake.

You know how he loves to lie, and you know how he loves to play with our minds?  Well, I was feeling uncomfortable all along, but…I felt it…took three weeks…but right there and then I knew it wasn’t from God!

“God, You are warning me. This isn’t from You. This is a trap by the enemy to set us up for financial ruins, and stress filled days. Help us get out of this LORD.”

So, with health being compromised, due to the worrying, it made my existing immune disorder worsen, and I went to the doctors three times during this period of time.

Without wasting another moment, I decided to call and tell the realtor, “I can’t go through with it, my health is declining from the stress.  I hope we can get back our deposit.”

Thankfully, we are out of the contract. Sadly, we didn’t receive our $1800 deposit back. The owners decided to keep it.  But, that’s fine, God bless them.  That money will pay for their land lease for four months, and it got us away from a disaster in the making. Amen!

Their attorney that was demanding the owners keep the money wasn’t shocking to me.

But I’m such an optimist, I’d like to think that people are inherently kind.  If it were me, I’d have given the money back…but, then I thought. Maybe they are really in dire need of funds, so hopefully,  we helped them through some financial woes.  I never met the owners, never saw them…so don’t know anything about them.  I can only assume, they needed the money more than we do.  In that case, it was God who once again, helped everyone concerned in this scenario. Once again, the LORD uses evil to turn to good. So, in this case, this couple may have really needed that money!  So, everyone wins.  And, once again, the LORD reigns Supreme, He is victorious, and through Christ, we are too!

So…please, listen and be aware.

As Jesus said, “be as harmless as a dove, but as wise as the serpent” (Matthew 10:16)   because you never know where the enemy is.  “He is roaming about seeking to devour you”(1 Peter 5:8) at every turn.  He wants us to suffer, he wants us to be in financial and emotional ruins.

So, be diligent, watch out.

Listen, and wait for the LORD, He will ALWAYS rescue You, never forsake you, and will ALWAYS show you a way out of temptation. (1 Cor 10:13)


“Father God, thank You for Your wings of protection, Your unwavering love, and guidance, and for Your Word which is full of light and peace, in Jesus name, Amen.”