DEAR GOD: Always With Me~





Psalm 16:8  (NLT)

I know the Lord is always with me.
I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.


Life as we know it, can be very different from one individual to another. There may be those who have “no home” and  living on the streets, not knowing where their next meal is coming from, or if at all… yet they may have the LORD, and love in their hearts.

There may be some living in the lap of luxury, with no materialistic wants, but may be lacking in “love.”

And still, there may be some who are somewhere in between, living life in the middle of the road so to speak.

What’s the connection with individuals  so different?

We are all His creation, and His children.

And, by being His children we have full uninhibited access to His love, His Word, and His promises, should we want it.  

As I move through my day, there are routines that can be comforting, yet any kind of disruption in that routine may be unsettling.  It’s during those times of disruption I never stop listening for His Word, His voice, and His will for my life.

It’s important that we never stop believing that nothing is impossible with God.  And, it’s crucial we remember that no matter what, He is with us always, and is living in us. Hallelujah!

There are days I can barely concentrate due to chronic health issues that plague me,  but…that’s when I need to really concentrate, and reach out to Him all the more, knowing I’ll get through it, because He’s there for me.

However, please know, He’s there for all of us.  

I run to Him during rough days knowing He’s willing to hold me up with His right hand of righteousness, and that He loves me, that is what keeps me going.

Conversely,  I run to Him in good times, because no matter what, He gets all my love, He gets all the glory, and He reigns victorious, forever!

He is the Alpha and Omega!  My LORD and King!

He is all that I need today, tomorrow, forever.

When we know that He’s with us always, and feel it, and love Him, our life truly becomes just that—LIFE.  


“Father, thank You for being with me always and thank You for Your promises and love, may I never ever stray from You or Your love, in Jesus name, Amen.”