DEAR GOD: Always & Forever~





The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us,

and we beheld His glory,

the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,

full of grace and truth.”

John 1:14 (NKJV)

Whatever our Savior Jesus did, or said, it was always with grace, love, and most important, always in truth. He only spoke the truth. His words touched those within His sight when He walked among us. His words, and ways, continue touching and healing hearts to this very day.

Jesus was not gracious for just a moment in time, but every second of His time was loving, kind and filled with truth. Truth is “painful” for some. Sometimes, we don’t want to face the truth, or hear the truth. But, as it is said, “the truth will set you free.”

And, Jesus has set us free by coming, and defeating death. Our very Author of Salvation cleansed us with His purity, and His blood, which was willingly shed, for all.

The world is in chaos, and the enemy seems to be having a field day…especially these past several weeks. Confusion is” knocking” on many people’s doors. And, the advice Jesus would probably offer is “don’t open the door” God is not the creator of confusion, pain, or jarring images. He is the creator of peace and love, which equates into full blown tranquility.

As we go forward, and delve into His Word, and meditate on His word, we discover so much more each time. There are so many facets of God. His magnitude, and prolific Presence is all around us. We feel His love in all aspects of our daily life.

From the moment we open our eyes in the morning, we realize He has graced us with another day. To the moment we arrive safely to our given destinations during the day, He has protected us. To the moment we encounter friends, family…people we offer Godly counsel to, or a smile and touch of the hand. This is all thanks to God. To the moment we get ready for another night of sleep, as He watches over us. We may sleep, but remember this, God never does. He watches us, protects us constantly. Again, how reassuring is that?

So to those who are facing issues, personal or otherwise…those of you who are lonely, fearful, or those in need of a caring voice, or kind word, it’s okay. Because God hears, sees, and knows. He is with you each step of the way from the moment you are born, to the moment you leave this earth. You are never alone.

So, open your arms really wide, and walk into His loving embrace, and offer your love in return. There is no one anywhere in this entire Universe who loves you like He does.

Now, seriously… don’t you feel better just knowing that?

“…and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.”

John 28:20 (NKJV)