DEAR GOD: Your Goodness Prevails Always~



“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith…” 

Galatians 5:22 (KJV)





The earth is full of God’s goodness. What does He consider good?  Well, it’s written out clearly and defined with love and purpose in His book, the Holy Bible.

I was looking at my dog and he was staring into my eyes, and I felt God’s goodness in this beautiful little fur baby of mine.  His eyes staring contently into my eyes, which for the record, was mutual as I stared into his.  I associate so many things with God and His inherent goodness.

There are many words that pertain to God’s goodness in the Bible, some come quickly to mind, “truth, justice, righteousness, love, light” and in Ephesians its outlined clearly, take for example, 5:8-10,For you were once darkness, but now you are  a light in the LORD. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth) finding out what is acceptable to the LORD.”  

So many of His children are guilty of deciding on their “own” as to what is right or wrong, good or bad, depending on their own personal scenario…instead, they should be looking to God for what is right, wrong, righteous, or otherwise. He is the sole source of our knowledge and the personal beam of light that guides us through the darkness, lending us strength and loving us through it all.

 Psalm 52:1 tells us that “the goodness of God endures continually.” What does His goodness entail? Well, for starters, a personal commitment comes to mind; and that would include, right over wrong. So, the fruit of the Spirit guides us to do just that. We are not strong in our “own eyes” as Proverbs states, we must trust Him and look to Him for all things, Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. Be not wise in your own eyes, love Him, keep from evil, and it will be health to your navel and marrow for your bones.” ( Proverbs 3:5-8)


The fruit of the Spirit of goodness mentioned in Galatians 5:22  also tells of being generous and doing good for others.


Why is God desiring us to demonstrate goodness?  It’s because God is pure, and good, and He wants us to grow, and become more like Him.


We must let Him grow in us and be led by the Spirit in order to obtain and be assured of His goodness, and then, we will be molded into bearing the fruit of the Spirit.


Generousity, kindness, patience, goodness, light, love, peace….all of it, as we come closer to the realm of His presence and His love.


 “Father, thank You for Your Spirit,  please continue to guide me, and help me keep on coarse, let me never forget Your goodness, Your will, and Your love for me, and all creation, in Jesus name, Amen.”