DEAR GOD: Purpose & Provisions~





Romans 8:28 28

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.


This verse is a great comfort to those who are faithfully living within the realm of God’s Word, and seek Him daily, for all things. It’s a promise for “real believers in Christ.”

It’s a good reminder, to let us know, that although sin is running rampant in the world, God will protect us, and bring us through it all.

Those who love God, and who are clearly trying to live according to His Word, it’s critically important to remember God’s provisions, and God’s promises, concerning  all of His children.

Bad things, sad things, evil things, and wicked things, will invariably happen in the world, and ostensibly, can touch our lives in the process.  But, God inherently will use such events, to eventually bring about good in the world, and hence in our lives.

Romans 8:28 brings comfort, because although sin and the enemy may be powerful; our God is more powerful; He can bring restoration, and redemption, for His glory, and for our good.

Trust God.

God can, and will ultimately use all things for good.

He defeated death.

He is the Author of peace, and He is our Savior.

We know, in fact, that until Christ returns, there will always be evil in the world, and sadness, and wicked things…until Christ wipes them out permanently, when He returns.

Until that glorious return,  take comfort in the Comforter’s words, and promises. They’re filled in His Holy Book, which is a common denominator, and ground of solidity for those of great faith.

As we go through life, and see images on the news, or hear of sad things, troubles, sickness both in the world and in our lives, keep looking up, for our redemption draws near!

As our Lord and Savior said,  “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” 

John 14:27 (NKJV)

 “Father, thank You for Your endless love and provisions, without You we could never get through one day, let alone a lifetime, we trust You and love You, thank You for holding us safely in the cleft of the Rock,  for Your protection, and for Your love, no matter what happens in our life, or this world, we know You are with us always,  in Jesus precious name, Amen.”