DEAR GOD: You Are Our Sustenance and Comfort~




Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”

Deuteronomy 31:6 (NKJV)


Illnesses can spark fears, worries and suffering with individuals and families, and can be emotionally crippling as we crumble under the pressures that sickness and adversity can bring.

The Bible is the “Voice” of the LORD who can help at all times in our life, but especially during the darkest days of our lives.  If we remember, during our crises, the “Word” can ultimately help the afflicted while seeking prayer for comfort and release from “anxieties” and “fear.”  Which is not from the LORD.

1 John 4:18  strongly emphasizes, that there is no fear in love, because perfect love casts out fear. We were all made in perfect love by our Creator.  Our LORD loves us, and brings peace and comfort, not fear. Fear creates worry, anxiety, and perpetuates in the negativity mode which can spiral out of control. When we do this, we are not perfected in love.  So, cast it away, for it is not from the LORD, and ask for His perfect peace and wisdom to guide you.

Psalm 107:20 is another example and great aspect of His power and love.  It states He sent His word and healed, He rescued them from the grave. Amen!

It is so important during times of stress, worry, pain, and sickness to remember that God ultimately holds the power not only to sustain and nourish us, but essentially, to “heal us.”  I cannot emphasize too much about the importance of keeping the faith amid the pain, worry and uncertainty.  He is there, He will never leave us.  He is our Sovereign God, and He reigns Supreme over all things, good and bad.

2 Thessalonians 3:16 is yet another fine example and strong component to solidify His love for us. He holds the power to offer each of us peace no matter what we are facing. When we seek that peace we are working toward a higher realm in Him as we go through the valley, with having a more God-reliant heart.

Phillipians 4:6 Is one of my favorites.  It tells us outright “not to be anxious about anything” but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present our requests to God, the Creator and Master, and the One who is in Control of all things at all times. These Bible verses remind us that prayers, thanksgiving, along with petition are vitally important to our faith, and the Spirit in which we should approach God.

Luke 8:50 Jesus informs Jairus, “don’t be afraid; just believe and she will be healed.”  We are human, and with humanity is flesh which is prone to “well— human reactions.”  Fear is in fact a natural reaction to being diagnosed with an illness, or watching someone suffer an uphill health battle…but the Bible is our great source of Comfort, from the LORD who is the “voice” of peace, that Jesus heals. When we read biblical accounts of healing, we should feel confidence that while God’s will and plan triumphs all else, and overcoming health battles, worries, or anxieties, is absolutely possible!  Amen!

Isaiah 41:10 This passage is truly one of such comfort.  Knowing that God is with us, that He will strengthen us, and help us, and will uphold us with His righteous right hand!  He promises to offer comfort to those who seek Him.  When pain, suffering, illnesses, worry, anxiety hit you or a loved one, remember the LORD will ALWAYS guide you through the hard times.

To sum up a vitally crucial message in the LORD, remember this; no matter what happens be sure to place all of your fears, worries and hopes in the LORD.  Navigating tough times can be difficult, but with GOD all things are possible. Amen!

“Father, thank You for Your right hand of righteousness,  for Your love, Your peace, Your willingness to offer Comfort and guidance through all aspects of our lives, help us to remember to glorify You and give You all the praise, no matter what,  Your will be done, in Jesus name, Amen.”